What to do if you keep trying to solve the same problems!

Oct 10, 2021

What to do if you keep trying to solve the same problems in business? Welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley.

It's happened to me, it literally happened to me on Sunday, Saturday, I bought a course.

And it was specifically about how to easily create Facebook ads.

I was like, Man, that's the problem that I've got right now, that is the problem.

I want to know how to build audiences, I want to know how to set up my ads, I want to know how to call out to the right people.

The interesting thing is that I have bought many courses on this before.

And yet this problem remained.

And it allowed the message of the marketer who's very skilled to come in and say, Hey, have you got this problem? I'm like, yes, I've got that problem.

Well, if you've got this problem, then buy this and it will be solved.

And I bought it.

I'm like, great, finally sold.

And then I found a very interesting challenge, already bought this course, I hadn't actually bought this specific course.

But rather, this one that they were selling was part of a bigger course that I had bought.

In fact, I bought it in October last year, cost two grand or something like that.

And I was like, Man, I already own this thing.

I really owning this course.

This is a problem for me.

It's a waste of money.


But it's not really the fact that I bought it again, what the problem is, is that I didn't take any action on the course that I did buy.

This is the same for you.

You've probably bought courses before.

I was shocked at one point when I believe there's a Brendon Burchard course.

And he's like, if you've made it to this six-CD, then you are an absolute outlier.

Most people by the courses, get through the first CD.

And don't complete it.

Now, the fact that He was on a CD dates this course greatly.

But it was in fact, I think was called Millionaire Messenger or something like that.

I got to a place where I recognized that I had bought, course after course, but all almost all of the business problems that I could think of.

And the problem that I got to is that not the buying and the courses, but my inability and your inability to take that course and turn it in is something that can actually be used.

You see knowledge doesn't just magically work.

Buying the course doesn't actually solve your problem in my course.

In my case, I bought the course.

And it still didn't solve problem.

Why? Because I did nothing with it.

Now, going back some years, I realized that I could often execute once through the course I can go through and execute, successfully deployed just by following these steps, follow the steps following the steps by brute force often losing my place not really knowing where it's up to try to come back and go okay, yeah, what how do I do this.

And then I learned the trick, the master skill, being able to take that course and turn it into a system.

This has several advantages.

Number one, I can use it over and over, I can actually just copy the system, deploy it and go.

Secondly, I don't have to remember where I put this course and have to rewatch videos.

And I have to go through again and go, amen.

How do you do this? Again? How do I find this step? You see the first time through? It's okay.

And there's a learning experience of like, okay, how do I do this? How do I do this full engagement?

But next time, it's kind of frustrating is like, oh, man, or He did this can't find the instructions at worst, a lot worked last time, and it's not working this time.

This has been my experience for years, this is not the first time I've actually bought the same problem from different people trying to solve it, never realizing that the problem was the system execution might inability to take a course make it into a system and then deploy.

With that.

You don't need to buy so many courses anymore.

And you transition from someone who executes once or not at all into having a resource to be able to deploy again and again and again, you actually can take the action.

You can take the action, this is the transformation of knowledge into results when you can take the information in that book in that cost in that seminar.

And making is something that is usable not just once, once is better than no times for sure.

But not just once but over and over and over that you can deploy rapidly, you can deploy effectively with fewer mistakes.

Far fewer mistakes you can keep track of it like this is the exciting thing of mastering systems.

And yet how many books on systems not many, how much training on systems not many, why systems traditionally have thought and thought of is hard.

But once you get the structure, once you see how they get set up, and then run, and it's like, oh, the elegance and the beauty of systems mean that you can transform results, instead of having to go back into buying that course again and then re-watching it and learning how to do it.

Again, you can do that once.

And while it might take a bit longer to do it once that first time, the next time around, suddenly, instead of five hours, it takes an hour and a half.

And that's three and a half hours back in your life.

Now you do this across the board in your business, and suddenly you are starting to get exponential results.

Why because all of your systems benefit from this significant reduction in the amount of time that it takes to do things.

If you need help with this if you would like to end the suffering in the pain of buying yet another course potentially even the same one again.

And then being able to take that course and apply it into a system.

So now you have the way of doing it deployable to yourself deployable to your team.

And actually start getting the results that you want in business then head over to systemio.dev.

Thank you for tuning in today.

I hope you got a lot of value out of today's episode, learn from my pain, you must master systems.

I certainly will be taking this course and putting it into a systems format so that we can use it in my business over and over and over.

And I hope you have the same experience for all of your systems in your business as well.

I look forward to seeing tomorrow as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.





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