Did you know... Systems are critical for protection as well as for production!

Oct 03, 2021

Did you know that systems are just as important for protection as they are for production? Welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of SystemIO.

yesterday's events, were quite shocking.

For those of you who didn't see it, there was a chicken massacre, the chicken got out of the coop went around, and then my dog killed the chicken.

And so there was a dead chicken.

This got me thinking, this was a classic example of a failure of a protection system.

And that this is a risk in business.

The interesting thing about protection now is that you've got to be good enough to actually have this problem.

You see, if you can't master production, then you can have all the protection in the world, which probably won't be that much, because there's not that much to protect, like protection only makes sense if you've got something to protect.

If I had no chickens, then what is the point? Like, seriously, what's the point of having a chicken coop that works? If you've got no chickens doesn't matter whether it works doesn't matter if it fails completely, if there are no chickens, this is important.

This is important because it means that you have to get your production game on point.

First up, get your production game working.

And guess what that requires? Yes, it requires systems of course it does.

Now, you may not know that you have been using systems.

But as you've gone through various people's courses, or whoever you learned marketing from whether it was from Russell or Frank or Jeff, or whoever you learned it from, or perhaps you didn't even learn it, or you just went to the book.

So you just went, you know what, I'm just going to chuck it out there, and you got lucky.

And suddenly it worked just out of chute grunt.

But nonetheless, there were things that were done over and over and over, that got you results.

And short, they might not have been documented.

But nonetheless, the idea was there that you do a bunch of stuff and outcomes or results.

And in marketing, you did that.

And in advertising and did that.

And in sales, you did that.

And in fulfillment, you did that.

You see, the interesting thing about the production is you don't even need to nail fulfillment that well.

But you do need to know marketing.

And you do need to know sales.

And you do need to know to advertise.

And whether that is paid ads or SEO, or through networking, whatever form of advertising you're using, you got to get your business out of this somehow.

And all of those are underpinned by one thing, which is your systems game, how will you do systems.

And then let's say that you do get that working, that you're at 1235 1050 100.

Suddenly, protection begins to become far more important.

Particularly if you've got a team, they're running, your marketing, running your sales, this is all working well.

And suddenly protecting it becomes much more important than the systems, again, come into play.

Because guess what's underneath protection, the same skill set systems, your ability to run and operate on systems will determine your level of production, and your level of profit, and your level of protection.

Why? Because it's the same structure that underpins all of these things.

You could literally take one of your team members who's doing your accounting and say, Hey, we're down in marketing today, we need these systems completed and trade them across and get them to successfully operate, they may not be at the elite stage, or the elite speed that one of your regular marketing team members is but they could nonetheless get the work done.

Why because the systems are structured the same systems structured the same means that you have redundancy, you can move team members around someone sick, someone takes a leaf day someone gets head on to training becomes so much easier, like literally hundreds of times easier with wireless errors, because you are using systems.

You see systems underpins every single thing.

It is the hidden aspect of business that no one seems to see.

It's like Man, why doesn't this work? It's like, well, it's your system, for whatever you want.

It's your system for sales.

It's just system for fulfillment.

It's your system for your tax game, your system for how you do legal for insurance, all of these things, operating on systems now Whether you can get this right or wrong will be a powerful determinant about just what kind of business owner you are, what kind of life you get to lead, what kind of family life that you experience, the level of abundance in your life will be determined by how well you do systems.

It's exciting.

There is nothing in your business game that will have as much impact as leveling up your systems.

Why? Because it drives your production, it drives your profit, it drives your protection.

Nothing else in your business can be deployed across all of these things and impact them as much as leveling up your systems game.

If you want to do this, if you're like, you know what I am sick of operating without systems that work.

I'm sick of having a half-assed effort where we've got processes distributed in multiple places by multiple people with inconsistent formats and this straight up doesn’t work.

Then your next step is to head over to systemio.dev, put a name, put an email, go grab the training there.

Thanks for joining me on tonight's session.

I hope you got a lot out of it.

And I look forward to seeing it tomorrow as we continue to explore the power of systems to create results.

See you then.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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