How to get better.

Dec 25, 2021

How to get better.

Like how to get better.

This is presumably something that you want in your life, it's certainly something that I want in my life.

And I want to share a little story with you about how to get better.

I was honored enough to go through a three-day workshop last three days today was the last day with Wake Up Warrior.

Now, Wake Up Warrior has a particular process that sets targets for 12 months.

It's called the fact map experience.

It is powerful.

It is an amazing experience.

And you might say, well, it is exactly the same when you see like, oh, I've seen this before, but have you? But have you because today's experience yesterday's experience in two days experience was off the charts.

I've been in Wake Up Warrior for four years now I've been through this process.

What's that about 16 times.

And in that experience, you know, over that four years and 16 fact maps because you run them every three months.

So for per year, for year 16.

They continue to get better and better and better.

But today yesterday and the day before was a quantum leap.

Amazingly bet it's like, wow, how did you guys do that? And it comes down to one simple thing.

One that is get better every time.

Every time you do it.

You see, I may have done it for four years, but Garrett has been doing it for 10 Plus, like this is his 40th experience his 10th.

Setting the 12-month targets.

Do you think He got better? Oh my goodness.


Like the targets that he's setting.

I'm like, Dude, you gotta be kidding me.

And the crazy thing is, the most amazing thing about warrior is that it's exponential.

It is not linear.

It is exponential growth.

And this is daunting, it's daunting for the mind.

daunting for the mind, like pretty much everyone in that experience had a very similar experience, which was like, Well, what, how what, duh, like the brain, my brain just kind of like no, no.

And Garrett was like, guess what? That's normal.

That's exactly what's meant to happen.

Because it is not a linear experience, the mind cannot know how to deal with three months time, six months time, nine months time, 12 months time.

But what I want you to catch out of this how to get better is that this experience of fact, Maps has got better every time that I've been part of it better, better, better, better, better, better and exponentially better.

How are they doing it? This is an interesting question.

Because what they are doing is not magical.

It's not special.

It's not like Garrett is Superman.

Or He has special powers or He has 28 hours in the day.

He is no different from you or from me.

He is a man, flesh, and blood with a hearty 80 sheets, He has sex.

He sleeps all of these things that you and I do but there is a secret on how to get better.

And I want you to catch it number one.

Every time it's done, it is documented.

Every fact map experience has been documented, every targeting session has been documented.

It is not left in the mind where it can easily be forgotten in three months' time or in 12 months' time Hey, what did we do three months ago? I don't know what did we do I kind of remember it like this.

No, it is recorded it is documented.

It is reviewed and then it is improved upon number one document number two improved upon number one documented number two improved upon and this process can be executed for everything that you want to get better at The more frequently that you improve your documentation, the faster you will get better.

And with any luck, is it luck? No, no, it's just those two things document and improves, you too will get an improvement in whichever aspect of your life you will apply this to.

But it requires you to have documentation.

And most businesses and most people have limited documentation for their lives, particularly documentation get gets improved upon every X frequency every day, every week, every month, every quarter, every year, whatever the frequency of execution is, that documentation gets better every time.

It requires you to have documentation, whether that is in video form, whether that is in note form, whether it's typed up, I don't really care, as long as there is something for you to go, or what did we do? Okay, great.

Knowing what we did last time, what would the results of that and how do we make it better? And that inspiration could come from logic, or it could come from intuition, it could come from divine intervention and say, boom, get rid of all of that the same experience can be done this way.

And that will be 10 Extra results.

But sometimes you don't get the divine intervention.

What are you just going to hang out and wait for God? Come on God give me the divine intervention and gods like, no, no, no, no, no, you got to, and that intervention.

So what I want you to do is get 1% Better 1% Better, 1% better, 1% better.

And when you have a proven track record of 1% better then I will drop in 100% better.

But you don't get the 100% from the Divine, unless you have shown an ability to do your 1% you guys in and every now and then one of that 1% is not a 1% it's not like God drops down and gives you the instructions today is you go here's what it is no every now and then that 1% is instead a 15% every now and then that 1% is a 50% every now and then that 1% is 100% better, but you don't know which one it's a lot like tapping away on the rock, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, Tap, tap.

You don't know which one it is all you've got is to get better and to get better requires documentation.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I'm going to go hang out with my kids go recover from this experience.

If you want to hang out with warrior if you want to get better a whole lot faster than you are right now.

Then head over to play a, That's play


Come play warrior.

It's fucking awesome.

It is extreme.

It is amazing.

If you are a business owner and you are married and you have kids, then it is the place for you.

It will exponentially draw leverage out of everything else that you are doing in life is a master skill highly recommended.

Go check it out, play

Look forward to seeing you on the next episode as we continue this journey into the power systems to create results.

See you then.





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