Update on #75hard. Day 19.

Jan 28, 2022

Update on 75 Hard days 19 harm.

I'm starting to get some interesting effects at this point.

Dizziness, a sense of like general disorientation.

It's kind of weird.

I don't know whether it's from the scuba diving, it could be from the quills, which was a medication that took for seasickness yesterday.

But it could also just be the relentless nature of this challenge.

And day 19 It's not that far in life, that's the scary thing for me, I might well mentor a mentor, do this another six days just to get 1/3 of the way.

And then do another 25.

And another 25 days.

I'm like, Whoa, this is getting interesting.

The results though are peculiar.

I weighed myself.

And I'm down from 103 200.

So 103 kilos, 200 kilos.

That's, that's pretty impressive.

My Wow, okay, three kilograms into it, it's probably too fast in terms of weight loss, but then, the challenges of eating are quite significant.

Um, I'm targeting metabolic precision.

Metabolic precision at 100% is pretty difficult.

Like it is a seriously difficult diet.

So I'm not perfect on that.

And example, for like, just coming, I had to finish work early because my wife's in Brisbane, her mom is dying.

And, and so I needed to come home to my kids.

They hadn't had lunch.

And so I just got sushi and sushi.

And my guy is always from Bangalore, going to Bangalore has two shops there.

So that was what was on offer.

And like I had a bit of that.

And then I had a piece of bread with avocado and ham.

And I actually got gifted some amazing homemade pickles today, which was really incredible.

And I got to chat with this patient, very interesting.

And He described gardening as something that must be done five minutes a day.

And I was like, Look, isn't that interesting? He's like, Yeah, you can't show up once a month and expect your garden to be in good shape.

And, and that's an interesting principle that came out of that.

It's like, yeah, five minutes a day, takes the garden, exponentially better.

Then whatever, all of those five minutes are 30 times five.

So what's that? 30 times five.

Nothing like maths on camera.

150 minutes.

So two and a half hours once a month.

The results, interestingly enough, are a completely different one.

There is a huge amount of overgrown weeds.

You could barely do the work in an hour and a half in about two and a half hours, you're probably looking at substantially more you've got overgrown vegetables that there are times where they are ripe, got Miss lettuces have shot up.

And there is a there is something about a small amount of work every day.

And that's pretty much what 75 heart is, except it's not a small amount of work.

It's a reasonable amount of work to 45-minute workouts now my second one I have been walking.

And if you're a 7500 purist, you're like Dude, that's not a workout.

And you know what, my interest in injuring myself is significantly less than getting a 45-minute walk in.

Now, will it mean that my results are less than if I had been doing high-intensity workouts or waiting for sessions? A week a day? Hell yeah.

Hell yeah.

But I'm also in this for the long term.

I also want to complete this and it's just really interesting to be getting nausea and dizziness coming through.

And whether that's a purification experience, and it could well be it could be like dropping down layers of fat, and whether there are any toxins that are stored there.

That could well be for a large amount of water that is consumed with this.

I have been adding a salt reasonable amount of time.

And I have also been adding lime and lemon juice.

A bit of the time, I did run into one rather interesting side effect, which was marked constipation on one day.

And that was unexpected given the amount of water.

So unclear whether the saltwater was at fault, or whether it was the training and I just was late to school one day, and that just meant it.

It was anyway, so constipation, it's an I don't know whether that is known risk or not for 75 hard but if you're considering 75, you're like, Okay, stay hydrated, stay hydrated, like it's it is critical.

And then look up whether saltwater causes constipation or not.

The overall challenge is really good.

I'm actually enjoying it greatly.

The reading is pushed pushing a little far past where I was at previously.

So traditionally, I would read some kind of book every day and get the Define 10 pages.

It's that's really not being a challenge.

The water has been fine.

I have a one-liter Nalgene and just consume that through the day track that 1234.

And then definitely one of the critical things is getting the first workout in early in the day just to open up that gap.

Ideally, it is a very interesting experience to be at alike today I was at 830.

And I was like man, I am tired.

I am tired.

What do I do? So I actually did a what when a bit more than 15 minutes.

It's a 12-minute meditation.

But I started that at 845 came back to consciousness at 907 and then did a 45-minute walk.

Now, this is all relatively extreme, given the amount of stuff that's going on in my life, but I am I am.

I do think it is it is part of the game of 75 heart is to be able to work through the events of life the test that it presents, can I still do it and I'm liking it.

I'm enjoying it.

It's it's difficult.

And there is clearly an investment that's gone in that makes keeping the streak alive.

Far more valuable than letting it drop.

So we'll see how it goes.

I hope you have an awesome day today.

I hope you enjoyed this little breakthrough session.

A little talk about 75 hard and perhaps you're considering it.

If you are and you have a trainer then definitely ask your trainer.

If you are unfit and haven't done anything for a long time.

Maybe you should aim for some level of fitness before taking on 75 hard or perhaps seeing your physician for an opinion.

But it is a cool experience and I'm really enjoying it.

So look that's all I got for you tonight.

I'm going to go to bed I am exhausted.

And I'm looking forward to continuing the streak tomorrow.

I look forward to seeing you guys then. Bye.





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