So you are getting variable results...

Aug 14, 2021

One of the interesting things about life is when you try and analyze what results that you're getting.

And one of the problems that you start off with may be that you don't even know what the target is like, what is the actual target that you're going for.

Because if you don't know that, like, geez, anything that shows up could be your achieved the target.

But one of the benefits of actually having a target is not only being able to say, hey, but that’s also the direction we're going, that's the target.

That's, that's my quarterly target.

That's my yearly target.

But it also gets you the opportunity to look at Hey, I said that was the target.

And if you didn't hit it, what went on? Because this may be playing out at that top level, but it's likely to be playing out crush your business, and you're getting variable results.

And it's going to be very confusing, like, Well, why am I getting variable results? And you might think, hey, it's my people.

Wish I better people, I wish my people were more consistent, more dedicated, more detailed, more accurate, harder working, instead of having to troubleshoot them and solve their problems.

And I just wish I had better people.

Perhaps you also have recognized that deeper to that there is a problem with what your people are doing.

I don't mean what they're doing in terms of their work, but it's like, how are they doing it? Because 90% of the time, they're doing it without any instructions, they're just like, well, that's where we're going.

That's the target.

Let's just get there any way we can, from memory, from habit to problem-solving.

All of these could be used to get you to the target.

But I want you to realize that your variable results, and the business chaos that it creates, are because your team doesn’t use the damn instructions.

Now, this could be a problem that you just don't have any.

Like you never thought, Hey, Jim be good if we did the same thing the same way.

And so you just went, you know what, we'll deal with that later, and kept kicking it down the road until you hit a place where your business is actually doing really well.

But as you brought on more teams, no one knew what they were doing.

No one could see what the rest of the team was doing.

And suddenly, things aren't working so well anymore.

And your results are normally variable, but your business chaos is very evident to you.

This means you working more than 30 hours, 40 hours, 50 hours, 60 hours, 70 hour weeks, 80 hour weeks, problem after problem after problem.

Increasing your stress levels, keeping your team at work for longer as they try and troubleshoot these problems.

This means you miss your kids, not at home for dinner, not with them not present on the phone.

Meant to be hanging out helping do the homework, but instead, you're calling or texting or emailing through dinner.

Your wife's like, dude, what is going on with you? This may mean alcohol, cannabis, drugs, porn strippers, I don't know.

Whatever your choice of sedation tool, your choice of escape is a difficult place to be.

The coolest thing in my mind is how this doesn't arise straight off the bat for business.

Does it help if you've got instructions? Yeah.

But it's a little like having a first child like no one can tell you what a first business is going to be like you have to do it yourself.

But the second child, the third child, gets a little easier.

I got played on both my second and my third child, second child, I was like, oh my goodness, I'm prepping.

I'm prepping.

I'm ready.

I know what this was like, the first time through.

But then I had a very different experience.

I'm like, Oh, wow, I'm I know how to put on the nappy.

I know how to change nappy and know how to deal with the sleep deprivation was like 10% Harder.

Maybe 20% I'm like, right? How about that prepping? was being 100% harder.

But it was only 10% harder.

But then my daughter Philipa showed up, baby I'm like I played the same story.

I'm like, Alright, I knew how this is going to be like number one really hard.

Number two is pretty easy.

Number three is pretty easy.

And if you've got three kids, you know you know that this is not the truth.

100% Harder 100% Harder, you know, I like there is no doubt that three children are 100% Harder than two children same with the business if you are paying attention to your first business in your life even if it dies, and uh doesn't make it if you take the SOPs, the processes the instructions, guess what? A bunch of that can be replicated again and you'll see this, you'll see this advertised.

I recently bought one.

I'm like, Hey, you got all the templates? Great.

But I bought the templates.

I'm like, man, what would I do with this, this is of no use to me, doesn't tell me how to use them.

And until you work out how to get your team and you, you see it's got to start with you.

