What to do when a system is not working.

Apr 23, 2021

Okay, thanks for tuning in.

In this episode, I wanted to cover an interesting problem that you will face if you are an entrepreneur.

And that is what to do when a system is not working.

Now, this, of course, assumes that you have some kind of system going on in the first place.

And I want to let you know that whether you have it written down on paper or not, there are still systems that are being played out in your business, the less written down they are, the more likely they are that they're variable.

But let's say that you've actually managed to go okay, yeah, I got a, I've got a system and I can see that it's not working.

What do you do? What do you do in that situation? Because this is important, because if you don't sort it out, then you're going to continue to have an outcome, a result from the system.

That's not what you want.

And it's going to continue to deploy and create that system until that outcome, sorry, until you resolve it.

So I want to talk about, hey, what do you do about this, and I was faced with this very situation, surprisingly enough.

And it was about taking this Facebook Live and distributing it.

If you have been a fan of Russell Brunson, you will have come across this idea that in traffic secrets, the book, He talks about doing a weekly show, and then splitting out that show to create multiple assets.

Now, this was an idea that I also was taught and educated by a great marketer by Joey Khurram as he's like, might just do the Facebook Live once a day, and then you can distribute that out, it's going to take you five to 10 minutes.

And if you've been watching for a while, you notice that I'm doing one a day.

But from here, this Facebook Live then needs to be distributed out.

And that's relatively easy as an idea that you're like, okay, great, where's it going to go? Well, it's got to go to YouTube.

And it's probably going to go up to my website, and then I could have it transcribed, and I can make that a blog post.

But that probably has to be edited.

In fact, it does have to be edited, because the transcription process from this video through to a blog, won't, it won't come out very well.

So that needs to be done.

And then if I was going to create some quote cards, then I need to extract out the learnings.

And so that needs to be done.

And suddenly, there's a lot of work from this 110-minute video.

And notice that if you don't have this on point, then the next day, when I create my next Facebook Live, yesterday's hasn't been dealt with.

And so it starts to build.

And what typically will happen is that there's a giant clusterfuck in terms of this whole thing, and it doesn't work, it doesn't actually end up with the distribution of the assets at all.

And what could happen is either the production happens and they don't get uploaded, there are snags, there are problems.

And all I'm left with is this one single channel of distribution.

Now, this is great if you happen to be live on Facebook.

But if you're not on Facebook, what about if you're on LinkedIn? What about if you're on podcasts? What about if you're on YouTube? How does my capacity to get my message to those channels work if my system doesn't work? And this is exactly what I was faced with.

I had a system that took the Facebook Live, extracted it out, did all those tasks, it went off and it got transcribed.

And then I have the work to create the quote cards.

And then the team would go and edit the video into the podcast, edit the video, add in the subtitles, put that on YouTube.

But this was done daily.

And this was the actual problem the system had to be run daily.

Now, this is okay.

As long as I'm willing to have a teamwork seven days a week.

I couldn't produce the Facebook Live once a day.

But what about if I actually had my team just Monday to Friday, what happens on Saturday and Sunday just doesn't get done.

And so this singular system wasn't working.

If I want my team to have weekends off.

And I was faced with the decision.

Well, what do I do? I suppose I could just not do a Facebook Live on Saturday and Sunday.

But that's got a consequence on me that it breaks my flow.

It breaks my requirement for myself to do this every day to show up and just chip away at getting a little bit better making sure that I do the actual Facebook Live.

And if I don't do it on Saturdays and Sundays, then I'm at risk of Monday rolling around and my habit gets broken.

You see this entire marketing experience is about a habitual showing up each day to get this video done.

And if I don't do that, or I have Saturday and Sundays off, I'm at high risk of not showing up at all on Monday and suddenly It's pointless to even have a distribution system if the initial Facebook Live doesn't get done.

But let's say that I can see that I don't want to have a Monday to Friday experience, I want to have a Monday to Sunday.

But I don't want my team working every day on the same thing.

What's the solution? So what I did was I looked at the current system, and I split it in half, I looked at the two things that this system actually did.

Firstly, there was an extraction of the Facebook Live, there was extracting out this asset out of Facebook and bringing it across into Drive in order for it to be worked on.

From there, it got distributed, to try and get transcribed.

And from that, there was a data sheet that needs to be created, where I go through and put in the title, put in the short description, and pull out the quote cards.

From there, my team is good to go.

They're like, okay, great, we can now run the production process.

And what I realized was that the extraction process could easily be done one day a week, to pull out the last seven of the Facebook lives on this one day, create the system for the production.

So I'd have seven systems for production.

But the actual extraction was just one system, it could be done once, and out of that would come the seven videos, the seven transcriptions, the seven boards that create the videos, and they could all be done on one day.

And so by splitting out the system, suddenly I had something that could be done on a Monday, the extraction and then my team would have the next couple of days to make sure that all seven of those Facebook Live videos were turned into all of the distribution.

And so I hope that you can see that the idea of taking a Facebook Live and distributing it out into all of these different contents is a very great idea.

But the actual deployment of it requires systems and requires systems that work.

And if the system wasn't working, it kind of was but it required my team to be on point every day, which sucks.

Rather, I needed to change it.

And so I chose to split it in half, take the extraction part over to one section and make that a whole new system.

And then secondarily, have the production system run for each date.

So I end up on each week with one extraction system and seven deployment systems and the outcome.

I can go on and see where we're up to have we been completed Friday afternoon runs roll around, are we set up to have all of the assets distributed? If this is a conversation that interests you if you're trying to go from one to 10, and you're actually running into the problems of having multiple team members, and you're running into the problems of like, well, I can see that I need to scale and I don't know what to do around this conversation of systems and processes, you know, invite you to head over to System IO dot Dev, pop in your name, pop in your email address there and go through a training that I put together around this topic that will help you Alright, thanks so much for tuning in.

I am excited to continue on this journey.

I will see you tomorrow.

As we continue to explore the power of systems and processes in scaling your business.

See you then.





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