Parkinsons law and the work of your business.

Jul 07, 2021

Hello, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO, we were looking at the power of systems and processes in business, particularly for expanding from that one to 3 million in revenue, or five to seven in the team beyond that up to 10.

Plus, yesterday, we looked at the big picture of the possibility that awaits you if you can work out how to do the systems and processes thing.

And that is that you can have a business that is designed to work with you.

And that same business can be designed to work without you will have that choice.

And one of the benefits of that will be that you finally know what the work of your business is.

So once you imagine that you go forward in time, and you've managed to go through and document all of the systems in your business, like realize that there is a set number of systems, it's not an infinite amount of systems, it's not an infinite amount of work.

But because the way that most businesses are run to get up to that first million-dollar mark, it means that as you start to heat your straps and really thrive, a lot of these problems appear, and it ends up looking like there is infinite amounts of work, that essentially you're running around just putting up fire after fire sorting out problem after problem.

And you never actually get a good grip on what is all the work that needs to be done by your business in order to survive, yes, but actually grow and thrive and become profitable, and allow you to take those profits without you being required to be in that business.

It's sort of like a lot of family budgets.

Hopefully, the family learns pretty quickly to take the rent money or the mortgage money out of the available cash.

And then what's left got spent, but most many families don't even do that they just spend and then run into the problem of not enough money.

And this is the same problem that you're running into when you don't know what is the work must be done.

Realize that there'll be work that must be done at different schedules.

But if you don't even know what the work is, then it's going to be very hard to work out where that goes into your business.

Where does it get planned? How do you even see what works being done, all of these problems come down to you just not having any documentation of the systems that are required by your business, if you did have these, suddenly, you can begin to schedule out your team's schedule out yourself?

And if someone's away, then you know what work needs to be covered.

And in fact, there's already not just the work that needs to be covered, there are instructions on how to do that.

So somebody else in your team can go across and do that, that your business becomes redundant in the fact that others can do the work of some team members, that is not all specialized in people's heads when nobody except that particular team member knows how to do that job.

If it's documented, boom, suddenly, everything is possible by anybody in the team and you do have a perfectly redundant business.

This is powerful, this is attractive to investors, this is attractive to buyers because they're not buying a job.

And their risk in the purchase is significantly less.

So if that's your exit point, you've got to get this on point, you gotta be able to come in and say, Hey, this is what we do.

These are the systems that are required in our business, in marketing, in sales, in advertising, in fulfillment, in optics, in people in accounting, in taxes, and is legal.

Like you get those systems on point, boom.

Now as you grow, you might need more and some systems might fall away.

And so you probably need a way of managing your systems as well.

This all is documented beautifully in SAM Carpenter's book, work the system.

If you haven't read that, then I'd invite you to go and read that book.

One of the great insights out of it is that the universe runs on cause and effect that the things that happen in nature, the way the planets go around the sun, the way that the trees grow.

The way that mother vast majority of the world works is systematic.

Human beings tend not to be that way.

So we're like the spanner in the works.

But what He discovered was that if He became like nature, systematic, cause and effect, then his life ran a whole lot better so you can go and read That Work the System highly recommended around this topic if you'd like to know how to do that if you'd like to know how to design a business that works with you, or it works without you, and in that, discover the work of your business, actually document the systems of what needs to be done in your business, then I invite you.

And what I want you to do is to head over to, go through the training there.

And if you're a match, if you find yourself in this situation and you want to discuss it further, you can book a time with me.

We'll go through and look at your specific circumstances, what needs to be done, where you want to go, and whether we're a fit to work together.

That's all I got for you today.

I'm going to continue this journey into the benefits of actually getting this stuff on point, opening up that possibility of this business it is designed to work with or without you.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow as we continue this journey.





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