The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
Why great marketing makes money. Dec 03, 2021

We ran into a business problem…

If the goal of a business is to attract customers, sell to customers and deliver to customers…

Then how do the four common business areas of marketing, sales, advertising, and fulfilling fit together?

I gave you how I thought of them - like...

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Why do so many projects fail even if the team members work so hard? Dec 03, 2021

Why do so many projects fail, even if the team members are working so hard? Like, that's what I see, I see a lot of people working really hard doing long hours.

And yet, the stats say that many projects will fail.

I want to introduce you to two ideas that I'm running concurrently for whatever...

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System failures are a good thing? Dec 02, 2021

System failures are a good thing.

You would think perhaps that when systems don't work when they fail that this would be a bad thing inverted commas, a bad thing makes things not work.

And the unfortunate thing is that for a lot of people, a system failure is a bad thing.

Why because they do not...

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Systems hidden in plain sight... Dec 01, 2021

System's hidden in plain sight.

I want to welcome you to our today's episode, we are challenged with a difficulty that you may have as well.

And that is large home power bills.

Like I don't know whether you're suffering from this, I have myself, my wife and my three kids in the house, we also...

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Why do successful owners obsess about minimising lag time? Nov 30, 2021

Why do successful owners obsess about minimizing lag time? Welcome to today's episode, interesting experience today.

So I was with the cleaners, the cleaners come in and clean the house.

And they were speaking of another client that they had visited, who was building a new house and they said,...

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Why do these three words make such a massive difference to your take home profit? Nov 28, 2021

The old jet on the promise that you made.

But there is an exchange of cash or money or something else, maybe Bitcoin.

But something changed hands.

And in that, they said that the prospect said yes, I want that.

I want what you are offering, and they gave you money, and then you gave them what...

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What do family camping trips reveal about systems? Nov 27, 2021

What the family camping trips reveal about systems, family camping trips, and systems at least seems like an exciting topic.

But one Welcome to what He had, what He had is about an hour and a half south of Byron Bay where I live.

And we're down here with a whole bunch of families, there's a whole...

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The Secret of Systems... Nov 26, 2021

The secret of systems? What is the secret about systems? 

Like, why is this so much interest or so many business people like, hey, you know what you got to get your systems on point? Well, what I want to share with you is that there is a link that you must make and your team must make about...

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What are the two situations systems make sense and the one where they do not? Nov 25, 2021

What are the two situations where systems make sense? And one where they don't? 

Welcome to today's episode? My name is Tom Rolley, excited to talk to you about this, this came out of a conversation with my mentor, Garrett J.

Whiteout of Wake Up Warrior.

If you haven't checked out,...

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What is the real team problem you are trying to solve? Nov 24, 2021

What is the real team problem that you're trying to solve? 

Like, what's the root problem, when you think about your team, the problems that you're having with them, where they don't do the right thing, where you have to continually tell them what to do same problems over and over, and...

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You don't really want systems, you want what? Nov 23, 2021

If you don't really want systems then you want what? The interesting conversation today? 

Why would you want systems, like systems take a bit of effort takes a bit of knowledge, and a continuing dedication to actually use the system as it is designed?

If you don't use it properly, then it...

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Why is it so easy to underestimate the work required to get a sales page up? Nov 22, 2021

Why is it so easy to underestimate the amount of work that it takes to get a sales page up?

Have you actually got your sales pages up and you're like, Man, this is taking way longer than I was expecting?

So what I'm bringing a little awareness to you that maybe you relate to this. I'm now three...

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