Why do good naming structures help productivity?

Dec 22, 2021

Why do good naming structures help productivity? This is coming up for me because I'm about to record three different versions of a video that's coming up for a funnel that I'm producing.

And I wanted to test and run different sound absorption mechanisms to see hey, how does it work? One is the regular microphone on the laptop.

See how that goes.

One is the headphones that I normally use, and one is the dedicated mic.

Now, you might think that automatically off the bat, He would just be like, Yeah, well, clearly the microphone is the way to go.

But I want to test this, I want to make sure that is truly the way that is the best sounding.

So the only way to do it, hey, have a more thorough all three done, do the same video, and see which one sounds the best.

Now, out of that comes an interesting problem, or not so much a problem a behavioral choice, and that is the naming of the files.

You see, it is very easy just to get sloppy with the naming structures that you use in your business.

And when you're small and things are relatively contained.

This is not such a problem.

You're like, oh, where's that file? I can't find it, I found it.

But it is relatively easy to expand rapidly to a place where the naming of your files becomes a major problem, not because they're all named differently.

But because this means they're hard to find on search means they're hard to share.

It's confusing for people, there are no dates, there's no organization.

And so putting effort into how you name your files does pay off.

In the early days, not important.

But later on, as you've got three 512 1525 People working your business if you have a consistent naming structure.

This means that you can find your files more easily.

This means less time lost looking for the actual files, this definitely means the time that you have to make up if a file is truly lost, like man, that was an hour's work gone because we can't find the file now.

Is it that it is completely erased? No, probably not.

It probably just cannot be found.

Why? Because the naming structure wasn't there.

There's no consistent way of naming it.

So you want to think about this.

Number one, you want to think about how are you going to name your files? Is there some kind of consistency is there some kind of methodology.

And secondly, and this is probably more important to the folder structure.

You see, if even if a file is named bizarrely if it is in a consistent folder structure, then at least you've got a fighting chance for where to find that file, consider two businesses.

One business just loads every file into its root domain, and there are 1000s of files that your chances of finding a file now become highly dependent on whether you have a consistent naming structure.

Compare this to a second business that actually puts some time into considering Well, what are the business areas, perhaps we've got something for marketing, for sales for advertising, for the fulfillment, and let's create folders for that.

And then oh, well, actually, within each of those areas, there are various aspects that we're going to split into those folders.

Now, even if you just did that, then this will give you a fighting chance, if you knew that it was a sales poll file, then you could go to the sales folder and look for it.

If you knew that was a file about fulfillment, you could look for it there.

Now, this does require people to file the files in the right location.

If they resist using the folder structure and I put them all on the route, then it will not be worthwhile having this like, Hey, you set up the folder structure, but no one uses it.

Why did you bother? So you need to have your team train and say, hey, when it is a marketing file, it goes in marketing when it is the sales file, it goes in sales.

When it is an advertising file.

It goes in advertising that you could have a situation where you're not sure perhapses Like to think like logos were could appear in sales in advertising in fulfillment.

And perhaps you would then create shortcuts and put them all in marketing, like put the actual files in marketing and create a shortcut to all of those.

But nonetheless, outside of these problems which will occur.

The overall benefits of having a consistent folder structure and a consistent naming structure will pay off once You have a team size where this becomes a problem.

You just need to be aware of it once you like, man, we're not finding files so easily and keep losing files.

That is the point where it is time to institute this unless you happen to be high on the OCD scaling.

Like, you know what, I just want all my files to file from the beginning, even if it's just you, or it's just one person, the business because your time is so valuable, that even six minutes 12 minutes looking for a file cost you a large amount in your business that you like, I'm going to get the filing structure on point.

I would recommend if you're not sure, then go with the folder structure first, and then when the naming structure for the files becomes a problem, move to some kind of consistent method of saving files in a dedicated way.

Alright, that's all I got for you.

I hope you're having an awesome day today. I'm going to go record these videos and try out which one does we know look forward to getting back to you with the results of that look forward to seeing you tomorrow as well as we continue this journey into the power of systems create results.

See you then.





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