What two critical software are required for a systemised business?

Dec 20, 2021

What two critical software is required for a systemized business? straight off the bat? Is it software? I don't know.

But to have a systemized business, you're going to need two particular ones.

The first one is some way of keeping track of the work that's getting done.

Basically a project management system.

Now, you might immediately think that you need to go out and spend a lot of money on monthly subscriptions for something like Asana or for click up or Monday.

But I want you to consider that Excel, or Google Sheets will suffice until you hit enough people that you're like, you know, what we need more control, we need the ability to limit what some people can see and what other people can't see.

Up until that point, you can run a very effective business, tracking what's getting done, just with a simple spreadsheet.

If you need to go to more advanced, you will know it because you're like, man, it's getting too hard to see what's going on for everybody, we got too much stuff, not everybody needs to see everything.

And therefore, we need a way to limit that and software is then going to be your solution.

Moving to an Asana moving to a click up moving to a Monday.

Why? Because it gives you that control to say, hey, here's all of the stuff that's going on the business, but we just need you to see this bit.

And the software's going to do that.

But that is not all that you require for a systemized business, you're going to need a second piece of software.

Most businesses will go to the project management software, they're like, yep, we clearly need to track what's getting done.

Do you know what the second piece is? The second piece is, how do we do what needs to get done.

Now, this has number nine, this might be called SOP standard operating procedures, this might be called a procedure manual.

And this is a second piece that you must have.

If you are going to have a systemized business if you are going to free yourself from having to do everything or supervise everything.

If you are going to free yourself from everybody doing it their own way, which leads to variable results, problems, fires, difficulties, stress, long hours, general unhappiness for the business owner, then you're going to need some kind of procedure manual.

And software to do this could be things like train your this could be like process Street, this could be system hub.

But if you are not at a stage in a business where you need a project management system, then you probably don't need the control that comes with those levels of software.

So what are you going to use instead? Well, much like Excel or Google Sheets will suffice.

At a lower level businesses with smaller amounts of work getting done smaller numbers of people guess what's going to manage on the other side? Yep.

Easy enough.

I'm sure you guessed it, Microsoft Word, Google Docs something along these lines.

Now you probably have access to these, or you have a subscription on your computer.

Or if you have Dropbox, or you have the drive, then you have access to some kind of version of Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

In my experience, if you're not sure which to choose, I like Google Docs and Google Sheets.

Why? Well, there's a fun feature that happens on some episodes of Microsoft Word.

And that is when you log in, it creates a unique URL that others cannot log in with.

And so if you tracking your list of URLs, so for your procedures, let's say that you've got an index, and you link if you use Word, then the links will only work when you log in verses there's not what you want, you want to have a link that works for all of your team.

So you're getting it, you got to have these two things, these two types of software.

On one piece is the project management can be Google Sheets and excel through to the advanced software options.

And on the other side, you need process documentation, some kind of solution that could be simple like Google Docs, and Microsoft Word through to system harm to a train your to a process street something that's going to keep track of your procedures and provide that level of support.

dictation that you need over in project management where not everybody sees everything, that software in the procedure on the procedure manual will also allow you to limit what gets edited.

So not all things can be added.

The last thing you want is once you've dialed it in, you got a system working, you got the procedures documented correctly, somebody comes in doesn't understand why some things are being done, and start to change a working system.

This is one of the advantages of the process software.

And when you get when you need that you'll know no longer will you be talking and say, hey, I want to change this, you're like, No, no, no, don't change that.

But once you hit that a certain number of people, it's typically around seven people in an interconnected business, it may be high if you're a lot of your staff are very siloed where they work on one project by themselves.

This could be a medical practice could be a legal practice.

This could even be a vet practice or a dental practice, these types of professions where you might get up to 15 people in your business before you start running into the problems of like, Hey, don't mess with that.

That works.

We know that works.

It's done that way because of this, that software and the procedures will allow you that level of control.

Alright, so taking away takeaways, major takeaways from this episode number one, you need a project management system and you need some type of procedure manual SOP documentation to tell you how to do what's getting done.

Alright, I hope you got a lot of value out of today's session.

certainly enjoyed it.

I'm making an entrance not an interest like sounds like I'm like to come in with the music but no, just got to go and watch my kids play football.

It is indoor soccer season it is on these guys love playing indoor soccer.

I look forward to seeing you on the next episodes.

We continue the journey into the power systems to create results if you need help with your business getting results.

If you want to use systems so that you can make more money and work less then head over to systemio.dev and look forward to seeing the next episode.

See you then.





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