The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
What is a system anyway? Feb 10, 2022

All right, welcome to today, what is a system anyway, this is an interesting topic, because there's a lot of advice out there that your salvation, your opportunity to have a business that thrives, that gives you results that you want the money, the lifestyle, the ability to bring through ideas to...

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Do you really want to know how much work there is in a prefect webinar? Feb 09, 2022

Do you really want to know how much work there is in a perfect webinar?

This is an interesting question.

Because in the planning of a webinar, or perhaps a product launch or any other significant investment into a sales experience for your prospects, you have a choice.

You can either just look at...

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What is the best system for designing software for people who know nothing about software? Feb 08, 2022

What is the best system for designing software? For people who know nothing about designing software? This might be a question that was unanswerable 10, 12, 20 years ago, that if you were not a software developer, a software designer, then your chances of executing a successful deployment of...

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Putting it in perspective? Feb 07, 2022

Putting it in perspective, I've just been for a walk on the beach, it's nighttime here, and I got to look up and there's a few clouds in the sky.

But the moon is a new moon.

So the sky is dark and the stars perfect, profound, fascinating that some of them clearly seem to line up and make images...

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Why slowing down increases productivity... Feb 06, 2022

Why slowing down increases productivity.

Let me just get this settled.

We go, we go.

Sunday night, Sunday is a day of review.

For me, looking back over the last week, what happened, what worked, what didn't work.

And this week, I got to celebrate something pretty cool.

It has been a while for an...

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The voices of doubt get stronger towards the end? Feb 05, 2022

The voices of doubt get stronger towards the end.

This is an interesting phenomenon.

So I want to run you through the last three weeks.

So three weeks ago, there was a commitment that I made that I would go live with a new product.

And in that, the first week I spent planning out the content,...

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Four lessons from building software that gets things done faster and why the cost of software development made it necessary! Feb 04, 2022

“Time spent in sharpening the axe may well be spared from swinging it.”

Sermon “The Dull Axe” 1856.

I’ve been having my first experience with software development.

You see, systems are powerful and can be done with spreadsheets and word documents…

But to get...

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Two and a half weeks ago their was a set of empty blueprints. Today there is a compete customer journey. Feb 03, 2022

Two and a half weeks ago, there was a set of empty blueprints.

Today, there is a complete customer journey.

I'm just at a moment of peace of rest of space, it's a very interesting place to be because the last two and a half weeks have been one of fairly intense work.

At that point, I had a set of...

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The cost of changing plans? Feb 02, 2022

What is the cost of changing plans, I want to share with you a little experience that I've been having over the last two and a half weeks, about two and a half weeks ago, I set a target to go live with a new product, I was like, Okay, I want to do this blueprints, the idea that marketing...

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Reflections on failing #75Hard Feb 01, 2022

Reflections on failing 75 Hard.

Yep, I have failed 7500.

This happened two nights ago, and I believe was on day 21.

So I achieved 20 days of 75 heart, which was pretty cool, pretty happy with that achievement.

But the requirement for 75 Hard is obviously 75 days in a row.

And in one sense, there...

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Systems are kind of like chocolate cake? Jan 30, 2022

Systems are kinda like chocolate cake.

I was having an interesting discussion today with my son.

And we were looking at how do people end up in certain places in life? Why do some people succeed? Why do some people fail?

And this was triggered by walking through Canberra, a city in Australia's...

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Watching McDonald's recover from system delays... Jan 29, 2022

Watching McDonald's recover from system delays.

It's late at night, I've had a massive day today, travelling from my hometown to Sydney had a pretty smooth run.

But looking at about eight and a half hours driving, I did it myself.

With my three kids, my wife is still with her mom.

And she is she,...

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