Time to Scale.

Aug 19, 2021

All right, welcome to this fourth part, as we've been on the journey over the last five days, looking at where you are in your business where you find your businesses, chaotic things not working, which is ironic because things were working until you hit a certain level of success.

And in that success, your problems arose, suddenly, your people are no longer good, they become poor, you've got no documentation, you're staying up late, your wife's pissed off with you, your husband is like, where are you? Your kids are Noid, it's super stressful, you've started drinking, it's a nightmare, through to a place where you have realized that you need consistent results.

And those results come from systems.

This means that suddenly your people are transformed from being poor to being great people, they love working there.

And we've been on that journey to bridge that gap to make how do you how do you move from those two plays from the painful difficulties of business not working, despite revenue, despite team despite everything apparently going well, yet, the wheels are falling off to go through to a business that's actually working consistently, with all without you, and giving you the opportunity to continue on and take the profits continue to work in it, and draw the profits out of that business or also sell at a much higher multiple than will be available if it was just selling a job.

So we looked at the steps between that establishing Where are you now than through to simplify? And what are the minimum viable systems? Then yesterday, we covered structure how to structure systems, and today, we come to the wonderful scaling, like how do you scale with this stuff, because even if you have your structure in place, you're going to know how to use it.

So we're going to cover that today.

And there are four main ideas here.

One is a copy to us.

So anything that is a template in your business, you want to keep your templates clean.

And so if it gets used in a process, or it gets used in a system, then you want to copy it so that you've got the template protected.

And then you can use the template to produce the actual results.

So this means often that you copy the template and then grab the link and stick it into the results section so that you can easily find it.

Next up, you have the idea of tracking your progress.

But this is critical.

And one of the dangers is that people who are really good at systems will just move through and do all the work, but they will forget to track their process.

Now, this may be okay, as long as everything goes well.

And there are no distractions and they never get sick, and then any difficulties in their work.

Because if they forget to do that, they can't tell where they're up to, you can't tell where they're up to what are the results of this system that are getting tracked? Where are we up to it? Are they being worked on? Is it complete? It means that you can't work together as a team.

And you certainly can't look as a manager or as the owner of the business and see what is going on in the business, you are blind.

So it is critical that even in your team that have done it 50 times before know how to do it backward in their sleep, that they still track their progress.

What do we get next? Well, use the instructions.

Guess what one of the great things about having a system is that there's documentation, there's actually stuff written down on how to do it.

Now remember, back in structure, we talked about rough drafting.

And the cool thing about systems is that as you use them, and if you use the instructions, you can improve the instructions.

So you want to use them so you can go up.

Actually, that's not working anymore.

That isn't accurate anymore, something changed.

Let's tweak that.

Let's also have a look and compare it to make sure that it still gives us the result.

Like if you go through the system and follow it accurately, you don't get the result that you want, then hey, it needs to be changed.

But most of the time, the instructions are going to work.

And your team will run into problems if they don't use them, but they still need to look and so you want to write them in a way that they can be used for someone who's never done that system before.

He has done them a few times and is just looking for keys.

And then someone who's done them a lot.

They just want the big picture TGT to do but they must be written so that someone who's never done them before can do them.

And this is going to give you redundancy in your team like you can move a team member across and even if they haven't done it before, and it's not an area that requires some specialized knowledge.

Like you're not going to be able to do this with say brain surgery or coding or things like that.

But for most tasks, it's like, okay, well, how do I do this, and they might not be fast, but they will be able to accurately do the work.

And if that means that you can bring more staff in to get me to the deadline, or you have someone who doesn't show up because they're sick, then you can still feel that work.

And this plays in with that second idea of tracking because if they do get distracted, or they do get taken away from work, you can actually tell whether up to us like, oh, great, they're on, they're on presses three, let's go, Okay, wonderful.

Well, they're, they're creating this result, right, we're stuck, it needs to move this next result that we're generating.

So finally, we come to the last idea of this scaling is improve as you go.

So I've been reading a bit on the Phoenix Project, a super cool book, like loved it, it basically speaks of eyeties journey.

And following the Toyota kata, I believe is Toyota kata, the way of doing business at Toyota.

And Toyota revolutionized car manufacturing.

And then it was like not working, maybe we should look at manufacturing and see what they've done.

And then the DevOps movement arose out of that.

But one of the critical steps in DevOps is this idea of improvement in the same in manufacturing, improvement, improvement improvements, so much so that they spoke of a story in Toyota manufacturing, where if there was an error that went outside of the range, they would pull the plug in the entire manufacturing line would stop until that was fixed.

Because they knew if it didn't get fixed, then it would have massive, ongoing problems.

Now, you're probably not going to have that in your business.

But what you can do is take the idea of improving as you go, that you continually work on your instructions that you make them better.

I love the idea of kaizen.

If you're not familiar with this term, it basically means like a 1% improvement, a small improvement every day, small improvements, small improvements, small improvement, it might mean, adding a link where there was a description of going to the link, and you just added the link.

And that small improvement means that tomorrow, it's five seconds shorter to do that system.

And this may this doesn't sound like much like 1% how can how could that possibly make a difference? But it does, because over time that improvement, improvement, things get better to be done, these things get clearer, it's quicker to understand them.

Perhaps even when you have a really stable system.

And you're like, you know what this hasn't we're not we're pretty much peak improvement for the documentation.

Or what's the next step? Okay, how can we make this better? Or why don't we make a video of each of the small parts of this process, so that someone who's never done it before, it doesn't just have the text, but also have the video?

The advantage of this is that the videos can really help those who've never done it before.

They're like, Okay, I think I'm getting what this description is, on this video, click it, and suddenly, that opens up the video, they watch it and they're like, oh, great, that confirms what I'm reading.

Next time though, they don't need to see that video, they can just go and see the text.

So that small improvement makes a big difference over time.

So these are in review your steps to scaling number one copy to use number two, track your work number three, use the instructions and number four, improve as you go.

That completes our journey here.

We'll do a review session tomorrow.

Thanks so much for tuning in.

Look forward to seeing you then as covered overview of this entire journey to get you from a business that doesn't work to one where your systems are firing systems on point and you are back in the role as an entrepreneur.

I'll see you then.





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