Reflections on failing #75Hard

Feb 01, 2022

Reflections on failing 75 Hard.

Yep, I have failed 7500.

This happened two nights ago, and I believe was on day 21.

So I achieved 20 days of 75 heart, which was pretty cool, pretty happy with that achievement.

But the requirement for 75 Hard is obviously 75 days in a row.

And in one sense, there was a significant loss in terms of all of that work that went in to get today 20 falls away with one myth of the program.

Now, this is something that I considered this decision on day 21 was something that was considered what was going on for me was that I had about an hour and a half left in the day, and I had a choice between completing 75 hard and then going to bed or completing a different challenge that I'm part of.

Now that different challenge, its consequences of failure are not the loss of 20 days of the previous work, which is significant, but not that big a deal.

Rather, if I did not complete that one.

Then I have to pay my buddy Todd Smith out of surreal cycling $1,000.

Now $1,000 might be a lot to you, it might be a little bit to you doesn't really matter.

It was enough for us to go you know what this skin the game here.

And when the choice came, the battle became between 75 hard and the Todd father challenge.

Todd's father one.

Why because the consequences were more significant.

Now, that is what played out on that day.

But could that have been avoided? Yes, it could have.

There's no doubt about it.

What I found was travel makes very challenging.

On one of the days, I did think it was eight hours of driving on one of the days I did five hours driving and there was also socializing with my family hadn't seen for a while, all of these things came ahead of getting the work done.

But what I learned was that this 75 hard thing works.

I lost three kilos in 20 days, which is pretty significant.

Usually, nothing else had made a lot of difference to me.

But that was due to two things.

One is obviously the increased amount of exercise.

There's no doubt about that.

But I was also cautious about putting pushing too hard.

A lot of my second 45-minute walk workouts for walks which you may or may not consider to be a workout.

I was concerned at 44 About injuring myself.

I was concerned about also pushing too hard and triggering tinnitus.

I have suffered from tinnitus before it is a sign in Chinese medicine of exhausting kidney Yin.

This is not something that is easily replaced.

And it should be approached very carefully.

It has settled and usually, it's pretty good although I did have an episode two nights ago or one night ago where it was really severe as well pushing too hard Tom is so cautious around the exhausting kidney, which is not easily replaced.

As I said, there might be some weird esoteric methods in Chinese methods in medicine, but I don't know them.

The principle of kidney protection is it is much better to have prevention rather than trying to replace it.

It essentially represents the battery pack for my entire lifetime.

And each of us is given an allotment of kidney energy kidney Yin kidney Yang, and that must last us our entire lifetime.

Now we can burn it up faster by pushing beyond ourselves by staying up through the night by drinking excessive amounts of coffee, lots of different things.

But I get this wonderful warning sign of tinnitus.

So I think what I did take from the program so far is that the first workout getting that done early in the morning was critical.

And getting that done to set up the day because it led to the photo and it led to usually the consumption of the first liter of water the first before adding up to the gallon so I was already on point for that day.

Then it was a matter of managing diet continuing to consume the water.

Reading wasn't a real challenge for me.

I've already been in that habit for a long time.

And so just continuing the 10 pages was not a big deal it was, it was pretty cool.

But it wasn't a massive make or break.

The second workout was definitely hard, often I would find myself at 839 o'clock.

And the two things that I would change about that is to bring it forward to a set amount of time.

Now, this is a challenge given that I've got kids, I've got family, and the taking of an extra hour out of my day, or even more 75 minutes actually does have consequences.

And so discussion with my family with my wife particularly would be of significant benefit.

I think the other thing to consider is the timeframe given that it's about two and a half months, holidays, and travel, which also mess up this entire program pretty badly.

If I had to fly to America on one of the weeks, then that is going to make it extremely difficult.

So it's almost like blocking out two and a half months for the completion of this.

And just having obtainable holidays, I perhaps a weekend away camping where I can leave on Saturday come back on Sunday and still have the space in my life.

Now, could you burn the midnight oil and start training at 11 o'clock at night looking at code, it's just not something that I'm willing to do at this point.

Because this, to me, looks like not only a mental discipline factor of which it is but also an organizational factor.

And so getting a feel for it over the last 20 days will enable me to prepare better for this.

This is kind of like a almost like a preparation for a marathon or preparation for a try in terms of except that there's not a final event, it's just the daily discipline of showing up doing the work.

So scheduling it, both in terms of that two and a half months.

And also the day is extremely important.

I think that the results would be there.

If I had continued on if I'd found the willpower to push through, then I would continue losing weight.

And I'm encouraged by that.

What this program also did was eliminate a lot of bad food habits that I had got into chocolate and chips being two very prominent ones.

I have looked at these in my life there as well.

There's quite a lot of opportunity, kids and just general socialization, lots of stuff like that.

But so far, even with failure, I've continued to not consume that chocolate, the juice, the junk food, and I'm pretty sure that was adding 100 grams a week 50 to 100 grams a week.

I don't know what that is in pounds, you'd have to look it up.

But there are 2.

2 pounds and a kilogram.

So like whatever that is.

Never try and do mass live on a live video.

Anyway, so so that elimination is critical, even if that just stabilizes my weight.

The second thing is the elimination of alcohol.

Look, I was not having a major challenge around alcohol.

But it still has felt exceptionally good to wake up clear every morning to not have those extra calories as well.

So I'm going to regroup and take these lessons.

And most likely looking at an April approach to this to block this out through April, May, and half of June to get this completed.

But it's certainly been a powerful experience so far.

If you haven't done 75 hard, then I would actually invest more time into planning beforehand than I did.

I just kind of jumped in.

But you know what each day has to have.

And therefore if you're going to do this, plan out your day, plan out your workouts, plan out your diet, what's that going to look like repeat that every week, kind of boring, but that at least will enable you to have the opportunity to knock out every day consistently.

And then take that final insight of looking at the timeframe that you are going to complete the theme and actually plan for that as well.

So this is a little like a mouse nearing a little marathon little like tries in that preparation will make a difference to your success.

And so I'll take these lessons and all apply these next time looking forward to taking this challenge out.

Why? Well, I would love those results that come from the execution of this system.

But I do know that having failed this now gives me the opportunity to learn from that and actually go forward and be completely successful.

That's all I got for you tonight.

I am here in Thredbo in the snowy mountains it's summertime behind me is the mountain biking Park.

I believe this is the only lifted mountain biking Park in Australia at the moment.

It's really awesome here at the most beautiful weather it's crispier so nice living at the beach it's really nice to come to the mountains look forward to serving you tomorrow on tomorrow's episode thanks for tuning in today and I'll see you then.





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