The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
Which is better? Video or written SOPs? Jun 06, 2021

Okay, great.

Welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley for, I want to look at the important topic of process documentation.

And there are two schools of thought one is written, that it's documented either in a soft copy or a hard copy, actually written out the document.


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The difficult consequences of poor training. Jun 06, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, I've just come from a very difficult experience and that is going to the wake of, one of the men that is in the social circles that I exist in, in, in Byron Bay.

I, He was certainly not a close friend of mine.

But He knew many of the people that I did.


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The first systemized business is the hardest. Jun 06, 2021

Alright, thanks for joining me on today's episode.

So I had a meeting with Joey out of grit marketer, if you need help with your funnels and your marketing, then head over there.

But we were discussing the difficulties of the systemization of businesses.

And really the true cost of that when...

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The cost when systems don't work! Jun 06, 2021

Okay, thanks for tuning in.

For today's episode, I want to talk to you about the cost that happens to businesses when systems don't work.

So yesterday, if you join me, you remember that we had a look at the driveway that was being put in at my house.

Now, about 1 pm, I get a call from DJI.


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Upgrading your business. Jun 06, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, what is up, we got some action here at the house and I want to share with you.

So my dog's been a bit excitable.

And let's go have a look here.

And I'm going to show you you're going to hear a little bit of noise.

It's pretty noisy.

But when I flick over,...

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Finished Clockwork by Mike Michalowicz Jun 04, 2021

Okay, welcome to today's episode.

As the title suggests, I've just finished the audiobook clockwork.

And this is written by Mike McCalla wits, the author of a couple of other pretty cool books, one being the Pumpkin Plan and the other one being profit first.

So this is my third book by Mike.


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Your gaming addiction has a benefit? No way. Jun 01, 2021

Alright, thanks for joining me on today's episode.

Well, as you can see from the title, there is an addiction that I want to share with you, and that addiction is to video games for a second, probably now 12 1314 years, I have known that I have a serious problem with video games.

This first...

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More Money Without More Time? May 31, 2021

Okay, welcome to today's episode, I have been on the traffic to call this morning that is my small group mastermind with three other brothers from Wake Up Warrior we meet every week there in the states sometime around 11 or 12 pm.

On a Friday.

For me, it's a 4 am call on a Saturday morning, which...

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Make one change and test. May 31, 2021

Okay, thanks for joining me on today's episode, I wanted to talk about an issue that I'm having in the setup of my email campaigns.

Now, if you've been in digital marketing for any period of time, you'll know that one of the key parts of marketing is to build your list and then develop your...

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Testing is important. May 30, 2021

Okay, thanks for joining me on today's episode.

I'm just here at the soccer fields behind me, I'm going to flip my camera and see Yep, you can check out there that I've got my eldest son, semi training at this point for his soccer.

He's had some injuries, he's struggling a little bit with that.


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Legs are killing me. May 30, 2021

Alright, thanks for joining me on today's episode.

As you have seen, my legs are killing me.

Yes, I had a very intense session with my personal trainer.

Name's Felicity, she is, oh man, she's full-on.

She is full-on like, we're working on legs.

So I expected that it was going to be a hard day and...

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Can this be simplified? May 28, 2021

Okay, welcome to today's episode, I am grateful for your presence.

And thanks for tuning in as we continue exploring the importance and the power of systems and processes in your business and in mind.

And in fact, what I want to share today is that I have a reasonably well dialed-in system for...

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