What if houses were built like businesses?

Dec 24, 2021

What if houses were built like businesses? 

Like check this out if houses were built like businesses, and you're walking down just a standard suburban street nothing special but on a normal suburban street, you walk along all the houses are built, they work but if they were businesses, you would see the most amazing things I want I want you to check this out as you walk along the street and for some reason, house number one doesn't have any electricity so at night there are no lights in house number two, someone stuck the roof on backward so the installations facing the rooms on house number three, there's literally no side walls like they just forgot the side walls.

House number four the doors upside down house number five, they never even built like just the materials a day nothing ever happened how six fell down? How seven fell down house eight fell down.

House nine fell down house 10 made it you like go along? And there's just this these like bizarre houses? way like what is going on with these whoever designed these houses? Clearly wasn't thinking correctly.

But you go to a normal suburban street, all the houses look fine.

They the roofs are on the right way.

All the walls are in place.

All the doors work, the plumbing is there, the electricity there, the internet is connected.

Everything works.

So how is it that we have mastered building houses to a large degree like you can go and get houses designed, the error rate is minimal?

Minimal, like the architects, know how to design houses.

They know how to build specialty houses, they know how to build generic housing, they know how to build skyscrapers, so they don't fall down.

Like we know how to build houses.

But you come over to businesses and at five years, four out of five are dead.

And if you go further five years, another four out of those five are gone.

That's like man, what is going on here? What is going on? This is a question that's worthwhile answering because what it means is that the ones that survive become so dominant, that it becomes very hard for other players to build a house, or at least that is what it feels like.

But is that true? No, that's not true.

If you know how to get a house designed and get a builder to build it, then you too can have a house.

And this is the same with business.

It's just that we as a society seem incredibly poor at building businesses that work as you go along and things and missing walls and missing windows or upside down Rouzer upside down floors and missing.

And people are sitting there using these businesses going well.

Yeah, that's fine.

No worries.

Yeah, we get wet a little bit.

There might be the risk that in some a mild storm, the whole thing just falls over.

There's very little resilience.

So what is different? What is different? This is a question that is worthwhile asking.

Because if you can visualize your house, your sorry, your business as a house, and you were to see your business that house what would it look like? What would it look like? How structurally sound? Is your house? Are the walls built of good quality material? Is the roof? Good quality material made? Well? Has it been maintained? Are the windows functional? Are the windows lockable? Are they protected? Are the doors on? Or is it all boarded up? You're like, Man, I can't work out why we're not making any sales when the door is boarded up? Or is it that your business is put together incorrectly? Like you didn't get the order, right? And then you are surprised when things aren't working when your ads aren't working? When your funnels aren't working when your sales aren't working.

When your customers are complaining about your fulfillment.

When your team's unhappy when people don't get paid like all of these things come from a business that has not been designed well.

But the good news is about a business is that even if your house is out of order right now Knowing the blueprints for what works, you can start to pivot, you can start to add in those structural walls that need to be fixed, you can turn the roof over and put it on.

So it actually works, you can make your house into a structurally sound house that not only works but is also protected.

And these things have been discovered and written down.

They're put in business books, and you need a way to take that wisdom and apply it to your business.

Now, his business book, The only way that you can do this, no, this is not you can get consultants you can get coaches, you can do it by trial and error, but it will take you a lot of houses and building houses, is expensive building businesses is expensive.

growing too fast, like not allowing the concrete to set before you add the next layer, adding the next layer off-kilter.

All of these problems, have wonderful analogies for architecture where you look, wow, what is going on.

But if you can build a solid, four-bedroom, two-bathroom house, which is a business sense would mean that you have a sales funnel that works that selling one offer that sells with ads that promote it, and a fulfillment system that delivers, then you have a four by two house.

And you can do that again and do that again.

And sure the first time that you build it, maybe you don't get the furniture, right.

But you can change that, particularly if you have a way of redesigning on the fly.

Like if you have the ability to create new blueprints, without having to knock the entire house down and try out a new variant on how the particular design of that room is set up.

Rather than having to build the entire house again, or noticing that whole parts of your house are missing.

So this thinking helps.

Because you're going to need the parts of business businesses are like houses in terms of they have a requirement for marketing, for sales for advertising for the fulfillment, they have a requirement for optics for people through accounting, for tax strategies, for insurance, for legal, and for profit.

All of those things are required.

And how you do these will determine how well your business is built, how well the house analogy of your business holds up in normal conditions.

And in extreme conditions.

And the blueprints the go to make all of the parts of the houses are called systems.

Your ability to translate from a system blueprint from off the blueprint to reality will determine your success.

And the coolest thing is once you crack this, you can go again and again.

And suddenly you can run that second, third, fourth business.

Why because your people operating systems, they're not haphazardly problem solving, they're not doing their best to patch up a wall that just was not built correctly.

The solution to your business problems is not in solving more problems instead of solving the problem once and getting the system documented, even better document and use that which has already been created.

There are hundreds of business books, all documenting systems that have been proven to work.

Your challenge is how to take that wisdom, whether it comes from the book, whether it comes from a workshop, whether it comes from a seminar, whether it comes from a coach, and translate it into ongoing systems in your business.

This is the solution to rebuild your house as a strong structurally sound business that operates day in day out whatever the conditions.

Alright, that's all I got for you.

I love this analogy.

I love this analogy like literally that suburban street of broken houses falling apart, bizarre designs, that is what most businesses are looking like unless you get up to well-run businesses and guess what all well run businesses have systems.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I hope you got a lot of value out of it.

You know, continue running with this analogy, because I think there's some value here, look forward In the next episodes we continue this journey into the power systems to create results to see them.





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