Transformational experiences

Apr 23, 2021

Okay, I'm here at the Gold Coast at the JW Marriott.

And we came up here because it's my son's birthday was yesterday.

And we've had a pretty awesome time, just came up one night, like it's about an hour for an hour and a half from where I live in New Byron Bay up to the Goldie.

And look, it's a very different experience for sure.

Like, behind me, we can see just a whole bunch of combiners a whole bunch of like, has a lagoon there that is really deep and that fish in it, which is seriously cool.

There's a waterslide, there is a couple of spas to be cool.

And we've had a great time.

Like it really has been interesting.

The highlight, by far was last night we went to this restaurant, it was a Japanese teppanyaki bar.

And this was really my first time in a teppanyaki bar.

And I didn't realize quite what was going to happen.

But it was a lot of fun.

There's a lot of fun in terms of the amount of energy that the chef brought to the table, the catching of the food in the mouth, there was just it was a really fun production.

And my wife struggled a bit with the price.

She was like, wow, that's expensive.

But my son said to me at the end, He said that was awesome.

That was so cool.

That was such a great experience.

And the bill came it was 400 bucks.

And in Australia, tipping is not typical, but I added 10%.

So it's 444 an extremely memorable night.

And what I'm investing in here is not a meal, but rather a memory and experience that transition from my son from 12 to 13, whether it's a big one or not, whether it's just today, but for whatever reason, my wife is big on that it's a big transition to becoming a teenager.

And I just wanted to have an experience that was very much a beneficial one for my family.

And we got that.

And the money that this entire day costs like yesterday, today we're about to leave.

I mean, it's a lot.

For a lot of people, it's like a lot of money, but it is worth it.

And we're doing some training in Wake Up Warrior the other day that was interesting.

And they talked about this line were below the line price was very inflexible, but above the line was very flexible indeed, was elastic.

And the transformational experience was where there is significant price elasticity.

Because the actual price isn't what I'm buying, it's I'm buying memory for my family, I'm buying an experience that goes beyond the $440.

It goes into our family as a bonding experience.

And to me as we go forward in life, when we can look back at these events like this, like ski trips, like camp trips, they don't all have to be super expensive.

Not saying that.

But what I am saying is that these transformational experiences bond our family in a very strong way.

And what's interesting is, how can I pull this off? This actually becomes a very critical aspect.

For me as a businessman, how can I expand my capacity to have amazing experiences for my family?

And one way that I have found is by systematization.

And look, I'm probably a bit early, I get it like my business is a bit early.

Typically you would be at the million dollars in revenue, or you're hitting 567 People in the team.

And you're going to start running into system problems.

For whatever reason I've been graced with the stubbornness, to refuse to scale to refuse to grow a business where I knew that these problems were coming.

I already had these problems.

The site was terrible.

I was like, Man, I'm spending all my time managing people.

And that was at a relatively small scale, and it gets worse with more people.

I caught up with a marketing buddy of mine, Joey Kurama out of the grip market and He was speaking of a company that is booming.

They got 20 staff it's going off, and it is a nightmare.

Why? Because they have no systemization they have no processes in place.

And they have managed up until that time, and then it went kaboom.

And they were exposed as not having done any of this stuff.

And if you look it up like it's it is interesting.

Like you get to see the same things, write it down, document it forces people to use it.

What you really need is a way that people naturally use systems and processes.

So if that's a conversation that interests you, I invite you to head over to System IO dot dev that's System IO dot dev Hophni name, popping your email address there, and go and check out training that I put together that will help you navigate this journey from one to 10 million.

All right, I look forward to coming to Your next podcast and Facebook Live I'm going to go hang out with my family and enjoy the rest of this beautiful day up here on the Goldi

See you next time catch you then.





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