The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
Slow going in the garden... Initial system building is a lot of work? Aug 22, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, look, I've just been down in the garden, putting in about two hours of fairly difficult work.

So it's the middle of winter here.

And it's pretty nice.

But I want to get on top of the situation.

Because once spring comes, this place goes bananas.

So it's...

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Which is better? Organize around people for their work or work for people? Aug 20, 2021

All right, we've got kids around at the moment, we're in lockdown day number three Daenam.

For something like that.

It's okay.

It's Byron Bay, it's not so bad.

I went surfing this morning, and I didn't do very well.

I didn't drown, which was awesome.

But my, my usual board is seven foot eight.


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Strange responses to exiting the comfort zone. Logic is no match for emotion. Aug 20, 2021

So it's late at night, and I should have done this hours ago part.

The interesting thing about business is that many of us know about sedating about hiding about running away when things aren't going well.

And things are overwhelming.

Things aren't working.

It's easy to turn to drink to cannabis,...

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What is a System? Inputs, outputs, process, people and more? Aug 20, 2021

Alright, so I thought I'd address a question that presumably is going to come up people.

What is a system? What is a system? And it might seem quite a simple thing.

It's like, oh, yes, system.

It's it's one of those things.

But exactly what is the system? Let's, let's talk about a couple of...

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just 4 words? "let's do a webinar!" Aug 19, 2021

So I got some news from one of my buddies today.

And He said that He had to postpone a webinar.

This webinar was meant to go out today.

And He said to push back to Friday.

And that's not such a big deal.

You know, it's not much big deal.

But it does raise a question in a prospects mind about, oh,...

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Cost of failing systems in your business... Aug 19, 2021

Welcome to today's episode, we have been on a journey over the last six days.

And today is a review of that A, looking back at what we've covered.

And this is particularly important if you're struggling in your business.

And one of the interesting things that happens in business is that you can...

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Time to Scale. Aug 19, 2021

All right, welcome to this fourth part, as we've been on the journey over the last five days, looking at where you are in your business where you find your businesses, chaotic things not working, which is ironic because things were working until you hit a certain level of success.

And in that...

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System Structure. Aug 19, 2021

Okay, welcome to this our third step in the journey that we've been taking over the last couple of days, if you go back, and we began with the problem that you may be facing that your business is chaotic, and it's causing all sorts of havoc for you as a business owner, but also in your family...

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The system to send emails to your list... Aug 18, 2021

Okay, welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO and I had an interesting conversation brought to me this morning.

And that was in the Warriors shields group with Garrett J white, out of Wake Up Warrior.

And He was saying that the way that I communicate with the people on the...

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Simplify. Aug 18, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode look, as I've just dropped my son off up in rebel.

And this is one of the more spectacular lookouts in Byron Bay, if you're going to be seeing it, it's a little hazy out there today.

But often you can see all the way down to the lighthouse.

Let's continue on...

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lockdown Byron style. Aug 17, 2021

So welcome to Byron Bay, lockdown.

We got a snap lockdown first of seven days.

And if you look up there, probably see the lighthouse.

So this is a barn by I mean this is a technically Suffolk PA, check that out, hey, check that out.

So what I want you to see here is that life can be very...

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If you want to get somewhere... Aug 17, 2021

Welcome to the first of a four-part exploration of moving from where we discussed you may be, which is the businesses chaotic, your people don't seem to be very good inverted commas, their processes, the way they work is poor.

This leaves you frustrated, stressed, and ultimately with poor...

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