Why seek results?

Aug 12, 2021

So what's up with the results anyway? Like, why are you interested in results? Well, perhaps it's a bit like me, I mean, results, get me to a greater stage in my life, it allows me to do more things.

And at the root of that, there are two critical things one more money, two more times.

And that's, that's why I'm chasing results.

I mean, maybe there are other things that could come from results, like better body, better relationships, better spirituality, better connection to God or universe, whatever you call it.

But the way that our society is set up in 2021, money is a critical factor.

And the life that you get to live and the life that I get to live at some level is determined by my money skills, and buy your money skills, like you get to have the lifestyle you're creating with your money, I get to have the lifestyle that I'm creating with my money now.

Is there an option to have no money? Sure, sure.

There is.

And there's perhaps some benefits to that, like, it's a pretty low-stress lifestyle.

Those people are choosing not to participate in Western culture at all.

And like, you know what, I'm just going to go live under a bridge.

And, you know, I like it at some level, it's okay, would I choose it? No, not really, I'm not particularly interested in that.

I got kids, I've got my wife, I've got a lot of responsibility.

And look, after a lot of people.

There's a lot of people that come to me and see me as a doctor, you guys see me as a business entrepreneur, working on systems, there's a lot, it's a heavy responsibility, and you've got heavy responsibility as well.

Like, if you're called to be an entrepreneur, and realize that not everyone is then that is a burden.

You have a responsibility to your team, to yourself, to your family, to your customers.

But this idea of results, why do you want them? Well, let's say that you do get more money, and you do get more time? What does that open up for you? Yes, there's the lifestyle that hey, maybe you get the cars and the holidays and look at 44 I really like flying business class long distance.

I don't know about you, but it hurts like I have a mild addiction to Maui.

Maui is one of my favorite places to visit.

It's good what is it? 10 hours, it's a 10-hour flight.

And on the way over, it's overnight.

Now I can come back just fine sitting there in the economy, but on the way over that Bligh, flatbed makes all the difference in the world.

And the cost of that ticket is substantially higher.

Can I do it? Look, I can sit in the economy, but it takes me like two days to recover.

There's a significant cost to my body.

And could I get away with it at 20 and 25 and 3035? Sure, but over 40 I don't know whether you've experienced this if you're over 40 The body My body seems to take vastly longer to heal vastly longer to look after a lot more to maintain, are going to put a lot more effort into watching what I eat at 25 get away with anything at 45 or 44.

You know, it's, it's like, oh, man, how much omega threes are in that? Okay, good.

I'm good for Mirga threes.

Is that a low density card? Or is that a high density cup? It's a low density card.



All right, I'm interested here.

And sometimes I just lose it.

I'm like, You know what I for whatever reason, my kids seem to have a good stockpile of chips and junk.

But all of this does come down to the money game.

And at some level, you're going to have to make the jump, if you haven't already, that managing people is difficult that if you don't know how to manage people, and you end up managing them, instead of actually having them follow the instructions, then your life becomes very chaotic and your time gets chewed up, suddenly, you've got no time at all.

And in the beginning, the stages are pretty good.

You know, maybe just a couple of people working through how you do this, you do that.

But when you hit that requirement for systems requirement for SOPs, then you haven't got them on point well, suddenly you're stressed you will be managing people and you may well have noticed this but people had to manage their crazy, oh men.

Why did you do that? Why didn't you do it? How I told you to and I want you to recognize that those words how I told you to is a hard being it's a red flag for you've got a systems problem.

Now, let's say that you do believe that your results are actually going to create a better life.

For more money more time, then you got to assess that problem, what's creating your results? My belief is that your systems are creating your results.

And you might think to yourself, well, I got no systems right now we've got nothing documented.

And I'd say to you, well, you know, you do have systems that are just documented in your people's heads in your head in your team's head, nothing's written down, that does not mean that your systems are not operating, they're just operating out of people's heads.

And this is risky.

This means that you will have systems that are executed variably, you will have systems that are not completed, you'll have difficulty tracking what work got done.

All this means that your time goes into trying to sort out these fires, and your money game goes down in the toilet because your team is taking twice as long, maybe three times as long, you're going to have work in progress problems as they come to you to sort out problems, troubleshooting, this cost you a lot in payroll like you could be legitimately paying two times even three times as much payroll as you need to because you've neglected to sort out how to run a system.

So it's a choice.

It comes down to a choice.

It's like, do you want to keep living like this? Or are you going to recognize that you're good enough to have a systems problem? You're good enough to actually go, you know what we need to get some documentation, we need to be able to have optics on what work is getting done.

What work can come in? Can we get it? Can we deploy this, can we make your decision to say, Yep, this is a system that can be executed.

And realize that one of your critical roles as the entrepreneur in terms of getting results and creating more money for yourself and for your team and expanding your capacity to run one business set it up.

So it runs without you go again, sell it, if you want to take the money, live a bigger life, serve your purpose at a higher level is going to be your capacity to systemize your business.

The first time you do it, it's going to be hard.

Getting these systems down takes a while I've been working on one this morning.

It's how to take these videos, and turn them into video ads on Facebook to test how they convert.

It's taken me about three hours now, to go through sort out the logic, sort out the steps, find the details, create the templates, put all this together.

But guess what, once it's done now I know, I'm hoping that we're looking at a half-hour maybe up to an hour every week to deploy this system over and over and over.

So the work Yes, three hours, maybe four hours, five hours, six hours, like it's a lot of upfront work.

But after it's done.

Now the time to execute that system in the future is significantly less opening up the potential for another five hours back in my life.

And also that I can deploy this to a team member.

Do I want to do that straight off? No, I want to make sure that this thing works, that this thing is proven to work.

I was going through my folder of despair.

And I found a beautiful piece from Digital Marketer it was on there.

I think their Black Friday they were running.

I don't know if they're still doing it.

But they run like a day-long workshop.

And there's a quote in there where it says systemize everything.

Your systems are worth more than the products that you sell.

That was a quote that came from Digital Marketer.

I'm like, Well, what are they talking about? You see if you can only produce one product.

And that's all you know how to do and the market changes or your customers want something else or competitor comes in and you've got a pivot but all you can do is that one product, then you are in trouble.

But if you know how to create products using a system if you know how to market products using a system if you know how to sell products using a system, then your systems become the most valuable part of your business.

If you want some help with this if this conversation is resonating with you, that you want to have greater results in your life so that you can live a better life than you can provide a better life for your team, for your family, for yourself for your customers.

Then what I want you to do is to go over to systemio.dev and go through the process there.

Check out what this opportunity represents sense.

If you're good enough to recognize what it is, then I hope that you will say, oh my goodness, this is the underlying problem.

This is the domino that if this systems thing goes down, suddenly your whole world opens up.

And your life as an entrepreneur becomes something that is truly wonderful for you.

I hope you get that.

I hope you sought out this systems thing.

If you want help with it, head over to System IO.

Thanks for tuning in today.

I hope you got a lot of value out of today's episode.

I certainly enjoyed presenting it to you.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.





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