Why do these three words make such a massive difference to your take home profit?

Nov 28, 2021

The old jet on the promise that you made.

But there is an exchange of cash or money or something else, maybe Bitcoin.

But something changed hands.

And in that, they said that the prospect said yes, I want that.

I want what you are offering, and they gave you money, and then you gave them what they wanted.

This may be in the moment, at a supermarket at a department store, they take the item, they put it through the cash register, they give you the money, you give them the product as they walk out the dual happy days.

But this also might be extended periods, it might be a 12-month coaching program, it might be a three-month experience where a product is generated.

But nonetheless, at the end of that sales process, something happens and that is the money changes.

So it's worth walking there.

And that sales idea, the idea of sales is well how do you get someone to buy? How do you get them to say, Hey, I see that I have a problem, I see that I want something, I see that there is a desire.

And they go through your experience of whether that's a conversation with them on the phone on Zoom, whether that's a recorded video message, however they go through that journey, they make a journey at the end, they say yes, I want to buy, they're putting their credit card details that give you cash.

And they bought relatively simple, relatively simple you like, hey, what could go wrong here? What let's move to our second idea, advertising, advertising.

What an interesting term.

For years, I thought advertising meant paid ads, paid ads were advertising, it made sense.

Of course, you pay for the ad to appear online, or your payment for the ad to appear in the newspaper.

And that is advertising.

What I missed in that definition is that is not what advertising is, that is only a part of advertising.

You see, advertising to me is any way that you get people to come into your sales funnel.

And that could be paid ads.

But it could be other things as well.

It could be an email, where they had opted in for something and then you get to email them again, that is advertising.

Perhaps they found your website, and there was a piece of content there.

And there was a link and they clicked in that is advertising, search engine optimization is advertising, email marketing, is advertising.

And notice what I just said, email marketing, email marketing, not email advertising.

And this is where we start to see these words being difficult.

Email marketing really should be cooled email advertising.

And the same with another idea that you have no doubt heard of called Content Marketing.

Is it really content marketing? No.

It is content advertising, content advertising, where someone sees that article? And it's like, Yes, I recognize that problem.

I want to be in the least introduced to what you've got to say, and therefore I'm going to click through and go yep, I want that.

I want to enter into the first part of the journey of that sales process.

And they go through and hopefully through a series of yeses.

Yes, I'm interested.

Yes, I want this yes, I'm buying, they purchase.

But now we have two examples, email marketing, content marketing, where they are not marketing at all advertising.

And then we come to that final word.

And perhaps this is the most critical, most difficult, most confusing word I want to help you out.

With that word.

That word, of course, is marketing, marketing.

So simple.

Such a simple word, how could it cause so many problems? Well, we've already seen why because commonly, advertising and marketing are confused.

And the interesting thing is when you confuse them, then it is highly likely that you do not do marketing at all, that the marketing work doesn't get done and you head into building your sales process.

You head into building your advertising without having done your marketing.

And now you struggle.

Why because you're having to do all of the work that should have been done in marketing.

As part of those other experiences sales and advertising can Gotta be done it can, it can, but it is highly likely particularly if you have multiple people working on the experience that there will be errors there will be confusion, there will be slowness, there will be difficulties because the marketing's not done.

So what is marketing? Marketing appears in your sales funnels, your sales processes marketing appears in your advertising.

And it underpins both of them.

Because it is the information that defines how they both be created.

Marketing comes down to three critical pieces.

It's working out who your customer is your ideal customer is.

That's the first piece Who do you want to work with? Who are your favorite clients? Who are your favorite customers? Would you like more of them? Great, write it down, you've just entered the marketing work by defining who you want to work with.

Next up, you need to know what problems that person has, they may have a large number of problems.

In fact, it is almost inevitable in our current society that they have a large number of problems, do you want to solve them all? Probably not.

Perhaps there is a specific person with a specific problem that you want to solve that your business so that your product solves that your services sold.

And now you've entered into the second piece of marketing. What problem are we solving? And then finally, you see this is the craziest thing.

There are literally just three pieces to marketing.

And when you get them you like, oh, wow.

Okay, great.

What's that third piece? Well, guess what we know who we want to serve, we know what their problem is.

Now we need to know how we are going to do that.

And that is commonly known as an offer.

You know who you want to serve, you know what their problem is, and how you are going to solve it, you package that up in an offer.

And then that entire marketing can now go to the sales funnel, all of those definitions that you created in the work of marketing.

Now get applied into your sales experience, your sales process, your opt-in page, your videos, your conversations, whatever is in that sales experience is built from that foundation of marketing.

And the same with your advertising.

Over here and your advertising, guess what all of the words, the images, who you're speaking to how you create your ads come from your marketing.

And now you have a consistent experience from AD to opt into sales process to sale and that ends up with money in your bank account.

fast deployment of the entire experience and happy team and hopefully, in your case, a very happy business owner.

I hope you got a lot of value out of today's session.

These definitions are critical.

And they are commonly confused.

Email marketing.

No, it is email advertising content marketing.





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