The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
The work has often already been done. Apr 20, 2021

All right, kind of excited for today.

Yesterday, we were discussing a particular problem that arose out of my wife's Airbnb, or really my Airbnb and my wife's Airbnb, but she manages it.

And there was a situation where our cleaner didn't do one of the tasks, essentially, the outside of the...

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Variable results are a consistent outcome! Apr 20, 2021

Alright, so I had an interesting situation this morning, we have an Airbnb, on our property.

It's a two-bedroom, one bathroom, cottage, and it's on our property where it got two acres here in the broken head.

It's been on Airbnb maybe for two or three years.

And it has been a wonderful benefit.


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Facebook video problems Apr 14, 2021

Alright, so I had an experience yesterday of going back and reviewing the last daily Facebook Lives that I've done.

So over the last seven days, there were seven Facebook Lives.

And five of them were done on my laptop two were done on the phone, and I go back to the laptop ones and discover that...

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What's the one system that if it was up and running would make the most difference to your business today? Apr 14, 2021

All right, welcome to Easter Monday here in Australia.

And it is a wet and rainy day pretty miserable.

But I've just had coffee or in my case, chai tea with a friend of mine and got to hang out and realize that, hey, life is pretty good.

What I wanted to share with you today is an experience that...

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SEO is marketing, right? Apr 14, 2021

Guys, an interesting dilemma that I had.

And I didn't realize this year, but I thought that marketing meant search engine optimization, marketing meant getting organic traffic to a website.

And that's literally where I saw marketing, like marketing to me was the comparison to advertising, which...

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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants Apr 14, 2021

Let's talk systems.

And when I look at where I'm at with systems and processes, I've got a reference to those that have come before, like, in terms of the stuff that I have learned from.

And these three names come to mind in terms of looking at systems and processes.

And those are Tim Francis,...

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Habits vs Systems Apr 12, 2021

I hope you're having a great day.

It is a Good Friday here in Australia.

And we're always blessed by being ahead of the curve.

It's always the first place, not first place New Zealand's ahead of us.

There are a few islands ahead of us.

But it's pretty cool.

I thought I wanted to cover systems and...

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3 weeks since I last ran this system... Apr 12, 2021

So I just had to run, an event set up and for an event, and it's been about three weeks.

So sorry, the last event was two weeks ago, it was about three weeks ago that I last set this up.

And in today's world, I don't know how your websites, how your marketing how your sales are set up.

But for...

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Burrito in 4 minutes Apr 10, 2021

Alright, so I'm just at Goodman Guzman and go miss the burrito chain here in Australia.

And about a minute ago, I ordered a burrito.

And here it is, it's delivered.

It's made, it's going to be very similar to every other burrito that they make today.

And the question is, why is that? Well,...

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How much work is required to change a process? Apr 08, 2021

Surfing yesterday, and I got a glimpse of myself from the past, which was pretty cool.

I live close to a place called Broken head.

Yes, it's where Chris Hemsworth lives and all of that sort of stuff.

But the break itself wasn't going off yesterday was by no means a massive swell.

When broken head...

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First Live to get started. Apr 07, 2021

The important one, to get away from actually getting this first one done, I just had to go for a walk and get my head together.

This is not my first life, but it's my first life for this project, this systems project.

And so let's have a little chat about what are systems, what are processes? Why...

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