If you don't know how to use the instructions, or you refuse to use the instructions, good luck getting your team to use the instructions like that, like in life, they'll probably do it about 40% which is still a hell of a lot better than what's going on right now for you with zero instructions.

So going back a little bit, we said one of the problems could be that you have zero instruction, you've got no documentation, your systems or your processes, anything's document, nothing's documented.

It's all up here in your head.

It's all up here in your team's head.

Nothing written down, no systematic approach to getting work done.

Or you've entered into the cemetery of SOP.

What's the cemetery of SOP? Well, you put a lot of work into documenting.

And you actually go through and document step after step after step after step.

How does this work? How does this work step, step, step by step, but then it gets done, and it's seen as finished?

Now, this is a problem.

This means that you think you have documented systems you like, yeah, we made it.

How much effort was that we put all of these other things on hold while we got this done.

And then you proceed to file it into a bookcase where it never gets seen, again, unless you're hiring a new team member.

And they're like, Well, how do I do think you're like, yeah, baby, we got the SOP folder, let's bust it out.

And then you go through.

And you may not even realize this at the time.

But in the gap between the creation of that and your actual deployment to your new team member, things changed.

Things changed how you do things, like even today, I was going through a process that I wrote, like, I don't know, three weeks ago, but Facebook had not deployed their new creative studio yet.

And so none of this stuff works.

So I just knew what I was looking for.

Because I had the old instructions.

I might copy this link, am I right? Where do you guys hide this? So I found it, changed the documentation, and went back to work.

Now did I use that documentation for every step after that, but not because all of the next five with the same thing.

But next time I come to that process, or next time one of my team comes to that process guess what, it's the right process? Will it be forever unlikely a just finished the Phoenix Project?

And the coolest thing was they learned how to do change really fast.

Change really fast DevOps, you may be familiar with this if you're not in parently, there was a big problem where the development team and the operations team had diametrically opposed ideals super cool book loved it loved if you're in it, you should definitely review I'm not I shouldn't be the one telling you guys to know about this book.

But if you're not, they're still lessons here.

They're still like whoa, but realize that it is in everything technology is everything and DevOps may change fast.

This means that your documentation for your processes cannot leave on a bookshelf.

Why not? It'll go out of date.

And once you do not have processes or once you have added days processes, and once you have variable execution of those processes, guess what you will get 100% of the time, guaranteed variable results 100% Guaranteed variable results you will not get the same result.

It will be variable as heck like is like that? Why? If you're experiencing this you like Ma'am, why does my business continue to produce variable results? And you're like, ma'am, where could it be? Maybe it's a problem with my teams.

Maybe it's a problem with how we're doing business.

Well Well, The lights just went off.

We just had a blackout.

Okay, cool.

Are we blue? Something? Maybe? Maybe not, don't I? Alright, coming back.

Yeah, it's back on.

Go check that.

What I want you to take from this, if you are seeking consistent results, then you got to work out how to do that giving you some big-ass hints here.

If you want help with this, if you just like to skip working or how to do this, and you're like, Man, I don't know, maybe we should work on this systems thing.

Then here's my advice.

Have a look and see whether the systems business the guys sell in the systems is systematic.

You can see it, you can see it in one area, front end marketing, front end marketing, has just gone through.

I'm like, man, there's a lot of quote cards here.

Some of them are crap.

Yep, sure.

But there's a lot of gold in the quote cards, where are those credit cards coming from? They're coming from a consistent deployment of a system over and over and over.

Now, this system, this way of doing things is the way of achieving that result, whether it's in marketing or sales of filming, or in teams or accounting, whatever you want.

You got to get thinking systematically, we are leaving in an era of fast-paced change.

And the only way to deal with that is to have systematics thoughts, systematic processes, a systematic way of deploying things so you can keep up your team can keep up and you get consistent results.

That's all I got for you today.

I hope you got a lot of value out of it.

I certainly hope enjoyed presenting it to you.

If you want some help go to

I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems and processes to create consistent results in business.

See you then.





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