
Aug 18, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode look, as I've just dropped my son off up in rebel.

And this is one of the more spectacular lookouts in Byron Bay, if you're going to be seeing it, it's a little hazy out there today.

But often you can see all the way down to the lighthouse.

Let's continue on that journey that we covered yesterday, the first of the four steps, which is established, and that was in that journey, where we're going from the business that is not working, that's chaotic, where your systems are just not working.

And you think you know, what, I'm getting poor results, I've got poor people have got poor processes, this is no fun, super stressful, super difficult, long hours, going through to a place where you've realized that systems create results like that, that's the that's straight up, you're like, Oh, my goodness, every time I want a result, I can create a system.

And that means that I will get that result, it's pretty fun.

Like, suddenly business becomes consistent.

Your profits are there, your people actually enjoy their work.

And yesterday, we went through and looked at that first step in this, which was established, we're looking at what needed to be done, who was doing it, when it needed to be done, and how it was to be done.

So let's move from that into opening up into today's section, which is to simplify.

Because what you're going to find is that when you get these systems game, you're suddenly going to have the capacity to do far more, like literally, I ended up running like five, I think I was trying to pull a five things at once, which was nuts, even with the power systems is like, well hang on this, this is crazy.

So I had to let quite a few of those go.

But the possibility was there.

Like literally like, Oh, my goodness, Hey, I am doing three times as much in the same available time, with consistency with significantly reduced amounts of time where I was trying to work out what I was doing.

But still, the idea here is to simplify.

Why do I say that? Well, as you go into this game of creating systems, what you really want to do is go okay, what's, what are we aiming for? What's my target here.

And first up is just to get that first system, get one working system, there's no point in expanding into other systems if you don't know how to create the first one.

But let's say that you do know how to do that? Well, you've got to look at what's working right now, like what is working in your business, this is helpful to know, this means you've got either something that is a system that may not be documented, but at least is giving you the right results.

And so that's a relatively easy one to go along and go through the documentation and go, Okay, great.

We know what's happening.

Here it is codified into the system.

Next up, you got to look at what's not working, like what should be working, but it's not you're like, man, we are struggling in this area, we should be getting these results.

But we do not have anything that's actually creating this results.

And we've covered this before in past episodes, either you don't have a system that works or you have a system that's been executed variably giving you variable results.

So that's not that's what's not working.

Okay, so one hand we've got what's working.

Secondly, we've got what's not working? Next up, I want you to look at, hey, if all you could have was a limited number of results in your business, what those be, like not everything that you could do, but rather, what are the essentials? What are the critical results that if they were there, then you would have a business that was thriving.

And it might just be like one sales funnel, and one advertising mechanism, and one fulfillment pathway, just to limit it and say, hey, if all of those three were working, then I have a business that at least is consistently bringing leads consistently converting and consistently fulfilling.

So those might just be where you want.

You could say, man, we could do this, and this and this and this and this, and you're actually going to have that capacity.

But straight up off the bat, the idea is to limit yourself to simplify.

And perhaps there's some backend stuff as well like your accounting, some point your team some point, you have a system for hiring, you have a system for managing your team, you have a system for managing your numbers, a system for creating your optics and looking at Hey, what needs to change.

But the idea here is to simplify down to the minimum number of results than if you were getting those, then your business would work.

That's your first win.

So let's recap.

So we've looked at what's working, we've looked at what's not working, and then out of both of those cutting down to the minimum results that you need.

And out of this finally, you can create what I call the M V s, minimum viable systems, minimum viable systems like you are going to see businesses and your business might be right like this right now where there's missing critical systems and so the result just not there.

And then on the other end is a business that's trying to do way too much.

And they're spread too thin even if they have this systems game on point, but somewhere in there is little Goldilocks zone a little sweet spot.

And this is the minimum viable system, VMS.

And you need to define this because this is going to set your target and you can now know where you are heading like you know analogy from yesterday, we talked about Google Maps and establishing where you are right now.

But these minimum viable systems establish where you are going to go from there.

You hit that point great.

You can redefine from there and go okay, great.

Where do we want to go now, but that's a game that only opens up after you've opened up this first door of getting your minimum viable systems up and running.

If you need help with this, head over to

I hope you enjoyed this episode.

If you're on the audio, head across to the Facebook page and check out the video.

This is where I live.

It's really not it's reasonable.

It's reasonable.

It's not spectacular.

Sometimes this area is just rainbows and dolphins and off the charts.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we continue into the third step.

I look forward to seeing you then.





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