Retargeting advertising is not advertising?

Jan 23, 2022

Retargeting advertising is not advertising.

Of course, it's advertising.

How could it retarget advertising? Not be advertising.

This makes no sense.

But wait, but wait, I want to open your minds up to an idea here.

And that is that many of the words internet marketing are used interchangeably, but do not necessarily represent the actual area that they are part of.

I'll give you an example.

Email marketing, you've probably heard of email marketing.

Most of us have, it's still working really well.

But I would have you consider that email marketing is not about marketing at all.

Rather, it is about email advertising, I'm taking a message, which is the marketing, which presumably was created before the email got written.

And then using the tool of email to advertise to people who have put their hand up and said, hey, I'm interested in your stuff.

So it should, in my personal opinion, be far more correctly or effectively named email advertising.

But in this frame, what I want to have you consider is that retargeting advertising is not best suited to ads at all.

If we are going to consider the four categories of production in businesses being marketing, sales, advertising, and fulfillment.

Then retargeting in my opinion actually fits under sales.

What sales, retargeting sales that makes no sense at all this is clearly you're running ads, it should be called retargeting advertising.

But now what I would, what I want you to think about is that the advertising is to get someone out of the Facebook, or the LinkedIn, or the Instagram or the Google search page and leave that and enter onto the first page of your sales experience, commonly known as the landing page or an opt-in page, it's typically got a headline in a form, and someone has the opportunity to say, hey, yeah, I'm interested, I'll put my email in or put my phone number in.

Typically, this is an exchange for some kind of value.

The X could be a free report, this could be content and video, whatever it is, it is of value, and they are exchanging their contact details for that value.

So the role of the advertising, whether it's text and image, or whether it's video, is to get them to that first page.

But let's have a look at what happens from there.

Let's say that they do not enter.

They do not enter their details.

And now you are going to use a retargeting ad, to say, hey, come and put your details in.

It's no longer speaking to a broad audience of lots and lots of people, but rather, it is targeting those that have come to that page, where they have clicked the link or they've hit the pixel, you know who they are.

It's a small subset, and you are selling them on putting in their details.

The retargeting ad inverted commas is actually selling them on the next step, which is to put in your details and get the value.

Let's take it a step further.

Let's say they do put in the email, and they get to the next experience, whether that's a lead magnet, whether that's a video, whatever it is, and let's assume that we have some way of telling that they hit that page, but not the next page.

Once again, we are not talking about a broad audience of people where we're trying to identify who's interested at all.

But rather, these are people who've put their hand up and said, Hey, I was interested at the original advertising level.

And I'm interested enough in order to exchange my contact details for the opportunity to receive the value that you promised on your first page, but then they stopped.

And so now our retargeting ad is going to sell them on taking the next step.

Now let's say that was a sales page.

And let's say that ad, inverted commas is running to sell them on Tuesday.

clicking to the next page.

And that retargeting ad could take them directly there.

But this is all a sales experience.

This is not an advertising experience, this is not trying to get them to click in, enter into the experience, but rather, it is getting people who are already in that sales experience to take the next step.

And so we could then look at that sales page.

And once again, tell who has hit that page and who has not, whether that's through tracking or, or pixels, so however you do it, but this says some way of telling.

And we go to retarget them to go to that sales page and take the action, which is presumably to buy and say yes, I want to take you up on your offer.

But once again, this retargeting ad, it's not trying to sell the whole thing, it's just trying to sell them to come to that sales page.

And when they do, they click and they get to the sales page, and then they make a decision, yes or no, and proceed forward.

So this entire experience of retargeting ads is actually about selling.

And the benefits of moving out of advertising into selling is that you will have, if you're at all organized, have all of the pages of your funnel sitting there and it's going to be very clear to you exactly what that retargeting ad should say, it should say, hey, click here to go to the sales page, click here to go to the receive the value page, click here to return to the opt-in page and put in your details and get the value.

Now this might be a little bit hard for you.

This idea of this word of advertising is so built into retargeting advertising, that it might be very difficult for you.

So let's have a look at an equivalent experience that is also about sales.

And once again, it is actually about email.

So as somebody puts in their email on the first page, you now have an opportunity to start communicating with them.

Now, this is not advertising because these are a specific set of people who've given you their contact details.

And you can now communicate with them.

And once again, get them to go to the next step in the funnel.

If they have they must have opted in for this, obviously, you're not going to be able to write to an email to someone that you don't have the email address.

But once they're through that first step, now we can encourage them to consume the value that they opted in for.

And when they've done that, then click the sales page.

And then when they've done that, Buy and bought, then we can confirm that they have bought but that last step is actually moving into fulfillment.

After they've bought, now we enter into a fulfillment experience.

So again, we're going to have emails that are part of that fulfillment experience, but they should ideally be created in the context of your fulfillment.

What are the products? What're the communications going to, for the first time this customer how you do that stage is very critical to how your customer experiences the rest of their journey with you.

You've taken them all the way from advertising where they said, hey, I'm interested, I'm leaving the broad audience and becoming a specific person who says yes, I'm interested in this.

And then they have said yes, I'll give you my contact details in exchange for some form of value.

Then they have proceeded to a sales page and said yes, I want to buy your offer.

Then you enter them into your fulfillment experience.

And hopefully, if you're any good then this is not just a single email thanking them for their purchase, but rather a series of experiences across possible options of email of mail of in-person of video of presence, options for you to enhance their experience greatly.

After they have said you know what I want my problem solved.

I like what you're offering are by it and then your responsibility continues with your customer to ensure that they actually get the results that they bought.

So coming back all the way in summary, be careful with the names that are commonly given to many aspects of Internet Marketing.

that these names, even internet marketing itself have traps in them.

And it's very easy to compartmentalize to put those words as if they determine their functions.

This is very tricky stuff.

But hopefully in opening your mind up to the idea that retargeting is part of sales and not part of advertising begins to allow your mind to see where the pieces all fit together, get this right, and you will have increased conversions, increase sales, consistent revenue, and high profits.

All right, that's all I got for you tonight.

I hope you got a lot of value out of today's session.

I certainly enjoyed making it for you and look forward to seeing it on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power systems to create results.

See you then.





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