The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
The change business owners must make to create a world of abundance. Oct 04, 2021

The change that business owners must make if we are to create a world of abundance.

Welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley.

And I have completed E myth.

This has been my second reading of this I read this book, many, many years ago.

And coming back to it now has been a very interesting...

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How do you think of systems? Oct 04, 2021

So I want you to think of systems like assembly lines, let's go back to the time when Henry Ford first created the assembly line, I mean, this was transformational in terms of increasing production.

And certainly there may well have been significant benefit in terms of craftsmanship from someone...

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For a book about systems, it has a funny definition! Oct 04, 2021

So you want to know what the definition of a system it's like what is a system.

And when you think systems, if you've been in business for any length of time, then when you think systems, you will think one book Emeth.

Like it's the Bible, it's the one that brought it out into the awareness and...

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Did you know... Systems are critical for protection as well as for production! Oct 03, 2021

Did you know that systems are just as important for protection as they are for production? Welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of SystemIO.

yesterday's events, were quite shocking.

For those of you who didn't see it, there was a chicken massacre, the chicken got out of the coop went...

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⚠️ warning graphic. Oct 03, 2021

Welcome to today's episode, I have been called by my wife to tell me some bad news.

As I came home, she said, Tom, there has been a chicken massacre.

Like, just there's chicken feathers everywhere.

And I've come home.

And this unfortunately is the case.

Let's have a look at this.

And what you can...

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System traps! 😬 Oct 03, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, I want to share with you a possible system trap that you may fall into.

And this came up because I was working on a new offer.

So I wanted to identify who it was for also known in marketing as an avatar.

Or perhaps if you've read copywriting secrets, your...

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Poor people or poor process? Get the order right! Sep 30, 2021

Welcome to tonight's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO.

I thought I'd just go back and look at my entrepreneurial journey.

And thinking back to some years ago now, where I was post the launch, there was cash in the bank.

And yet I was not getting through the work wasn't, I just wasn't...

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Judging system effectiveness. Similar results can require very different systems depending on context. Sep 27, 2021

All right, welcome to tonight's episode, it's a Sunday, it's been a beautiful day here, beautiful spring sunshine, I managed to have quite a bit of time in the garden did some brush cutting took out the hedges, which was a wise move, because if I didn't, I can see that they were going to get out...

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System errors appear so much faster now. Why could that be? Sep 27, 2021

Hi, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO, where we look at the power of systems to create results, I was having a chat on signal with my sister this morning.

And we were discussing why system errors and system problems seem to be occurring far more frequently than 10...

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I don't think this is going to work! There are no instructions, just a process name.... 😬 Sep 27, 2021

Coming to you live from the rather dark and mysterious interior of my car.

Just wanted to pop out of the house and get a little bit of peace and quiet we are coming to the end of lockdown finally, looks like New South Wales kind of given up on trying to control COVID which in my opinion is...

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A system for power...What daily habits work? Sep 26, 2021

Welcome to tonight's episode, I want to speak first of all, to an interesting challenge that I was having with the DJI Osmo three that I'm using to hold the spine, I noticed over the last couple of videos that there was a distinct drift to the gimbal.

Now this thing is designed to limit wobble,...

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What is marketing? But I'm already a customer? Sep 24, 2021

Welcome to tonight's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO. I want to share with you a interesting experience I came home today and in my time at work something had arrived.

And that is that is this package is our packages FedEx package.

Now, in Australia, FedEx is not particularly big, I...

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