Where do the fires keep coming from?

Aug 03, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

Where do the fires keep coming from? If you're a business owner or entrepreneur, wondered about this question like, where are these fires keep coming from?

And the experience for many business owners is that there's just fire after fire after fire, and you spend your whole day putting them out.

And perhaps you might have this thought like, where do they keep coming from? Because you look over that way, and there's this big fire burning, you've got a rush over there, get that one settled, then you come back, and there's another one over here, and it's burning away.

And the curious thing is, like, where are they coming from? This is a very common experience in the business.

You know it, I know, we, we know that this fire problem is extremely common.

And I've been thinking about this mean, like, okay, okay, hang on, and there's this big fire burning over here that suddenly needs everyone's attention.

But if it's a big fire, it was probably a smaller fire.

And before that, it was probably a really small fire, maybe just a bit of smoke.

And the problem is not that it was a really big fire.

The problem was that you let it get that big that we let it get to that size.

Before we could see it.

Before we could see it, you see, once it's this big burning fire a problem now it's obvious everyone in the business can see it and you get called in, I get called in and like our come and help us Saturday, this is giant mess has happened, sorted out.

But if we could see better, if we could see it, when it was a small fire, or see it when it was just a smouldering amount, and there's a little bit of smoke coming, then our lives are going to be a lot easier.

Our lives are going to be a lot easier.

Why? Because how much easier is it to put out a smoldering tiny fire than it is to put out a giant big raging fire?

It's a lot easier; it's a lot easier.

So the problem we face is not so much that there are fires; there's always going to be fired.

It's just what size of fires do we want to be dealing with? Do we want to be dealing with massive raging fires that take a lot of effort and a lot of time and have working 6080 hours every week and watching all the profit go out to basically put the fire out, you may as well get a get a hose connected to your profits and just put these fires out with your profits? Or would you like to go over and just put a a cup of water on the small smoldering fire put it out.

But that requires you to be able to see and see this is the problem we can't see.

We can't see what's going on in the business.

If we could we could see those little fires and pull them out.

Or look that one's falling behind.

Our that person at that team member has called in sick.

What are they meant to be doing? I've got no idea.

But what about if you did have an idea? And you could assess and say Oh, hang on.

All right, I've got my I've got my team players here, that job that they were meant to get done today.

But they're sick.

That's more important that these other ones right now, let's go to deploy some people over here.


Thomas Rolley  03:58

And they're going to handle it.

So that requires a couple of things.

One optics and number two, which we've just touched on is the ability for your team to be resilient for them to be able to do work across the business if required.

Obviously, this is not ideal, but in a pinch, someone's got COVID Someone's quit someone's whatever, that you can take another team member and get them to work over there.

Now, I'm going to suggest to you that the two solutions, the two problems that we're dealing with here optics and people being able to do work, the more than just the one place in the business comes down to the same solution.

And that is how do you do your systems and processes.

How you fit your people into your systems is going to determine how well you can see the work of the business and is going to determine how well you can reassign your team to cover where you need them at that moment.

That's all I got for if you need some help around systems and processes, and you'd like your people to be able to work in them and for them to enjoy it and say, You know what? I actually prefer working with these systems because it makes my life easier.

Then head over to systemio.dev.

That's all I got for you tonight.

Interesting, interesting solution, though.

If you don't let the fire get so big, then it's much easier to put it out.

I look forward to seeing you next time.





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