Two and a half weeks ago their was a set of empty blueprints. Today there is a compete customer journey.

Feb 03, 2022

Two and a half weeks ago, there was a set of empty blueprints.

Today, there is a complete customer journey.

I'm just at a moment of peace of rest of space, it's a very interesting place to be because the last two and a half weeks have been one of fairly intense work.

At that point, I had a set of four PDFs, the questions that go into marketing.

And this is going to build out into the software that I'm building.

But I was talking with my small group, my mentors, my trifecta, we'll call them the trifecta, they are called the trifecta.

And I was like, You know what I'm thinking about launching a small test product.

And they question me, and they say, doable? How long till the software? And I'm like, Look, maybe six, maybe eight weeks, maybe 12 weeks? I don't know.

And they're like, Well, how long to go live with blueprints.

And check this out.

I thought, one week, I might Yep, I got this one week, one week.

That was a massive underestimation of the amount of work that it actually took to get here.

But two and a half weeks later, there is now a complete customer experience.

The marketing got built out, let's review what did happen.

First of all, I built out the entire marketing plan.

So that was the marketing blueprints.

But it also then included the sales pages, the sales, emails, the advertising, the products themselves, and the customer experience.

So all of that got built out from the marketing, sales, advertising, products, customer experience.

And then I was like, Okay, well, I got to implement this, I got to get this out.

And I realized that there was a second planning experience, you see, just having all the words.

And the scripts are one thing, it's extremely helpful.

But then all of that needs to be tracked about where it's going to be deployed.

Which software it goes into how it links together, what tools are required.

I tend to use Kajabi.

I use Zapier, I use deadline funnel ScreenFlow.

What else did I use? The main ones I think, but tracking the deployment out to all of those pages, all of those emails, all of those ads, all of those campaigns need to be planned first.

And then after that was the execution.

And over the last hurricane, it must have been about the last week was the execution.

And this was a little intense like this was pretty, pretty full-on with my team, like just making sure that we weren't getting in each other's way.

I tend to be a bit like just go.

And also skip out on details.

So some of my team were like, dude, do what I just assumed because you didn't specify, I was like, no, okay, now, let me specify it.


I want the downloads to be on the same page as the video training.

So they had to go back and fix a few things.

But overall, to go from no product, no customer experience, no marketing, no ads through to all of that being done in two and a half weeks.

is pretty cool.

And you might ask, how did that get done? Well, the advantage that I had is that I already had systems.

For all of those things.

I have a system for marketing.

I have a system for sales pages.

I have a system for advertising, emails, systems for ads, systems for product development and systems for customer experience.

And you might say well, did you create all of those? Well, yeah, I created the systems but the knowledge was in books.

100 million dollar offers copywriting secrets.

Never lose a customer.

And one more that you cannot get in a book called strategic seduction.

You have to join warrior for that.

But I've been a warrior while I know a strategic seduction.

And I'm excited about this.

So I'm in this little gap right now where the initial emails have been sent out and the ads should begin shortly as Facebook approves them.

And there's now just a wait experience over the next three and a half days until the close of this sale finishes, and come Sunday night at 11 pm.

Last shutdown and there will be results, there will be a result out of this.

And what I'm most excited about is showing up on Monday to look at those results and say, Well, what worked, what didn't work? Where am I at? And doing my analysis of it.

My learned my takeaways from this entire experience, how do we do it better next time.

Because the speed of deployments seems to be quite slow out there.

People take them three months, four months, six months, perhaps, perhaps less.

But also, even in the ones that are happening fast, they're forgetting things.

And this comes down to a failure in those planning stages.

So I wanted to share with you that in this experience two and a half weeks, the execution is only the third stage.

The first is the planning of the content.

The second was the planning of the execution.

The third was the execution.

The fourth is the assessment of the results.

We with this, this is a weapon.

This is a weapon for the right business that already has the ability to execute buddy struggling with the first two planning stages.

This means that let's say it currently takes you 12 weeks, but now you can deploy in three, you can launch four variants in the same time period, you could probably launch six variants of the same thing, and loop them at once, keep tracking of them, because the tracking is a very similar experience to the planning of the execution.

You could also choose in those 12 weeks to actually launch four different products you like Well, hang on, let's take this idea to market this idea to market this idea to market and this idea to market while your competitor has launched one.

And you can start to identify the hyper-responsive hyper profitable areas in business so much faster because you can execute faster.

So we'll see how this plays out.

But I just wanted to share with you that this is a beautiful afternoon, where everything is done.

All of the execution has happened.

And now it's just allowing the magic of Facebook, Facebook ads to deploy out to the sales experience and for those that buy into the customer experience.

And I will get better at this.

And this skill set is the skill set of marketing architecture, the ability to do those first two planning stages, particularly the first one because people struggle a lot with that, but the creation of all of the content.

And then secondarily the plans to deploy it.

And then you can hand that to your teams and execute cleanly.

Everything gets done, everything gets tracked and then it's waiting and see what the results are.

Once you get the results back then make any adjustments and loop again.

So I want to share you with where I'm at at the moment.

I'm excited about this.

If you do want to check it out, head over to

You're looking forward to Rosetta Stone, Marketing Mastery.

And let's see how this plays out.

I hope you got a lot of value out of today's session, even the identification of those four areas that are required to deploy a new product experience for your customers.

The planning of the content, the planning of the execution, the execution, and the assessment.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

You go have an awesome day.

I'm going to go hang out and Thredbo goes play some frisbee golf or actually I think my kids want to go to the waterslide so we'll go to the heated pool.

I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of six systems to create results, see you then.





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