The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
How to get better. Dec 25, 2021

How to get better.

Like how to get better.

This is presumably something that you want in your life, it's certainly something that I want in my life.

And I want to share a little story with you about how to get better.

I was honored enough to go through a three-day workshop last three days today...

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What if houses were built like businesses? Dec 24, 2021

What if houses were built like businesses? 

Like check this out if houses were built like businesses, and you're walking down just a standard suburban street nothing special but on a normal suburban street, you walk along all the houses are built, they work but if they were businesses, you...

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How to protect your business from unexpected problems using systems analysis? Dec 23, 2021

How to protect your business from unexpected problems using systems analysis.

What am I talking about here? Well, it's been a very interesting day.

So today is the first of a three-day workshop that I have done for the last couple of years.

And it is called the fact map experience.

It's run...

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Why do good naming structures help productivity? Dec 22, 2021

Why do good naming structures help productivity? This is coming up for me because I'm about to record three different versions of a video that's coming up for a funnel that I'm producing.

And I wanted to test and run different sound absorption mechanisms to see hey, how does it work? One is the...

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What are the two requirements for a successful business and the ways to meet them? Dec 21, 2021

What are the two requirements for a successful business? And the ways to meet them? This is an interesting question because you might think that business is either extremely simple or incredibly complex.

And yet, I want to suggest to you that there are just two things that you must have in place...

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What two critical software are required for a systemised business? Dec 20, 2021

What two critical software is required for a systemized business? straight off the bat? Is it software? I don't know.

But to have a systemized business, you're going to need two particular ones.

The first one is some way of keeping track of the work that's getting done.

Basically a project...

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What to do when all the alarms flashing red? Dec 19, 2021

What to do when all the alarms are flashing red? Like I want you to imagine that the sirens are going off, the red lights are flashing, there is a major disaster, imminence.

And what would you do? You see, you would expect, you would think that you would take action.

Imagine you're in a plane...

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Are you willing to accept the consequences of inaction? Dec 18, 2021

Are you willing to accept the consequences of inaction? This is an interesting question.

And the reason I asked is that the basic premise of System IO is that systems create results.

And within those systems, there is work that must be done.

And when that work gets done, you get the results.


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What are the characteristics of the best leaders in business? Dec 17, 2021

What are the characteristics of the best leaders in business? Oh, to share with you a new book that I began, I know you might think, Wow, man, this guy reads a lot of books.

I'm like, yeah, I know.

I like reading the books, not only reading them, but actually extracting out the learning or the...

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Three fast ways to fill Christmas Stockings AND increase your “take-home” profit. Dec 16, 2021

Could this be right?

So this year continues its relentless pace…

And if you look up, you will see that it is just 9 or 10 days (depending on where you are in the world)... Until Christmas.

Have you thought about stocking fillers for yourself?

Now, this might sound selfish…

As you...

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Why does everything work better with full batteries? Dec 16, 2021

Why does everything work better with full batteries and whether you've run into this phenomenon before? But if I have been running late, underprepared, and hoping that at the moment I'll manage to get technology to work, technology that runs on batteries, then invariably, perhaps not invariably,...

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Is there anything in digital marketing that cannot be copied? Dec 15, 2021

Is there anything in digital marketing that cannot be copied? Like it is just so easy to copy everything these days you can go to somebody else's videos, somebody else's pages, you can funnel hack their experience and go through and track everything that they're doing, get all the emails, copy...

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