Feedback testing.. does it make a difference to project success?

Dec 04, 2021

Feedback testing doesn't make a difference to project success.

So interesting conversation, I'm doing experiments with how I provide feedback in development.

What I'm up to at the moment is building a new app.

And as usual, in life, I get to choose two out of three, you can have fast, you can have good or you can have cheap choose to.

Now, this is an interesting dilemma.

Because I'm using Fiverr, much to some of my friends in software's chagrin delights, curiosity.

But I've got some guys who build Figma, I never heard of Figma.

Before, I had been told that it was possible to build high-fidelity prototypes of software that you can click and do everything in without actually having to build the app.

And I'm like, Wow, that sounds pretty cool.

So I found Adobe XD, but these guys are building in some other thing called figma.

Am I concerned? You know, it's a learning curve.

It's an interesting experience to go into this.

As a beginner.

As a Zen beginner, I got no idea kind of what I'm doing.

I'm like, Hey, this is what I want.

I've got a clear vision of where this is going.

But I have tried to give feedback before where I'll make a video.

And I'll just run through all the steps.

But what I found was that usually out of let's call it seven changes, two to three would be made.

There'd be two changes, one change that was not mentioned and for missed.

So I'm trying a new experiment because I want to see if I can increase the rate of feedback success.

So what am I doing? Well, this time around, instead of making one video and talking through, which, when I am dealing with people who have English as their second language, or time delays, or all that sort of stuff, that these challenges of working in a remote world where the price is cheaper, but I got to do more work, and my skills as a communicator, my skills as a leader, my skills of being able to describe what I want, clearly, and effectively come into how the final job gets completed.

The interesting thing is that it is not a guarantee by any means that by going to the west, that all of these things will be solved correctly.

Why? Because we're all still dealing with people, I'm dealing with people.

Yes, the language barrier is less.

But it is easier to learn lessons at let's call it $50 an hour, then at $300.

Now that in building this first prototype app, I'm learning so much I'm like, Oh, wow, you could do it this way.

You could do it this way.

But what I am taking from the entire experience is that when there are smaller, simple steps, the chances and the probability of success are higher.

By making it simple, people can say yep, there's one change here, or there are three changes here.

And that's it.

There are not seven mixed into a video with understanding even if it's a screen share.

And they can watch what I'm talking through, it still gets lost.

And this is because most people haven't been trained to break down a video into its ideas.

They're like, split, they're focused on other things.

There's a world of distraction in Facebook's even on the meetings with them.

It's been fascinating to hear the Bing Bing Bing Bing, I'm like, man, what is going on? As notification after notification after email after email comes in.

So one of the great challenges that you face that I face that our teams face is a distraction, and completion and tracking of what needs to be done.

You see, it's highly unlikely that the guys that are building the app have a breakdown of all of the items that need to be done.

I have actually even tried this.

I was in the meeting.

And we went through it all and like yep, you clear we reviewed all of the changes then I typed them out and still and still Two out of seven got done.

five out of seven did not.

So I'm running a new test.

This is an interesting test of what I am doing? Well, let's rewind a little bit.

So one way to deal with this problem is to make one change, wait for the change, one change, wait for the change, one change, wait for the change.

Now, this is relatively ineffective and is much better done, when both the developer and myself are on the same phone call are working through it and might not change that it is incredibly difficult to describe in words.

What's going on like it really interesting, what I saw, the ideal would be that we could both see each other's screens.

So I can hate this bit this what I'm talking to, rather than trying to describe, I want you to go to the left-hand border of the right-hand pane and drag it so it is kind of in a bit very difficult.

Get the mouse and like this bit needs to go here.

So there are these learnings, these improvements.

Make a difference.

So let's get to today's change.

So I didn't have time to do get on a call.

And I wanted to give feedback.

So what I did, instead of doing one video, I did five videos with one change, there are five changes, change this one video, change this one video, change this one video, change this one video, change this one video, and I do not know how this is going to go.

It might be exactly the same.

The same outcome is like Well look, two changes, three got missed.

But I also took each video and had it as a separate line in the feedback.

So we're using Fiverr.

There's a messaging system, it's like, one change one video, enter one change one video, enter.

So I'm curious.

Now, if this fails, I'm just going to move to what I described before let's meet up, they can see my screen, I can see their screen and we go now hopefully there's a tool to do this.

I don't know if there is I'm excited to find out.

But these changes, the way to get feedback quickly implemented is such a big issue.

Why? Because the slower the feedback, the longer everything takes, and the more chances there are for the project to fail.

So what I want you to do is look at how long it takes you to get feedback on projects that you're completing.

Like even if you're just observing them and you're watching a team's work.

This is a good question to think about how long does it change to take to go from Hey, we need to make this change to change implemented.

And reducing that time will significantly increase your ability to succeed in business, which means more money for you more happiness for your family, more happiness for your team, making a difference for your customers in the world, and giving your life purpose and meaning.

This is the true cost of a lot of society, the West is getting lost in our relative abundance.

But when you're making a difference in the world, there is purpose.

Your teams can feel it your families can feel it and you can feel it you wake up in the morning and you're on fire.

You're like Yep, let's go to work.

So have a look at how important this one little tweak is how long does it take for you to go from change to implementation.

That's all I got for you today as we continue this powerful journey into the power of systems to create results.

I'll see you tomorrow.





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