Kit upgrade.

Aug 16, 2021

All right, this is a late-night presentation tonight, the day they just go by pretty quickly.

And there was a major disturbance.

Because someone's come up from Sydney and hang out up here maybe five or six days, and they've got COVID.

Now, this has been very difficult experienced by him because we haven't had much COVID at all, but is August 2021.

And it's definitely put a wobble in, in how people are responding.

We actually hadn't even had a mass for most of the pandemic, but New South Wales in their infinite wisdom decided to bring in maths even though we had no COVID.

So hopefully it makes a difference.

It's funny though, it's a funny one, though, because we don't have any comparison.

It's not like you can split test the various responses like one community, you guys can wear masks one community, you guys don't wear masks, one community will lock you down one community, we're not going to lock you down, you've got at least a four four-way variable there.

It actually would have been pretty good because what's interesting to me is Sydney's been in a seven-week lockdown now.

And they're still getting like 200 300 cases.

And yet no one ever says, hey, you know, maybe you should try something different.

And that actually came up for me when my brother caught one of these videos is like, mate, hey, you're doing a good job.

Doing a Good job.

Why don't you upgrade the sound?

And so I thought about that, I have actually already upgraded the video.

It's very difficult to see you can't see it in the shot.

But it is a DJI thingy here.

I don't know what this thing is called.

But basically, it holds the camera.

And as I move around, it tracks me.

So when I walk or when I make move or do whatever, it actually stays still, it must become some kind of stabilizing thing.

But He said, mate, don't just do that.

Also, upgrade your mic, get a better mic.

So actually took the actions today and said know what I'm going to do that I'm going to get the setup, I think it's a micro road or road video, something like that.

Plus a little connector thing that goes on to this other thing, this is sounding horrifically bad.

But anyway, the video holder has a thing that comes off it and connects the microphone.

And I'm curious, I'm interested, it might only be a 10% improvement.

But that 10% Then sticks around for every video that I make into the future.

And this is a lot like Systems Improvement, a little small improvement, it might only make five seconds of improvement in that system.

But if it's a system that's being done daily, then that five seconds.

Again, doesn't it's not huge, but you make enough of those five.

And particularly sometimes I've had, I've had system improvements that knock out like eight minutes on this is exciting in itself.

But what is super cool, in my personal opinion, is the capacity for well-run systems to be deployed by others.

I was hanging out with some people at work today at my medical center.

And then we're discussing the growth of the medical practice, and how we had basically expanded up to 60 people or so I think there's about 60 And in that they had just not realized or not known about or not paid attention to systems and processes.

And it's been very difficult.

It's been very difficult.

And it's not like you can suddenly stop that level of business.

This problem of how to do systems and processes actually takes quite a bit of time to even work out what the problem is, let alone the solution.

And that's where they find themselves.

So okay, okay, the problem they've got is that a lot of the risks that come from not having systems and processes in place don't appear until there is a problem as suddenly it's like on massive fire that has to be dealt with what's the solution? Well, solutions to recognize this problem first up you got to know that there's a problem there so Okay, I think we got a systems and processes problem once you get that then you can start approaching it.

Like there's a bunch of resources.

It's not that many there's email there's work the system there's clockwork there's system ology there might be a couple more systems is not that easy a problem to sort out, which is why I think there's not that many.

There's not that many books, I go into the marketing, you go into sales, there's like 300 books on each of those topics, but you go-to systems and it's like, what's going on here? Why are people not working this out? Even though you know, I know Any business that gets above maybe seven people, 10 people, unless it's a very siloed business where people are working independently of each other, like a general practice business, like a legal business, but any other business where you've got a lot of interacting people, it's about five to seven people before everything starts breaking down.

And that's when you have to get the systems and processes sorted out.

It's just an unfortunate experience in most businesses that they find out too late, that they should have got this system done, they should have got their processes done because it's something that has to come on.

If you're going to scale to bigger and bigger numbers in your business.

If you want some help with this, you're like, you know what, I'm I recognized that I have this problem.

Then head over to and go through the training there that I put together for you just so you can get clear on the problems that exist for you, and what the solutions could look like.

And then the steps to bridge that gap.

That's just my own Dev.

Thanks for joining me tonight on this rather late version.

I'm going to hit the sack pretty soon.

But I will see you tomorrow for tomorrow's episode.

As we continue to explore this idea that systems create results.

See you then.





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