The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
Update on #75hard. Day 19. Jan 28, 2022

Update on 75 Hard days 19 harm.

I'm starting to get some interesting effects at this point.

Dizziness, a sense of like general disorientation.

It's kind of weird.

I don't know whether it's from the scuba diving, it could be from the quills, which was a medication that took for seasickness...

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I am no sailor but it was worth it! Jan 27, 2022

I am no sailor, but it was worth it.

It was definitely worth it.

So today, I got to go scuba diving three times early start, like seriously early stuff.

I didn't sleep that well at all.

So I remember looking at my phone at about 425 in the morning, the alarm was set for 525.

And I got out of bed...

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1st scuba dive. Wow. Jan 26, 2022

Alright, first scuba dive.

Well, I just want to document this.

It has been a pretty awesome day to be able to go out and scuba did pool day yesterday, as we covered in yesterday's episode, but today was out on the boat, big swells coming in.

So we made it out.

There's a lot of surfers out at...

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Why does scuba training enforce strict systems adherence? Jan 25, 2022

Why does scuba training enforce strict systems compliance, I had an awesome experience today I was learning scuba, this is the first time that I've ever done this, I did it with my son, semi third in half, He had to get a medical because he's under 15.

And so He already had an experience of...

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Scuba systems... At last! Jan 24, 2022

Scuba systems, at last, I want to share with you a little experience that I'm having, which is getting the final prep ready for the next three days.

What are the next three days? Well, I'm going to learn to scuba dive, I'm super excited by this, I'm taking my eldest son, third in half, and we are...

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Retargeting advertising is not advertising? Jan 23, 2022

Retargeting advertising is not advertising.

Of course, it's advertising.

How could it retarget advertising? Not be advertising.

This makes no sense.

But wait, but wait, I want to open your minds up to an idea here.

And that is that many of the words internet marketing are used interchangeably,...

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So you say you want to sell something...? Jan 22, 2022

So you say, you want to sell something.

This is an interesting conversation, the conversation of sales, making money.

And it's an exciting conversation.

Like, if you have had the experience of selling that, you'll know that the actual sales experience itself when it works, it's amazing is like,...

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How to defend against Roblox? Jan 21, 2022

How to defend against Roblox defending against Roblox like, what am I talking about hit well know how you're going.

But I have an eight year old daughter, and she's awesome to amazing.

But like myself and my boys, we have a very strong calling to the video games now, I actually managed to freak...

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Before you build your next funnel, here’s what to think about... Jan 21, 2022

Knowing the full picture will help you.

Think about the last funnel you built.

How did it go?

Did you get it done on time with everything you needed?

Or did you run into one or more problems on the journey…

  • Forgotten pages you needed?
  • Forgotten components (tags, forms, integrations)?
  • ...
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Systems are not separate from processes or people! Jan 20, 2022

Systems are not separate from processes and people.

They're not, they're not.

And it's easy to get the thought in your mind that processes are one thing, people are another thing.

And systems are a third separate thing.

And these are all required to get done in your business.

But what I want to...

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This might be the first thing you should fix in a underperforming funnel! Jan 19, 2022

This might be the first thing you need to fix in an underperforming funnel.

So if you've got an underperforming funnel, let's say that you've got to that stage, you've successfully deployed the pages, you've deployed the forms you've checked, it's working, you've got your ads running, plus or...

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When are short term sacrifices justified? Jan 18, 2022

When are short-term sacrifices justified? Look, I got two short-term programs going on that are causing pain causing difficulty.

The first is 75 hearts.

So I trained for the first time with my regular trainer who's been away for two weeks down in Melbourne, visiting her family.

So she comes back,...

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