Different problems, same cause.

Apr 23, 2021

Alright, so I had an experience today of going back to work as a GP.

And you might say, Gee, that's a funny business analyst.

That's a funny business consultant that works as a GP, what kind of strange being are you? Well, I'm actually a doctor.

But I have had some difficult experiences over the last three months.

And in addition to being a doctor, I've also run a medical education business.

And what I have experienced was an interesting situation where there was a very negative outcome for one of the practitioners, and I was consulting, and then I found out about another situation.

And it looked like two different situations that look like two different things that were causing this, that there are events in one situation that led to an outcome.

That wasn't great.

There were events in another situation that led to an outcome that wasn't great.

And if you just looked at this, my cheap, wow, okay, that's bad luck.

That's difficult.

That's strange.

What a strange coincidence that there should be two-port outcomes in the same business.

And what is critical to know is that the root cause for these, the actual reason these are happening is the fact that there is a lack of policies, procedures, there's a lack of systems isolation, and that actually has outcomes.

And it actually affects people's real lives that their work lives become difficult, because of the business's inability to handle systems and processes, standard operating procedures, all this sort of stuff.

Now, up until a certain point, it was totally fine.

There was enough, linking between people, there was enough talk going on, everyone felt like they knew each other.

But then the business grew.

And suddenly that disconnection happened.

And there often is, and certainly, in the case of the medic practice, there was huge growth, the actual place was booming, it was doing really well.

And in that, suddenly, the problem arose, the success of a business actually led to the next level of problems.

And one of the real challenges around the systems and processes stuff is that when things are burning down, and I'm not saying that in my current business, the practice there is actually burning to the ground.

It's not like that.

It's more like an ocean liner.

It's like, yeah, we're a bit off course, let's correct.

But if there is not an effort made to bring policies and procedures on point, then guess what's going to happen, like almost guaranteed, there will be another event, there'll be a further event that, once again, may look different from these other two that have happened.

But underneath, it's the fact that there are too many people and there's not enough system realization.

And if this is a situation that you recognize, you're actually succeeding, you're actually doing really well.

And yet things don't seem to be working like it was almost like before a certain line in the sand, things worked.

And then after that line in the sand, which was actually created because there was more success.

Because there was a business that actually worked and more team came on board, more people came on board, but the systems the processes didn't get installed, then guess what this makes a difficult problem to resolve because stuff burning stuff on fire, there are problems and the business owner, the entrepreneur actually needs to deal with those all the time.

So there's not much time to actually deal with the main issue, which is, hey, what do we do about this systems issue? What do we do about getting standard operating procedures? And that's even before you work out? How are you going to get people to do these, because it's one thing to have the documentation, it's another thing entirely to actually get people to use these?

So if that's a problem that you recognize, if you're actually at a stage in your business, where you are succeeding, and you're starting to recognize that, oh, my goodness, this systems thing is a problem.

We are not going as well as we should be, despite our level of sales to fight despite our level of success.

And instead, we're actually running into bigger problems and you don't know what to do, then head over to System IO dot Dev and pop in your name, pop in your email address there.

And I'll run you through a training that looks at Hey, how do you cope? How do you deal with how do you implement the changes that must go in so that you can make the jump from one to 10 or from wherever you are right now through to the stage that you want to be as an entrepreneur? This is the super exciting stuff.

This is actually the building of the processes so that you can get your team to implement them, deploy them and you can see what's going on.

And suddenly you are like Captain Kirk, you're actually at the bridge of the Starship and you're like, Okay, what's going on? And we're going to deal with that.

Well, I got some Siri issues series being triggered by my podcast, buy my Facebook Live.

Thanks so much for tuning in.

I look forward to seeing you on the next version.

tomorrow's episode of this Facebook Live.

Alright, see you then.





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