The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
Parkinsons law and the work of your business. Jul 07, 2021

Hello, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO, we were looking at the power of systems and processes in business, particularly for expanding from that one to 3 million in revenue, or five to seven in the team beyond that up to 10.

Plus, yesterday, we looked at the big...

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Design your business to work with our without you. Jul 06, 2021

Well, hello, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO.

Starting off with some difficult news, like literally as I jumped on to do this live video with you a live podcast with you, I just got the news, that friend has died, He had renal failure, and was young.

So Young...

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Remote work is chaotic... Jul 06, 2021

Hi, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley, the system I want to discuss an interesting post that got sent to me by a friend of mine, we have been looking over the last five episodes at the challenges that come to a business owner to an entrepreneur, as they actually have success...

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What did your team get done this week and how do you know? Jul 03, 2021

Well, hello, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO.

This is our fifth episode exploring the problem that arises when your business actually succeeds, you've got through that initial growth phase, things have been going well, sales increasing, brought on the team, and...

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Quality control challenges! Jul 02, 2021

Hi, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO, will it continue a conversation that we've been having over the last two episodes, three episodes.

In fact, one of which was recognizing that business success often comes with a hidden trap.

And that is that what worked when...

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More team but not less work? What gives? 😣 Jul 01, 2021

Hi, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO, excited to be continuing a conversation that we've had over the last two episodes.

So in the first episode, we looked at the challenge that entrepreneurs face when the business actually works when a business succeeds, and...

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It's quicker to do it myself! Jul 01, 2021

Okay, hello, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO, we're continuing into a conversation that I began yesterday.

And we're going to look at a particular problem that you might recognize, and it is the statement title of this presentation.

And that is, it is quicker to...

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The hidden trap in business success. Jun 30, 2021

Hello, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of

I want to look at the hidden trap in business success.

And you may well recognize this that in the early days of business, things were pretty good things are exciting, there are problems to be solved, there are...

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What happened after the blind LEGO challenge! Jun 30, 2021

All right.

Hi, and welcome to today's episode.

My name is Tom Rolley of

excited to talk to you today because last week, I shot the blind Lego challenge.

Now the blind Lego challenge was the idea that I would take a Lego set and try and build it just from the pictures on the outside....

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What does taking out the trash have to do with business systems? Jun 29, 2021

Hello, and welcome to today's episode.

My name is Tom Rolley with

It is a public holiday here in Australia today, or at least in New South Wales, not so much in the other states for whatever reason, they had a bunch of public holidays beforehand, but New South Wales had the Queen's...

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Processes that get used get better! Jun 25, 2021

Hello, and welcome to today's episode.

My name is Tom Rolley of

We are looking at the power of systems and processes in business to increase the valuation of your business.

And also to give you potential freedom from your business, either of those two, you are going to need systems...

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Spiritually and business? Jun 24, 2021

Well, welcome to today's episode.

It's a little bit late here.

And this is a reflection of my day.

I've actually had a really good day.

It's been a Saturday of a long weekend and crammed a fair bit including taking my kids out to Duck Creek mountain biking.

And so Sam and Pippa and I went...

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