The difficult consequences of poor training.

Jun 06, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, I've just come from a very difficult experience and that is going to the wake of, one of the men that is in the social circles that I exist in, in, in Byron Bay.

I, He was certainly not a close friend of mine.

But He knew many of the people that I did.

And his wake was today, His funeral was today.

He, He committed suicide and left his love to boys.

I don't know the exact details of it.

But apparently, a lot of the money that He had has gone.

And presumably just found himself in a deep, dark place where suicide made sense.

It's like, wow.

And it's very sad because there was a lot of support, there's a lot of people that came out to his funeral.

And I wonder if He knew about that, whether you would have chosen that, irrespective of his financial position.

And, and it really just reminds me that money is important.

But in the absence of money the in the loss of money, it pales in comparison, it is just not in the same realm at all, of life, particularly of a father, but of any human life that we are on this amazing adventure.

And just never know what could have happened tomorrow.

Perhaps there was a change, there was a change of luck, or hopefully more deliberately a, a reaching out for help or asking for help, or hey, this is what's going on.

Because a lot of life there is I find it interesting, I find it interesting in that the default for life appears to be for the vast majority of humans to not go that well.

And yet, for some life goes well.

I was just listening to work the system by Sam Carpenter, and He spoke of 15 years of struggle and difficulty, where He did not have a systems mindset, what He calls the system's mindset, which is basically saying, hey, the results of my life are there because of a reason that this universe is logical that it is defined in terms of, if things get done, then there's an outcome if things don't get done, or different things get done, perhaps could be, could be another way to look at that, that there's a different outcome.

And that by looking at the world this way, it's possible to examine results and change the way that they were created, do a different thing.

Now many things in life have to be done a certain way in order to get a certain result.

But we live in the most incredible time that there are many opportunities to learn from the experiences of others, Sam Carpenter 15 years of struggle that can be purchased for 50 or $60.

And transform mindset.

I think this one here.

com secrets $28 Yes, I have to read it.

And yes, I have to extract that information and actually implement it, just buying the book won't make any difference.

Just reading the book won't make any difference.

But reading the book and implementing, now we are talking about a change in the way things are done.

And that change leads to a change in results.

And I just wonder if, if this man had discovered this, this truth, this way of thinking that He could accept that where He is at right now was the result of the way that He did things and that if He could see that then He could change the way He did things and get a different result.

This type of thinking is not that common.

It is far more obvious, perhaps at the moment that putting out a fire or We're dealing with the problem that a system has created is the right way forward.

But in actual fact, that investment of time would be better at changing the system so that it doesn't happen again that the return on investment, instead of being a one-time return on investment, where that problem gets fixed, is now an almost infinite return on investment.

Because every time that system gets to run in the future, it will lead to that better outcome.

So if you're struggling with your mental health, if you're struggling with thoughts of suicide, or checking out know that there are some severe consequences to that, that it is relatively easy for those who commit suicide they're out, but the pain that the scar, the difficulty in the pain that is created by that action.

It means reaching out and asking for help, you might be surprised at just how much support there is.

But life is busy, life is challenging life is difficult, but it is an opportunity to put your hand up and say, Hey, this isn't working for me.

And perhaps others have better ways.

Perhaps other methodologies, other systems of living other systems of doing business, other systems that are running a family, other systems of looking after health have been discovered have been created.

And that it could just be the simple purchase of a book.

Or taking notes on someone who has found a better way.

And to at least explore that and say, hey, if I put this in place, what will happen, because the benefits for that could be massive, we could have been having a very different experience today, perhaps this man could have actually been sharing in a family dinner.

Having a great meal with his kids bleeding as a role model, even if He was down, that the trajectory could be changed by changing the way that He lived, changing the systems of his body of his spirituality of his relationships, and of his business.

And while it may take some time for that, that long-term benefit to appear, there would be a definitive experience of improvement.

By changing the system that the next time that it got used, there would be a different result.

And this perhaps is is one of the great gifts of people who've looked at a systems mindset as being critical to not an only business success, but also life success.

So perhaps, you might take this time to reflect on what is good in your life, what is incredible, what would be missing if you were not here tomorrow.

And then looking at Hey, what are the investments that you need to make? What are the changes that you need to make so that you can begin to experience results that perhaps previously were only imaginary or emote only? Only in your wildest dreams.

But perhaps it is just far more simple than that it is a change in your way that you see the world that you change the system and you change the results.

That's all I got for you today.

I hope you are well.

I hope that you are your family as well and that you take this opportunity having heard this, this training to reflect on not only what is good and what is valuable, but also what needs to change.

Thanks for tuning in today to samba Facebook Live.

It's a somber experience today.

But it is in these moments of deep sadness that it is an opportunity to celebrate that man's life but also reflect on Hey, what could have been done differently.

Look forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Thanks so much for listening in on this journey, and I will see that good night for now.





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