All right, hello, and welcome to today's episode, we're going to continue this journey into the possibility that awaits you when you have your systems and processes on point.
That is a business that is designed to run with you or without you.
So you can finally take a holiday, take the profits, or even execute business, sell it, or perhaps even listed on the ASX or whichever stock market if you're shooting for the stars, this exciting, we have been through over the last two episodes, a discussion around what should be in your systems.
And then yesterday, who is going to do them? Today, I want to open up around the discussion of when to run your systems because this is an interesting thing like it's all good and well to have a bunch of systems documented out.
But if they never get used, because there's no trigger for them, then you may have well not done them.
Like literally you're like this is not uncommon.
This is the menu that sits on the shelf and is brought out when a new employee comes on.
And then you go through and you're actually we don't do it like that.
Oh, actually, we don't do it like that either.
And you find out that your manual is not being used at all the systems are not being executed, and so they do not stay up to date.
So let's talk about two particular scenarios for your systems, there are really only two one is on-demand.
So something happens and a system needs to be deployed.
So this could be a new leads coming into your business, it could be a new client coming into the business, it could be a new team member coming on, there's some kind of event that then triggers the need for that system to be executed.
And this just means Yep.
Okay, great, we've got the trigger, you need to know the link between the trigger and execution of that system.
The more interesting one is the regularly scheduled system.
So there's a bunch of stuff in your business that needs to be done every week, or every month or every quarter, perhaps even in every year, things from simple daily marketing videos like this one through to perhaps annual tax planning or quarterly tax planning, assessments for money optics for how your team going, what's going on in your business.
And these will be on a schedule.
And you might wonder, well, well, how do I remember to trigger these? Well, you have to think about it.
If you have a recurring event, where do you put it, of course, you put it in your calendar?
So this is where the triggers for your regularly scheduled events should go.
Like, literally, if it happens weekly, then it can go in a recurring weekly event.
What's even cooler is that if you know how long these systems take, then you can block out that time.
Now, this might be a little offensive for you as an entrepreneur, like if you're a visionary entrepreneur, and you're like, you know what, I don't want to have anything blocked out, I just need to be in the flow, I need to be dealing with what's going on right now.
Then I want you to consider that some of your team members are not like that, that they benefit from structure.
They want to know what their workweek looks like.
And you might go man that is so boring to do this work.
But they are built like that.
They love it.
They're like, Yes, great.
I know on a Monday, I'm going to run systems one, two, and four.
on a Tuesday, we're going to run systems three and five, on a Wednesday IT systems six, seven, and eight on a Thursday, I'm off.
And on a Friday, we're going to run systems 10 and 11.
And we know how long they take, they take an hour and a half or they take half an hour, this actually opens up for you to be able to schedule your team far better.
And you might find that when the work is known and you know who's doing it that suddenly you can fill their calendars and begin to judge how much work of the business there actually is and who's going to do it when.
So it means that things are going to be done in your business.
You can also cope with somebody not showing up that day, they're sick or they're on leave and you can go to their calendar and see which systems they were meant to run that day and then deploy someone to cover that or make a decision say alright, we're going to put that off till next week, however, you're going to deal with it is at least you can see what work should have been done on that day by that team member.
This gives you optics this gives you the capability to redeploy your workforce as you need it to cope with the unavoidable ups and downs of people when they're missing when they're gone, or whether they just see systematically going through their work, you can look at their calendar and go, Hey, look, you've actually got three hours on a Tuesday afternoon, we're going to hope to leave that open for dealing with any residual issues.
Or like, you know, what do you want to do, let's put a system here to work on systems, let's put a system here to do something that is around learning, you can actually schedule that out.
So in summary, this is important, because it allows you to know your team, some of your team will love this structure, and you put the recurring systems into their calendars with the time required, and then they executed on the recurring system timeframe.
Hope that makes sense.
We've got recurring ones.
And then secondly, we've got on-demand these happen when something happens in your business.
And these could be managed by a particular team member.
And they're like, Well, I'm just going to take care of all of the on-demand stuff.
Alright, that's all I got for you today.
I hope you found that useful.
Are you getting the ID here about what's possible when you get systems and processes on point suddenly, everything in your business begins to make more sense, your marketing, your sales, your advertising of fulfillment, your optics to people, your accounting, your tax strategies, your legal and your cash games all operate on a foundation of systems and processes.
And sure, you can duct tape it, you can run it with people doing it from their head, but you will limit your capacity to manage the number of people and to hit your growth goals and exit your business.
Whether that looks like a sale or just being able to go on holiday for 456 weeks or perhaps even six months.
Alright, thank you for joining me today.
I look forward to tomorrow's episode where we'll look at the last piece which is how to do this.
I look forward to seeing you then.
Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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