What are the two requirements for a successful business and the ways to meet them?

Dec 21, 2021

What are the two requirements for a successful business? And the ways to meet them? This is an interesting question because you might think that business is either extremely simple or incredibly complex.

And yet, I want to suggest to you that there are just two things that you must have in place for a successful business.

Now, this is the big picture, I get it.

This is the big picture, this is the 30,000-foot view looking down at business, but those two things are relatively simple.

Number one, you got to know what to do.

You got to know what to do you see business has rules, the business has requirements, there are a set of things that must be done in order for a business to be successful, and you must know them.

You must know them.

But do not fear.

If you do not know them, then there is a way and we'll look at that.

But the second thing that you must do is you must actually do what's required, you must take action for what is known to be required.

So first of all, you got to know what to do.

Number two, you got to do it.

Pretty simple.

This isn't that hard.

I mean, you can get lost in minutiae and lost in 10,000 things, different things to do.

But at the end of the day, if you don't know what to do, then you are in trouble.

Like you are definitely in trouble if you don't know what to do.

Because what do you do? You're not going to have a successful business.

If you don't know what to do, you could take 1000s of different actions, none of which gets you a successful business.

Now, is there only one way to have a successful business? No, there's plenty of different ways to make your business successful.

But they have been found, they are known.

And it's not to say that you cannot create a new way of doing business.

It's just you know, like a lot of people have been doing business for many years, they've dialed it in, and they're like, hey, this, this kind of works.

Why don't you do this, we know it works.

If you do this, we know that this gives you a set outcome kind of like a system, you know, it's like, Hey, if you follow these instructions, you will get this outcome.

And that is the business.

So number one, you got to know what to do.

If you do not know what to do, then you either have to work it out and Problem Solver troubleshoots it go, oh, man, this didn't work.

That's not getting me what I want.

I'm not getting a successful business problem to solve problems.

So problem solved until you get a successful business.

Or could there be a better way? Could there be another way? Well, there is you know what it is what you borrow somebody who's already worked it out.

And you might think, well, if I got a steal, this is hidden, some in some, like very difficult to access place.

Like where do you get these instructions? Where do you get the how do I know what to do for a successful business? Well, the cool thing is that it's everywhere.

Like literally everywhere.

Why do I say that? Well, there's a whole industry about selling how to have a successful business.

Like it's in books, it's in courses, it's in software, it's in masterminds.

It's in coaching programs.

But all of these are offers.

And that author essentially says, Hey, reduce the time required for problem-solving, by spending money or buying this opportunity, where we have already gone through all of the pain, all of the suffering, all of the mistakes, all of the errors, all of the mess-ups all of them just the error after error in order to create this instruction manual, this set of instructions that leads to a successful business.

And it's not just business, this is all things in life.

Most things in life are not new.

If you chose to do something today, guess what? There's probably someone who has already spent 10 years 15 years 20 years mastering it.

And the really elite out of that group went ahead and documented it in a book in software in a course in a mastermind in a coaching program and they are offering it to you and saying hey, if you would like to spend X amount of money invest X amount of money with me then I will explain Change the instruction manual, I will give you what is required in order to get what you want.

Without having to go through the 10 years, the 15 years like you, it's not to say that it's just magically going to happen these it's like doing and suddenly you can surf big waves, this is highly unlikely.

But you can right now buy an app for I think it's $127 that runs through the basics of surfing, how to learn surf, how to improve your pop, how to improve your breathing, how to paddle better, and then when you progress from there, there will be further offered in order to rapidly accelerate from where you are perhaps never having served before, through to being able to competently take on two-foot, three-foot, four foot, five foot, six-foot, 10 foot 20 foot if you should show so choose.

Now, just to let you know, a 20-foot wave is scary, like you could die, like definitely potential to die.

But if that is what you are committed to living, if that is the reality that you want to create, then know that the instructions are there.

And you can either troubleshoot it and problem solves it hour after hour after hour, most of which will not give you the answer that you're looking for.

But you have to go through them in order to get to the solution, or you can invest in somebody who's already done it for you.

My suggestion is if you have this choice, then you should invest.

You should invest that the timeframes like particularly if you know how much time is worth to you, like if your one hour is worth $150, if it's worth 250, maybe it's worth $1,000, maybe it's worth $30.

And you can say, Well, for me to get to where I want to be, it's going to take 300 hours, let's keep the math nice and easy.

