The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
$300 for a golf game? You could buy a PlayStation for that! Aug 07, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

So I was driving with my kids this morning and we're talking about golf courses.

My my sister Annabelle is a golf pro.

And golf is we her son is like two years old, and picking up the golf clubs and seems very natural with with eating balls around.

So we're talking about...

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Don't score a Zero! Why your bad days have more to do with your success than your good days... Aug 06, 2022

Don't score a zero, don't score a zero.

Why do your bad days have more to do with your success than your good days?

It's late at night here; living 15, I've had a massive day; I had a choice.

hadn't done any exercise, not mine.

And I can't; I can't put in a 45-minute intense training session...

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Why is your software called WarMachine? That's a pretty strange name for software! Aug 05, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

Why is your software called War Machine? Go kidding me.

That's a pretty strange name for the software.

Well, it is a strange name for the software.

There's no doubt about it.

But we are heading into interesting economic times.

It's not looking great out there.


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The cruel irony of business... Aug 04, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

The cruel irony of business is they don't tell you this when you start your business, they don't say by the way, it's going to go well.

Everything's going to work well for a while. You're going to be able to grow your business, grow your team, up to a certain stage...

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Where do the fires keep coming from? Aug 03, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

Where do the fires keep coming from? If you're a business owner or entrepreneur, wondered about this question like, where are these fires keep coming from?

And the experience for many business owners is that there's just fire after fire after fire, and you spend your...

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What is a "commitment device" and why can it help you? Jul 30, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

What is a commitment device? And how can it help you? This is an interesting idea that comes out of psychology.

And as part of chapter 14 in atomic habits, if you haven't read this book, it's well worth getting.

If you're at all interested in having a better body having...

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Minimum required habits... Jul 29, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

minimum required habits, what are? What are these things? What's the minimum required habit? Well, I'm continuing with this journey into atomic habits.

And James clear, the author of that book, is very interesting.

He's actually bringing through an idea that I found to...

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Priming for Future Use? The setup for habitual success... Jul 28, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

priming for future use is the key, the setup for habitual success.

Continuing on with the readers of this book, atomic habits could be called atomic systems have concluded that habits are just systems that are executed on a regular basis.

And James, this book is...

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Incomplete is worth less... Jul 27, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

Here's an interesting idea incomplete is worth less, not worthless, it's not worth nothing, it's just worth less than it would be if it was complete.

This is playing out in a couple of areas of my life right now.

Number one, I have a shed being built.

And that shit, it's...

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Minimum Viable Results... Jul 26, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

Minimum Viable results.

I wanted to bring this idea to you that a business needs a number of results; it has to get those results in order for it to stay profitable for to stay functional for doesn't get those results.

And there are problems.

But what are the minimum...

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Benefits of repeated habits... Jul 25, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

The benefits of repeated habits, benefits of repeated habits, this were shown in fascinating experiments cut done in Hungary.

And you may have heard of this.

But there were three sisters that the dad decided to say that, you know what I want to prove that genius can be...

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3 big problems with running a business without processes... Jul 22, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

The three big problems with running a business without processes.

So let's start with what actually is a process.

While the process is pretty simple, it's pretty much like a list of instructions, Do this, do this, do this, do this.

And straight off the bat, I want you to...

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