All right, hello, and welcome to today's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of
Where we are looking at the power of systems and processes to build a business that either you can have on autopilot, or you can sell at increased valuation.
I was out today and I was looking at what's the next thing that I can get rid of.
Now, these marketing videos, these videos that I'm doing with these podcasts and I'm doing, essentially drive a whole lot of additional material.
And to do that, I'll run you through what's got to happen.
So I do the life today, then tomorrow, my VA will pull out all of the last seven, then we'll put those into a systematic approach to creating podcasts, creating a YouTube channel creating quote cards.
But all of that is dependent on one thing that I must do, and that material requires what we call a data card.
Essentially, this video gets automatically transcribed by the otter.
And then I go through that and extract out the lessons, the titles, the hashtags, the quotes, the captions, all of that comes out by me.
And then my VA team go and implement the creation of that.
And then at some point down the track that gets deployed.
I want to get rid of the data card part.
Why? Well, one thing is it gets me back an hour and a half of my week, which is significant.
That's actually pretty important to me, like, okay, cool, I can get an hour and a half back.
But I can't give it to a VA.
It does not work that can be done by my VA, it actually requires someone to assess the right language that does not work that they can do.
That's copywriter work.
And so what this actually opens up is that a copywriter could potentially not only free up an hour and a half for me but do a better job, do a better job.
They're like, yeah, look the materials great.
We're going to extract out this list, we're going to extract that this hashtag, we're going to extract out this caption.
Now, what's interesting in this is that if I'm going to do that, it's going to take a little bit more time to allow for the extraction of the Facebook Lives and then send them to somebody else.
Who that is I'm still working through, I've got a pretty good idea that I want it to be a business rather than a person.
Why? Well, because that business will have redundancy, that business will have the capacity, that if their copywriter that usually doesn't is sick, that hopefully, they've got a good system for it, and that it's covered by someone else.
So my business doesn't fall apart because they had a person not show up.
But looking at the implications of this, it's going to mean that there's more time.
And so I went through today and I added seven days to the deployment of the YouTube seven days to the deployment of the Facebook, quote cards seven days to the deployment of the Instagram post postcards, and seven days to the podcast.
I also let my VA not like, Hey, this is going to happen.
Be aware of this.
And in assessing that.
And think about this change that's been made to a system.
Can you see what's now the problem? If you can you realize that there's Yes, of course, a gap of one week where I've added seven days to all of those.
And so we've got to look at how are they going to be covered.
So there's a bit of good news on the YouTube front.
YouTube, when you first sign up basically doesn't allow you to have an immediate accountant.
So there's a backlog of material that can be filled in so there's not a problem on YouTube.
And the same with the quote cards like the quote cards, we'll pull from our best-performing ones and put those back in and cover the 21 from the past podcast.
There's no easy solution.
Yes, I could go back and copy the material from the past.
But if someone is binge consuming a podcast and they have not heard this already, then that's a problem.
What am I going to do? Well, I'm just going to have seven days without an episode.
So this may be your last episode on the podcast for a week, like, oh, well, did it end? Did it come to an end? Did it just finish? Did they just forget to do it for now? No, what happened was that I put in extra seven days to allow me to systemize the creation of the data cards by using another business that has copywriters to do a better job than I'm actually doing.
I'm excited for this hope you can see the power of having written systems like this whole system is written down, there's no way that I could see pulling this off like I've seen the idea given to me.
And then I was like He is what you, you know what, what they think is required.
It just didn't work.
It was just inadequate.
Like there's all sorts of issues that have had to be refined, in order for this to actually work.
And this addition is change.
It's pretty easy.
It's me, okay, we've got a couple of things.
We'll assess the implications of this system change.
But overall, this is no big deal.
The system is robust, it can actually handle change, and not fall apart.
If you can see the benefit of this for your business, then I invite you to head over
jump on a call with me.
And we can look at your specific situation, particularly whether you're looking to either get yourself out of your business so that you can go on a four week holiday, or perhaps a three month holiday or even a two year holiday, or you're looking to get out that you want to sell at a better multiplier.
If either of those situations is where you find yourself then head over to
Thanks so much for tuning in today.
I look forward to seeing you on tomorrow's episode, unless you're on the podcast and there'll be a week as we continue this journey into the exploration of the power of systems and processes in business, see you then.
Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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