The entrepreneur always searches for change, responds to it, and exploit it as an OPPORTUNITY.

- Peter Drucker
Kit upgrade. Aug 16, 2021

All right, this is a late-night presentation tonight, the day they just go by pretty quickly.

And there was a major disturbance.

Because someone's come up from Sydney and hang out up here maybe five or six days, and they've got COVID.

Now, this has been very difficult experienced by him because...

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Systems create Results. Aug 14, 2021

All right, yesterday, we were talking about the problems that you have when you do not have a systems mindset that your business is chaotic.

You think you have poor people, you definitely have poor processes, your outcomes are chaotic and difficult.

And it's just not much fun to be an...

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So you are getting variable results... Aug 14, 2021

One of the interesting things about life is when you try and analyze what results that you're getting.

And one of the problems that you start off with may be that you don't even know what the target is like, what is the actual target that you're going for.

Because if you don't know that, like,...

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Why seek results? Aug 12, 2021

So what's up with the results anyway? Like, why are you interested in results? Well, perhaps it's a bit like me, I mean, results, get me to a greater stage in my life, it allows me to do more things.

And at the root of that, there are two critical things one more money, two more times.


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Change and Kanbans Aug 11, 2021

So I've been jumping in on this audible book called the Phoenix Project.

It's been pretty interesting, actually, it's written about it in a large company that's not working.

And then the breakthroughs that they have when they start using combat.

So the books are written I think 2015.

And the...

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The Entrepreneur’s Calling... Aug 08, 2021

Welcome to today's episode, I have had a great weekend, my wife has been away.

But that's not why I have had a great weekend.

That may be a little bit awkward to say.

But anyway, no, my wife saw on a way back she's had an awesome time up in New sir did a 30k word walk for charity, they raised...

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So you became an entrepreneur... Aug 08, 2021

So welcome to today's episode.

My name is Tom Rolley of System IO.

It's been quite the journey for me over the last three days, and I want to share some of that stuff with you.

If you are an entrepreneur, if you are a business owner, then you know just how challenging it is.

It's a pretty...

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What got done this week? Aug 08, 2021

All right, so welcome to Friday.

Ah, send that light on.

Welcome to Friday.

Question for you, what got done? What got done this week? And how do you know? You see, it can be a significant challenge for many entrepreneurs and business owners to actually get to Friday, and the weeks went by.

And a...

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Poker and business... Aug 08, 2021

Okay, I want to share with you an experience I had with poker.

And my friends and I occasionally get together.

I'm less of a regular player than they are.

But I had this awesome experience where I got masterclass know, if you're familiar with masterclass, basically they get a whole bunch of...

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What do I do with all these templates? Aug 08, 2021

Let's have a look at templates.

If if you've been around at all in business, then most likely you've picked up a bonus or two that has included eight free templates, 12 free templates, 22 templates.

So perhaps even you bought whole products that are essentially templates, someone else's email...

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What gets results? Aug 08, 2021

So what gets results? What gets results in life? Presumably, you're interested in this topic, why would you be? Well, perhaps life is better life is significantly better if you're getting great results across your body.

Like if your body is healthy, if you're full of energy, if you're sleeping...

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No process left behind! Aug 08, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, I thought you would like the title, the title was no process left behind, and really references some of the great presidential claims, probably not the most successful.

And unfortunately, you're likely to have a similar experience, if all you're focused on...

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