I am no sailor but it was worth it!

Jan 27, 2022

I am no sailor, but it was worth it.

It was definitely worth it.

So today, I got to go scuba diving three times early start, like seriously early stuff.

I didn't sleep that well at all.

So I remember looking at my phone at about 425 in the morning, the alarm was set for 525.

And I got out of bed 517 meditated and then went through part of my normal morning routine, I got to answer a bunch of questions out of an application called the stack from Wake Up Warrior if you want to check that out, playwarrior.io

And then got my son up and we hit the road at 6 am at the dive center, 615 minor waves of panic on the way gotta say the minor panic semi was like, was it quarter to six? I'm like, oh, no, I thought it was quarter past six is like, Well, I haven't caught a two.

I will What am I going to do? Not much I can do we'll just have to move on and get there.

Luckily, it was quarter past six.

And so we got our gear on.

And we headed out in the bus to arrive at the past waves, waves as well as less today.

The waves are still good.

But we were not surfing.

We were going diving.

So yesterday's seasickness was a pretty bad day, the divemaster the instructor was like we'll try quills.

So this is a higher scene, I think it's called a higher skin, something like that.

So we both took one.

And it was a weird experience because it felt like we should have been seasick, but we weren't.

So it's this weird mismatch of kind of feeling sick, but not really very odd.

The good news is that we dive that first dive successfully and a lot less current yesterday.

What I want to tell you down there is that it was amazing.

It was absolutely amazing to enter into these relatively alien worlds like my thoughts were at times it was like going to that old movie called Avatar.

And if you've seen avatar, if you haven't, at the time, it was groundbreaking.

They were kind of had those 3d goggle things that didn't really work.

But avatar looked real and then went down at Julian rocks to scuba dive.

It was like that, particularly when we saw the giant Manta Ray Now manta rays.

I think they're just incredible.

Like it was so cool to see this manta ray and it was huge, like, way bigger than I was expecting.

I've seen stingrays before you know they're whatever they this thing was was three times my size like I'm six-one.

And this thing was huge.

It was so cool.

It was the coolest experience plus there were all sorts of sharks and fish in coral and all sorts of cool stuff down there.

So we did the skills and we came up and then we changed the dive cylinders the air tanks while we're in the water so that the hand up to the boat, the diet the skipper changes and throws them back in the water and then putting them back on in the water was a skill that we practiced on Tuesday and got to test that output it on and then back down again we went and again seeing this giant manta rays so cool.

So it came back into land after that had some kind of breakfast lunch.

It was weird.

It was like quarter past nine my son's semi Sam's like I want lunch I'm like dude, let's get breakfast and He was like not want lunch so He ended up having sushi which was cool and I just had me so I just wanted to have some way to test out how my stomach was so I was pretty hungry.

Anyway, we went back out to the third one and once again took the quills no no real seasickness at all.

And again great dive no manta ray this time but super fun just playing down there in this alien world like if you haven't learned to scuba and you would like to check out a world that is completely different from our extended world that exists up here then you should definitely learn scuba it is the if you don't want to do this scuba thing then freediving but I would recommend that you get training on that, that the skill sets required will enable you to go deeper, but also safety will be far higher than if you just go do diving by yourself you can die it is possible to die from freediving.

Particularly if you're using Wim Hof breathing these are recommended Do not ever do them in water.

Why? Because you'll pass out and drown like well, okay, well that wasn't very good but you If you want to check out this world then you've got to find some way of getting down into the water successfully whether that is free diving, whether that is snorkeling, whether that is scuba.

Scuba was epic.

Now, this did why did I do this? Well, part of me is excited now that I'm fully trained.

I have been certified to be an Open Water Diver and I can now go to Molokai.

If you don't know what Molokai is, Molokai is an island in Hawaii.

It's a volcano Island and half of it fills in the ocean.

So there is this enormous cliff into the sea, where the volcano erupted.

Molokai, half of it fell in the ocean.

So half was left and you can dive that and get dropped off and just like scuba all the way along, but you got to be scuba certified.

And I'm like, okay, great.

I want to have this experience.

What did I take from all of this? Well, I have been feeling pretty weird.

Once we got back on land like this definitely been waves of like almost seasickness whether this is the quells whether this is just the action the ocean, or me, I have experienced is one of the times when I was in the Whitsundays on bear boating, and we'd been on the boat for like five days came on to land.

And it was very distinct that the land was all moving.

Obviously, it wasn't moving.

It was just my perception of it.

But it was a very, very awkward and unpleasant experience.

And that's what I've got.

Now, hopefully, that settles over the next day, two days, I don't really want to keep having these, these experiences.

But it was worth it.

It was so cool.

It was so so so cool.

What did I take from it from a systems perspective? Well, look, these guys have systems that are being executed each day, in order to get to that final result of a certified scuba diver, then all of the systems had to be executed.

So day one was training in the pool before that was even watching the videos.

Day one training in the pool, day two, diving, doing skill sets, day three diving skill sets.

And the fourth dive was a free diver like Hey, you're good to go.

You know, your safety routines, you know how to use all your equipment, you're fully skilled, we're just going to check everything for dives in open certification.

It was a pleasure.

What I want you to know is that they were running systems to get this done.

And none of the guys that were teaching the systems created the systems.

So all they were doing was implementing the systems.

Now those systems would have gone under a lot of improvements over the years.

And that is the coolest thing about actually having even the most basic form of a system is that it allows you to improve it over time.

Now, does this open up for what is a system short? Could a system be a training course to learn scuba? Yes, it could a system be a framework that you execute? Yes, it could.

These words, these words are describing the same thing where there is a set of instructions that are being executed 123456 next sets of instructions 1234.

Next set of instructions 123456.

Whether you call them frameworks, whether you call them courses, whether you call them systems, it doesn't matter.

The idea here is that by doing set amounts of work, you can get the results that you want.

When you see this then life will take a very different turn.

No longer will you be curious or astounded by Why did some things happen, you will suddenly see the world as a massive, enormous, incomprehensible system that continually produces results.

Those of you who are getting this will begin to see that the documentation of systems becomes important because then you can troubleshoot your systems until you get the results that you want.

Alright, that's all I'm going to leave you with for today.

I am getting a wave of nausea right now.

It's pretty trippy.

It's like well, the world is not a stable place right now.

Isn't that a commentary on 2022 But anyway, I'm going to go to bed and get some sleep?

Thank you for joining me for today's episode.

Hopefully, you got a lot of value out of it.

I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power systems that create results.

See you then.





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