Why does scuba training enforce strict systems adherence?

Jan 25, 2022

Why does scuba training enforce strict systems compliance, I had an awesome experience today I was learning scuba, this is the first time that I've ever done this, I did it with my son, semi third in half, He had to get a medical because he's under 15.

And so He already had an experience of interacting with the scuba schools, systems, we got it done.

We had some friends who unfortunately left at the last minute and could not get that medical done.

So we were expecting to see them there.

And they weren't there.

Why? Because the medical wasn't done.

And they said, No, you can't come in, you can't do it.

This actually happened during the training with another participant.

He was 17 and didn't have the parental approval form, couldn't get that approval couldn't do the course.

And you might think, Well, hey, this is really strict.

This is some, this is some people just following the rules.

But what I want you to consider is that scuba has these for a reason, if they let the system failures, the system noncompliance happen at the beginning, then when divers are out in the water, you will see those system noncompliance issues once again.

And so the importance of making sure that these systems are handled and followed and comply with makes a difference.

And while it might cost both of them three days or a week, or 10 days where they have to wait until they can take their training, it means that the training for the rest of us was safe.

There is a risk with these scuba events.

There is no doubt about that reading through the legal portfolio of stuff.

It's like hey, you can injure yourself, you can die.

I actually had the experience of making a mistake.

And it was so good because the guy was like, Hey, if you come up using the power inflation inflator, you are going to put yourself at serious risk of injury, it is highly likely that you will ascend way too fast and injure lungs, sinuses, decompression illness, bad things happen.

So I'm glad that I made that mistake.

And now that I know the system does not ascend from a drive using the inflator.

And you're like, well, what's the inflator, therefore? Well, it's very interesting once.

Once you get down there under the water, you can just use the inflator to set a neutral buoyancy and what will happen is with a deep breath in, I rise up with a deep breath out, I go down and I can actually control my depth in the water with my breath.

Oh my god, this is so cool.

I thought it was like you press the button.

It's like an escalator up and then go down, down.

But no, no, no, no interesting.

They're like no, once you establish neutral buoyancy, and they have a system for this, of course, it's like, okay, well, I have buoyancy, the wetsuit has buoyancy, the jackets have a buoyancy.

And then to counteract that we've got white belts to hold it down.

And so getting that white rice, and then allowing the right amount of air into the buoyancy jacket, then gets me to neutral.

But there are risks with diving and when people break the systems is when people injured themselves and potentially die.

So we got to go through today and practice a whole bunch of emergency systems.

Now, these hopes would be used very rarely, very rarely.

But they said you know what, you need to know all these because when it happens, you need to be trained on this down there.

It is quite a weird experience that I was not expecting every now and then my mind would freak out entirely and go Well, dude, you are underwater.

You need to get to the surface and breathe up there.

And it was interesting, just going through these weird feelings of semi-panic wasn't a true panic, I could override it with my thoughts.

And they actually again, have a system for managing panic under there.

And then breathe, think, act, stop, breathe, think act and there is actually time down there.

In most or most events, it is not an immediate emergency and the wrong decision is to act without thinking.

But we need to be practiced at what to do when these events happen and it was a systematic execution.

This is exciting.

This to me is like, okay, I can really see the benefits here of having systems in place.

Now what I want you to think about is in your business, where are your systems not being followed? Where are you allowing your medical review not to be done? Where are you allowing your 17-year-olds to come through and take the course without parental and pre-approval?

Now, a lot of the time, you're going to get away with this, this, this is a trap.

This is a trap, like a lot of the time, you will get away with it.

And you will be misled into the experience that system compliance doesn't matter.

But sometimes it does, sometimes it makes a massive difference.

And if you just had a time machine, you would go back and change it.

The most difficult awkward example of recent times was Alec Baldwin shooting his photographer.

Now, how that happened is a systems failure.

They were not tight on their paperwork, they were not tight on those system rules that live bullets should never be on set.

And somehow live bullets got on set.

And then even then the protocols to prevent the firing of that gun were missed.

They got sloppy, they did not have the checkboxes.

Now they The reason people want to do this is that it does slow down, it slows people down to look and tick the box and say Yes, I did that.

Yes, I did that.

But this mindset will save you millions of dollars and potentially save you from some things that cannot be paid for cannot be insured for that girl cannot be brought back.

And I bet that if elbow, we go back and say hey, I want tight procedures, tight systems, I want to make sure that the number one risk that we have on this set, which is live guns does not happen.

So sometimes you get to know when your systems must be fully complied with.

And you got to have a way of making that happen.

This is where your systems skill sets come in your ability to have and make sure that your systems documentation is with the work.

What I want you to do is think of it like Lego Lego is infinitely easier when you have the instruction manual with the blocks.

This is just like your systems you want the documentation with the work and then your team will use it.

If you put the documentation in the cupboard in the storage file hidden away disorganized it will not be used and it is if you do not have documentation at all.

If you want to get some help with this head over to systemio.dev thanks for tuning in for today's episode.

I hope you got a lot of value out of it.

I got two more days of scuba, super excited for this looking forward to continuing to watch for the system's execution from the scuba school and bringing that wisdom through to you and its application to business so I look forward to seeing you in tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power systems great results.

See you then.





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