The system to send emails to your list...

Aug 18, 2021

Okay, welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO and I had an interesting conversation brought to me this morning.

And that was in the Warriors shields group with Garrett J white, out of Wake Up Warrior.

And He was saying that the way that I communicate with the people on the way that it's that I do that is critical is like if people sign up and they're interested in a problem, and I don't email them, then I am basically neglecting my prospects neglecting my clients.

And this hit hard.

This hit hard, it hurts me, because, over the last three weeks, I have had a calendar entry come up for the system that says write an email and send it to the people on my email list.

And I've ignored it as like, oh, man, that sucks.

That really is not something that I won't do.

Because it means that basically, He was like, Look, if you don't send these emails, you're basically saying to your prospects and to your clients, Hey, you don't care.

Just we can see by the fact that it did not get done that you don't really care.

And I was like, man, ah, and I had excuses come up.

I was like, man, I've been so busy.

I've been working on this.

I've been working on that.

But none of that's really that important.

The real answer is it didn't get done.

And in that, it's actually really hard to confront me and go, what is going on here, I've not only been not sending the email, I've also refused to confront myself and say, hey, the email is important.

The email will help someone, the email could make a difference.

If someone who gets that email business owner is struggling, they have a lightbulb moment, I get it, I'm beginning to get it.

Because we then had to discuss this situation.

And it wasn't just me.

But there multiple of us struggle with this.

And was interesting to see that systems and processes even in men and women or men, men and shield only it's only men, running businesses that are very successful and can still really struggle with the systems and processes concept.

But the bigger deal to me was, is this email thing important.

And I actually went through a process.

This is a critical experience.

This is critical communication.

I looked at the marketers that the list that I'm on, and they communicate regularly, some of them once a week, some of them every day, some of them four or five in a row and then a break and then four or five in a row and then a break and that there are those three major stars, but all of them are communicating.

It's not just when they need more money, or they need more sales that they send it out.

It's like no, this goes out.

And the mindset shift that I got was like, Hey, this is saying, I care about you.

I actually want you to win.

And here are some helpful thoughts.

Here are some helping mindsets.

Here are some melt melting skillsets because this system stuff is challenging.

It really is it's not that easy.

Can be done.



And there are books written Yes.

The crazy thing is to me that it still takes people to run the systems and they definitely offer a safeguard against myself or against you in an amine by that is like He is the next thing to focus on.

Here's the next thing to focus on.

process, process, process, just do all of those and the end of that will be the result.

And so if I want to send an email to my lists every week, then I have to not only have the system but someone's got to execute.

And there are tasks that can be done by VAs for sure.

But there are some things that have to be done by me as the business owner and writing the email communicating a statement of value to actually say He this is what you might be facing and this is how to think about it.

And this is where you could go to actually have a business that runs systematically, but you're going to realize that you still need good people you still need people to run them and they will be 100% better because they've got documentation but still going to need someone to do the work.

One of the mainframes had a warrior do the fucking work or DTF W, if you see the hashtag DTF W now you know what it means.

But the work needs to be done.

If you had the perfect standard operating procedures, the perfect systems, but you had no people, they won't get done.

And this is why the email system sends an email every week or sends three emails or sends an email every day, whatever your variants on the system are.

It's actually part of minimum viable systems to run a business successfully.

What's the smallest number of systems that you need? And is one of those the email campaign to be sent weekly? Yes, it is.

Yes, it is.

It is a critical skillset to have.

And that's what I would say that in my parlance, 6-307 Send an email campaign to my list is a minimum viable system and it should be in yours too.

Alright, I hope you got some value from today, I've still got to go and write that email so that it gets sent, I want to deliver some value and help someone that is on that list.

If you want to get on that list.

Then your next step is to head over to, put in your name, put in your email, and you'll go through the initial training but after that, then the continuation will now happen haven't got my head clear about what the purpose of this system actually is.

Which is to deliver value to people struggling with systems struggling with processes so that they can get the results that they want in business.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I hope you have an awesome day.

I look forward to seeing you on the next episodes.

We continue this journey into the power systems to create results.

See you then.





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