Systems hidden in plain sight...

Dec 01, 2021

System's hidden in plain sight.

I want to welcome you to our today's episode, we are challenged with a difficulty that you may have as well.

And that is large home power bills.

Like I don't know whether you're suffering from this, I have myself, my wife and my three kids in the house, we also have a pool and a crypto mine that continues to drive our power bill up.

The interesting thing is we knew that solar would make a difference.

And so we already put a six-kilowatt system on the roof.

And you would think that oh, yeah, you know, we should be down at low power bills, maybe $50 $100 per quarter.

No, we're about $1,200 per quarter.

And whether that is just excessive usage, poor use of things left on, or just the way that we have chosen to heat our house to a cooler house? I don't know, all I know is that there's a bill coming every quarter for $1,200.

So we've looked to solve this.

We're like, Alright, hang on, we got six kilowatts on the roof.

What else can we put on there? Well, let's drop another 10-kilowatt system on top doesn't make sense.

Well, interestingly enough, there are serious rebates here in Australia for the panels themselves not so much for putting energy back into the system that exact game has passed, but there's still money to be had from the government.

Australia's a very odd place, we pay a lot of taxes to the government, and then the government gives it back to us.

And I'm like, how about you don't do that? How about you just lower taxes and stop giving the money away, but that's not how they see fit.

So got to play the game, the game says, by the solar panels, and you will save an estimated $3,000 per year.

Alright, so let's do the math on that.

So we've got a current bill of 1200 per quarter, that's 4800 per year $3,000 coming in from the solar panels and solar panels cost 15,000 with a $6,000 rebate from the government coming in right around about that $9,000 mark.

So ideally, in an ideal world, we would get our money back within three years’ return on investment.

33%, not bad.

It's certainly significantly better than your average bank account, or even your average stock market or share market return.

I'll take the 33% for sure.

Compared to advertising compared to business air, not so much.

But nonetheless, the investment is a good one, we're helping the environment, we're decreasing our family bills.

And so we're going to get these solar panels on the roof.

But what does this got to do with systems? Well, I want you to think from my perspective, as the homeowner, I'm getting a system put on the roof, and it's doing the electricity and it goes from the solar panels to the inverter and the inverter sends it into the house and we use it happy days.

But that's not the system that I want you to consider.

What I want you to consider is the system from the perspective of the guy who sold us the solar panels, you see, what we have bought is just another copy of what He goes ahead and does every time.

There'll be some kind of sales process.

But then when we say yes, then the system to fulfill on the solar panels gets activated.

There's a contract, there is a definition of how many panels are where they go, which inverter, the deposit getting paid, and the final payment.

And that happens every single time.

Every time someone buys that same thing happens over and over and over.

Yes, it's a different house.

And yes, the specifications might be a little bit different.

But every single time there's going to be a contract, there's going to be solar panels, there's going to be the way that they get put on the roof, the inverter, the paying the deposit, and the final payment every time over and over and over.

Now, hopefully, if you have been enjoying this series of productions over the last couple of weeks, you will immediately recognize that this is a system.

He may not think of it as a system, but it is from my perspective, it's here's the template.

Here are all the things that need to be done in order to get a happy customer with solar on the roof, which is my house.

But that same set of events happens to me it happened for the guy before me it'll happen for the guy after me.

It'll happen for every family or man woman that buys this solar.

They're going to get the same version of a very close version of that system.

The interesting thing is that this is a relatively easy system to imagine in your mind, you can see the solar panels going on the roof, you can see the inverter on the wall, you can imagine the contract and you can see the money getting changed.

But as you head into more knowledge work, you head into more virtual work computer work.

Now the work disappears, no longer are there physical, solar panels on the roof, no longer are there.

Inverters on the wall.

Suddenly, it's all PDFs and Word documents and AI files, and this and that all being stored everywhere, through virtual drives, on Dropbox and on Drive and on the box, no consistent system for storage, no way of tracking what gets done, and you do not have the benefit of being able to physically see the work getting done.

So once you do appreciate that the very same principles that apply to the installation of the solar panels, also applies to all of the work in your business, whether that's in marketing, whether that's in sales, whether that's an advertising or fulfillment, or any of the other aspects of the backend running of your business that is critical to making sure that those top four get done and everybody gets paid and you get a profit.

This is old execution of systems if you would like help bringing through a visualization, visualization of the work that's getting done in your business into a systemized form, just like the solar panels getting installed on my house, and the next house and the next house and the next test and the next house.

This exact same structure can be set up in your business even if you can't see a single physical, actual thing in your business.

Head over to

If you'd like to enter into that conversation, start getting a framework in your mind for how these things work.

Thanks for tuning in today.

And I hope you got a lot of value as we continue this journey into the power of creating systems.

I'll see you again tomorrow for the next episode.





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