The awkward reason you team may not want you to use systems. 😬

Oct 10, 2021

The awkward reason is that your team may not want you to use systems.

Hi, welcome to today's episode. My name is Tom Rolley.

This is an interesting topic, why would your team not want to use systems? Well, one of the first reasons is that it is changing.

And in this time of great change, I mean, really, it's been changed after change after change, there is a significant risk of change fatigue, there's like, oh, man, we can't deal with anything more.

But one of the challenges you might come up against is that they're like, you know, what the system stuff is processed stuff, it's great, but it is slower.

It's faster not to use the system.

And this is true if the work that they do is very repetitive.

So if the McDonald's, think Front of House, McDonald's, think back a house, McDonald's, these jobs are very repetitive, it's the same job over and over and over, you do not need to have the instructions right there.

It's not like building a new Lego set, where you've got to work out where the pieces go, it's flipped the burger, press the money, press the buttons, take the money, it's really not that hard.

But as you move into more advanced jobs, where you're potentially paying people higher rates of pay, their work typically will become more complex.

And so when they're saying, Hey, we don't want to use the instructions, because it is slower, and have you consider that they may be operating under false pretenses.

And why is that? Well, if they make one mistake in that work, then it will take longer, likely than the overhead that it takes to track the work.

They're like, Yep, it is quicker, as long as you do everything, right.

And this is fine if we're at McDonald's if you're just doing that repetitive job.

But as soon as you move into any white-collar job, or any jobs, where you're covering multiple roles, where you've got to swap between different tasks, all of these have an inherent risk of mistakes and errors of skipping steps of failing to remember key things.

And this leads to mistakes, this leads to work needlessly done, as they go through, they might go for another half hour for an hour, doing work that has errors in it, and then it gets found, and you have to go back and do it again.

Now the overhead of tracking the work, keeping track of the processes that are actually going on, is relatively small compared to the cost of making mistakes.

Now realize also that the customers making mistakes, also has you suffered from customer complaints from me constantly dealing with fires, keeps you late at night at business.

This all is very painful.

So could there be another reason? Well, let's talk about that awkward reason why your team may not want you to track their work.

Why? Because it's going to give you optics, you're going to be able to see who's doing what.

And this may bring up fear in them.

So you need to speak to this and say, Hey, some of you might have been underperforming.

Some of you might be fearful that if I can see what work you're doing each day, that it might be less than perhaps I as the business owner, or you as the business owner will be happy with.

And you go say, okay, great.

If that's the case, let's bring that productivity up.

You might have to have an amnesty and say, Hey, we're going to implement this stuff, you might have some fears that you're underperforming.

That's okay, your performance will increase when you use the systems.

Why? Because there'll be fewer errors, you'll be able to go through and work more consistently come back from distractions, and recover quickly be able to cover your colleagues work if they're sick, we do not have to wait for them to return because the work is documented, and you know where they're up to.

So there's that fear that they're underperforming and that they may lose their job, this must be addressed.

Otherwise, you will have resistance.

You'll have resistance about people saying you know what, we don't want to do it because it's slower.

This is bullshit.

This is not the real reason.

There is a reason underneath that, that they are fearful of one that they're underperforming or two that they're going to lose their jobs.

So you must address this.

What's in it for you? Well, basically, you get to do twice as much with your team for half as much time, fewer problems, more consistent work, way fewer variable results, the ability to have redundancy in your team.

The advantages of running a business on systems are significant, but you must deal with the change factor that's coming in for your team when you implement this if you want help with this, in terms of how to implement systems how to deal with team challenges around why they're resisting and how to get them to do it.

One of the easiest ways is just to get them to track their work, what are they working on, it does not need to be the detailed systems following through on every detail.

They just need to start tracking their work and begin to see the benefits of being able to come back and go up.

That's where I was up to.

That's what we're working on.

They can actually have a much higher sense of happiness in their day when they're completely on the work, being able to bring up all of the systems that they are operating on and knock them out.

This takes out work in progress.

This frees them up.

This means that they're less stressed, they're going home on time.

These are the advantages for your team that must be promoted.

Like Hang on, there's a lot here for you to benefit from as well not just from the benefits that come to you as the business owner.

If you want help head over to I hope you got some value out of today's episode.

I certainly enjoyed making it for you and look forward to seeing it on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results.





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