And it's $100 an hour, then that is a $30,000 investment on your part.

If you can buy that for less than 30,000, perhaps it's 127, perhaps it's 1000, perhaps it's $5,000.

But if you can spend 5000, to save 30,000, then this is a good investment.

Because not only are you investing $5,000, you are dramatically increasing your likelihood of getting what you want you to see the 30,000 might go in and you still might not get what you want it.

Versus with the $5,000 investments.

Suddenly it's like oh, wow, not only do I get there quicker, faster, with way more likelihood of actually getting what you want.

That is really the benefit of investing in someone else's offer.

So next time you come across an offer, you're like, Man, how do I weigh this up? And I would look at it and say well, how long would it take you to likely be required to problem solve this solution? And then double it and possibly triple it because a whole lot like software development, what do you think is required is probably an underestimation of the true requirements.

Have a look at that offer? Have a look at how many hours it will take in order just to get the set of instructions that works.

And say, you know, what is this something that I really want because if it is something you really want, then you should say yes to that offer.

And in exchanging money for that offer, you get to become more you get to experience that which you want, which in the case of surfing might be surfing for foot waves, it might be surfing 20-foot waves, and you'll probably have to make a bigger investment to get to that 20-foot level.

If it's in business and you want a successful business then you should look for people who are successful in business and invest in them.

If you want to know one place where I personally have found an outrageous return on investment.

It's in Wake Up Warrior.

I want you to go over and check this out.

Go to play a warrior.

io, That's PLAY WAR I play a warrior.

io And go and check out a 290 $7 offer and look at what This represents because this offer for 297, your initial experience might be meant to 97.

That's expensive.

But what I want you to compare it to is what it cost Garrett, to get that offer on the table.

At a minimum, it costs four years of his life, four years, you can buy for years of pain, and struggle and difficulty, and loss and questioning, and feeling forsaken and feeling a loan for four years.

And you can condense that entire experience into 42 days.

Do you get to get out of all of the pain and suffering? No, I'm sorry, no, like, if you want to get out of pain and suffering, then you are going to struggle on this planet.

Why? Because this world is filled with pain and suffering.

There is no escape, you might have a temporary escape in drinking or smoking or diluting yourself or going to the movies.

But eventually, life will bring you pain and suffering.

And your response to that will determine what happens next.

And you can spend four years, six years, eight years, 10 years, knowing that there is still not a guarantee that you're going to get out of it.

Or you can spend 290 $7, which is ridiculously cheap to buy four years of pain and suffering, condense it into 42 days, and come out weaponized to take on life.

And not only live but to build a successful business.

And you can take it wherever you are right now, if you are willing to take the lessons.

Take the learnings to take the experience and say you know what? I think this might work.

Why? Because it's proven.

Warrior is proven.

So many people have been through it.

And whether they are in the program now or not.

They took the learnings and they applied it to their life.

And those that continue to live the Warriors way continue to rise and life responds the universe responds why? Because they know what to do.

And they do it.

That's really what's on offer here.

If you are struggling with knowing what to do in business, or much more likely that you just cannot find the means and get the leverage on yourself to do it, then you should head to play a warrior.

io Now take out your credit card and join for the next 42-day experience where you will learn the weapons to become a successful businessman or woman.

On the other side is the life that is extraordinary.

Or you can continue to try and problem solve it yourself over and over and over.

Perhaps you will get there one year, two years, six years 15 years later.

But also know that there is a significant chance that you will not get there that God or the Universe provided Garrett to go through this experience so that you could exchange 290 $7 however many hours that is that might be one hours work that might be 10 hours work that might even be 40 hours of work of you in exchange for four years of pain and suffering.

It's up to you.

But if you want to know what is possible in this life, if you want to know what is possible for you, if you would like to be able to actualize your heart's desires and see them in physical reality so that you can enjoy them.

Then you have a choice.

You can either let this go and continue to suffer or you can head over to play a warrior.

io now and enter into an experience that is transformational.

So like a FOIA today, I hope you take action.

I'm not going to come and enter that URL for you.

You must take that choice you must walk through the door.

What's on the other side? I hope that you would be open enough to find out what that might be for you.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

Thanks for tuning in on this episode, who do you know what to do? And are you willing to do it? Head over to play worried.

io, Look forward to seeing tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems that creates results.

See you then.





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