Savvy marketers don't want you to know this about the templates they sell. 🧐

Oct 11, 2021

Savvy marketers don't want you to know this about the templates that they sell.

Welcome to today's episode.

My name is Tom Rolley want to share with you an experience that I had, I was scrolling through Facebook and I got captured by a headline and a video.

And it was selling templates.

Now, this was an attractive idea to me, I'm like, Yes, cool, I can take those templates and use them $5.

60 It was very attractive and actually had two upsells, two bumps on the page, sorry.

And then one upsell, and I was bought them all on my awesome, give me more, give me the templates, give me the templates, give me the templates.

Now, this presumably is a good deal for the gentleman that sold it to me.

I bought everything.

And the interesting thing that struck me is that most people who would have done that are about to experience a very difficult problem.

And that is that it's an overwhelming amount of information.

One of the documents alone was 50.

top headlines, there was headlines that were subheads, there was opt in pages, there's funnel sequences, email sequences, there's everything that you need in order to market and run your business effectively.

The trap is that most people will not know where these fit, they will not know where they go.

And what will happen is that all of this information will rapidly enter the folder of despair.

What is the folder of despair? Well, that is where you have bought other people's products, other people's books, other people's courses, other people's seminars, you've gone on this expedition to increase your business, you invest time you invest money, you invest energy, and the outcome is that it goes and gets stored in a folder that I call the folder of Despair not to be used in your business.

Now, why is this? Well, let's look at the problem that you face, though your problem is that you don't know how to take those templates and integrate them into your business.

Now, when I take them I'm like, okay, great.

What system do these templates sit into? Is it a sales system? Isn't a marketing system? Is it an advertising system? Is it a fulfillment system is a process system? One of them was 50.

outsourced? Instructions? I'm like, great, though, just drop straight in.

Okay, where does this go? Where does this go? Where does this go? So it's highly usable to me why? Because I understand systems now understand processes, and understand templates and how they give you results in your business.

You see, just buying the templates alone doesn't tell you how they get used, it doesn't tell you when they get used, it doesn't really tell you even what the result of those templates is meant to be.

You see, when you look at it, just from a template perspective, you go great, I've got all this information wonderful.

The problem is, how do you use it.

And the market is relying on this what they want from you is not the $5.

60 or not even the $100 purchase, but they want you to go Ah, okay, I've got a lot of value here, but I don't really know what I'm doing.

And so I'll buy the 5000 or by the 25,000 to buy the $100,000 program.

In order to get the results that these were meant to provide.

You see, the templates are only part of the solution.

The true solution lies in your ability to know and use and create systems.

When you've got the systems Great.

Now you've got the processes that make up that system and the templates that feed into those processes.

Realize that templates are just a shorthand code for processes that you could write out all the steps.

But instead, it's like, hey, just copy the template.

It saves you a vast amount of time, but it's got to fit somewhere.

There's got to be a purpose for these templates, a reason for their usage.

And so the interesting question comes like, at what point will you make the jump to say, You know what, I'm not going to buy any more solutions that don't give me the results that I want.

And when you do that, then your mind must open up and say wow, how do I get the results? I need to understand the systems and then suddenly you're free.

You can choose to buy templates, knowing that they will be highly useful.

They will be highly effective in your business.

Why? Because you've got somewhere to put them.

You're like okay, great.

That's this fits into the headline generator.

When I'm making a post when I'm creating an email when I'm doing a new sales page, any of those things I need a headline Great.

Let's go to the headline template.

You see, these templates weren't the first time that I've seen You already have a lot of this material, your problem is you do not know how to put it together to get the usable results.

And so you're faced with a difficult choice of, Okay, do I pay someone to deploy these techniques to deploy these templates so they work so you can get the results that you want.

You see, you didn't want the templates, what you want is the results.

You want the sales, you want the cash, you want, the lifestyle that money provides.

You want to be able to take your ideas, your inspirations as an entrepreneur and see them come into reality.

Like Surely that is an exciting reality that you would like to be in your ability to reduce the gap between the inspiration dropping in from wherever it comes and seeing in physical reality, knowing that when you do that you will make other people's lives better, I mean, can see that how much benefit has come through to the world in the last five years, 10 years, 20 years, anyone want to go back to live in the 18th century, and they had gas lamps, they have major diseases, like all sorts of problems that none of us will many of us do not have to deal with not none of us would not be a great world, though, when none of us have to deal with famine, or lack of clean water, or inability to access education.

You see, all of these problems require solutions, and you can hope the government's coming.

But so far, my, my, my, my experience is that they really don't understand systems and processes at all.

They're not motivated to they're motivated by force, and it's going to take the money.

There's no requirement to provide a solution where you can say, Yes, I want that in my life.

These templates that I bought, a lot of effort went into them.

A lot of effort, I can see it, it's like, wow, this is this is hundreds of hours of work that have gone in.

And my excitement for my personal usage is that I'm going to be able to bring through a great way to deploy systems and processes I've got the way.

It's wonderful.

It allows me to do more, with less the ultimate leverage.

I've been considering some kind of breakeven point in a business where you can get more enough, done more done.





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