Project management: Kanban vs Spreadsheet SAAS.

Sep 03, 2022

Thomas Rolley  00:00

Project Management Kanban versus spreadsheet style Software as a Service.

So this is an interesting dilemma that you're going to face, which is how do you manage the work of your business? How do you deal with all of the moving parts of stuff that's going to get done?

And you may or may not know that there are two predominant methods, one Kanban.

And this is where you would have a card, and it's like, not done.

And a column that is doing any column that is done, and you can have more columns, of course.

But as you begin the work, you move that particular piece of work across from not done to doing and then from doing to do, and you move all of those. This works pretty well for work; that doesn't change too much, and it's pretty consistent.

It's, you know, we're going to record a podcast, and then we're going to edit it, and we're going to add the intro, and then we're going to move it to upload it, and then it's going to be done.

But on the other side, you've got your spreadsheet-style software as a service.

You could use a spreadsheet, of course, but the advantages are significant.

In terms of having software, these are things like Asana, ClickUp, Monday, and XFINITY, there's a whole bunch of them that offer the features of a spreadsheet, but with various click buttons, simple options that you can click, and something happens a status has added date is added a link is added, a person is added, whatever it is, comments are added that essentially this is a spreadsheet.

And you might be wondering which one I should choose because you could equally set up that same podcast as a spreadsheet.

And instead of having it moved from part, you would have each of those parts of the spreadsheet as a line each of the tasks as a line.

And as it got done.

So the podcast got recorded, and that status would move from not done to doing to done, then you've now got the podcast, and now you're going to edit it so that would move from not done to doing to done.

So instead of moving the card, you're actually just moving the status.

And this has, in my opinion, an advantage in that it is very easy to see where the entire project is up to. As Kanban boards get more complicated, it is very easy to lose what's going on.

The other disadvantage is that you do not easily see who's responsible for that work.

Now, this may not be a problem if there's just one person or two people in the team that you guys can talk and discuss it.

But as you have work or even moving beyond working to projects where there are a lot of moving parts, and there are more than maybe one or two or three people, then seeing who is responsible for a task allows a lot better visibility on where that project is up to.

This can be extremely valuable for one person, the business owner, and extremely valuable for the business owner.

Why? Because they can look and see and say, Oh, where are we up to? But beyond that, yes, the business owner wants to know what work is getting done in the business.

But also, the team can see what's happening, who's responsible, and where there are any holdups.

This in itself, in my opinion, is why the spreadsheet style system as a software, so soft Software as a Service has a significant advantage over combat combat is great.

For simple, that doesn't change.

But as you get bigger teams where you need visibility, the team needs visibility.

Everyone needs to be able to see what works getting done, where it's up to who's responsible when it's due by these types of information, in my personal opinion. You're very welcome to try both out, get an actual piece of work that you do, for instance, if it's editing and podcasts and put it through both systems and see which one works.

And if you are running into problems about people not being able to see where work is up to who's responsible when it's due by my strong suggestion is that you move to the spreadsheet-style software.

Alright, that's all I got for you tonight.

Thomas Rolley  04:55


I hope you are getting a lot of value out of this course and continuing. Got this course of materials, we're looking at how to run a business through systems through software, and whether to use Kanban, whether to use spreadsheets; this is a very important topic that becomes apparent after you've got enough team members early days, not a big deal just to have the discussion, just get it done.

But as you grow, you will hit a place where you need to be able to see the work of your business, and that's when you've got to migrate to some kind of project management.

My recommendation is to go to the spreadsheet style ones, whether that's Monday, whether that's ClickUp, whether that's sign or whether that's one of the other.

I think, the last count I went through, there's something like 40 plus of these things.

So there are plenty of choices out there.

But choosing that spreadsheet style is my recommendation.

If you have more than three or four people in your team, right? You need help with setting this up setting it up.

So systems your team works through this design that is a system all of this work is systematic, then head over to





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