Cost of failing systems in your business...

Aug 19, 2021

Welcome to today's episode, we have been on a journey over the last six days.

And today is a review of that A, looking back at what we've covered.

And this is particularly important if you're struggling in your business.

And one of the interesting things that happens in business is that you can duct tape it at the beginning, you can just kind of throw it together and get through and it starts to work, you start to succeed, and then suddenly, a much bigger problem arises.

And it's like you can't expand past a unseen limit.

And that limit is your lack of systems, the problems that this gives pretty significant, like business becomes chaotic, it becomes stressful, your results become very variable.

And suddenly you're dealing with customer complaints, your marketing sucks, like there's a whole bunch of issues that come, you start to think that you've got poor people, whereas in the early stages busy, like my people are awesome, we get together, we work it out, we problem solve.

But at this point in growth, it's like, ah, no one seems to know what they're doing.

No one can work together is extremely frustrating.

You think the people are poor, but perhaps it's your lack of documentation about how you do things in business, you know, you might be able to do the actual work of your business pretty well.

But remember, you not only have that you also have all of the work of running the business as well.

The classic E Myth speaks of this, the technician taking over and just doing that small segment of fulfillment, when in fact, there's a bunch of other stuff that has to be dealt with, not just done but also done consistently.

And so you are left frustrated, you left anxious, stressed, working long, 60 7080 hours, stressed about payroll wondering when will this get better? In fact, even getting a grip on the problem remains pretty difficult because you're exhausted, you're working 789 pm 10 pm.

At night, kids haven't seen you for a while your wife or your partner's like, dude, what is going on? And then the worst thing is, the money game is lacking.

Like when all these problems are going on, and you're just firefighting continual problem after continual problem.

It's expensive.

It's an expensive way to run a business, it costs a lot more because there's a lot of wasted time.

There's a lot of people who are just like, well, I've got this problem, can you sort it out? Because not only are you the entrepreneurs setting the direction, you also become the one that they asked for help? And you might say, well, where to? Is there anything? Are there any options for a better reality for you, perhaps you'd like to return to actually being an entrepreneur, to being able to take some kind of profits and kind of reward for the risks that you have taken to get to the stage that you are?

And the good news is there is a mindset that can open up for you where you see that results come from one thing and that is your systems.

And suddenly business becomes consistent, your people return to being really good again, they're actually like, oh, well, we're performing we know what we're doing, you can actually see what work is getting done, they can see what works getting done.

And this is a good place to be suddenly your profits are up the enjoyability of your businesses up, it's also worth a whole lot more money.

If you take one business without any documentation of how they do their work and you compare it to another, all other things being equal, the multiply on that second business will be significantly higher.

It means an investor can come in and buy the business know that it's not going to fall apart because there's no one except for you.

Who knows what's going on.

So we then went and we looked at the four steps like how do you leave this world of business being chaotic, stressing the hell out of you going through to business being consistent, and systems creating results.

And we went through four big steps establish, simplify the structure, and scale.

And I broke those down for you in detail.

We'll just go through the big picture steps established by looking at what is getting done at the moment.

Who is doing it? When's it doing? When's it being done? And how is it getting done there the four that are required to establish where are you going? Next up, we want to simplify.

You see, one of the challenges about systems is it's actually going to allow you to do a whole lot more and it's easy to go right.

I'm going to create this and I'm going to create this system and this system, but you do that you've got to remember that someone's got to do the work.

And so what we want is to really work out what's the minimum viable systems Like, if you only have a small number of systems, which ones would you choose? That would actually get you the result of a business that works.

So we went through those four, what's working right now what's not working right now? What needs to be working, and then establishing your minimum viable systems, that's going to set your target for where you're going as you get that first system on point and then build it out from there.

The second third, it's going to give you a finish line to say, hey, yeah, this is where we, we know that our business works with these systems on point after simplify, now we're infrastructure, how do you build these things? How, what is the system? How do you structure a system? And we looked at the idea that a system, if a system creates results, then you want to establish what those results are? Like, what's, what's the result of this work? Why are we doing this system? And then thinking about a rough draft, like what Big Picture processes would have to be in place that would give you that results, it doesn't really matter, even if they work, because your next step is to run it and look at the result that you got, comparing it to what you wanted, versus what you got, and like, Okay, hang on the either they match, awesome, great that systems giving you the results, or they don't match, like, Okay, well hang on, I wanted this, I got this, what has to change in order to get this result.

And so you can go through and start to review the system and refine the system, and actually get it so that the, when the system runs, you get that result consistently every time to say, hey, A to B to C to D, and outcomes E.

That's what we want, we want an outcome of He wonderful, we've now got a document system.

This is great.

This is your first documented system.

And then from there, okay, now it's fine.

Then you're into our fourth and final step, which is scale.

How do you scale?

So we had the idea that you want to copy your templates copy anything that is getting that is a system or a template that needs to be copied, in order for it to be used, this means you can have multiple copies of a system running at once you can have multiple copies of a template being deployed, you don't mess up the work by just going through it slowly.

Okay, we've got the master copy.

Now we've got a usable copy.

So that was our first copy.

Next up, we've got the track.

So tracking the results as they get produced, what state is it in a year, we're working on this result, we're working on this result.

And as you go through the system, they'll move to Done and done.

And when everything's done, great the system has done.

So copy, track, use the instructions, guess what, when you set up systems in a, in a way that the instructions get used, there's a lot of benefits.

There's a lot of benefits, fewer errors, ability to have team redundancy to be able to move quickly between processes.

If you have to, you can redeploy staff and say, Hey, we've got a deadline.

They have the instructions.

It's like, oh, it's like doing Lego.

It's like doing later see this one back here.

Lego without the instructions.

Super hard Lego with the instructions.

Pretty easy.

My 10-year-old son built that model with the instructions.

I tried it without it.

Not so good.

Very, very difficult.

Okay, and so we come to the last one we've got a copy, track us improve.

Alright, so the last one, as you go through the processes as you go through the instructions makes them better.

Is there a link that can be added? Is there a better way to describe the work and this is an evolution of that idea of rough drafting?

So as it goes from rough drafting, and it gets run, it gets improved, improved improve this Japanese idea of kaizen 1% improvement, but you may find when you've got time, you can make big improvements pretty quickly.

And then continually assessing though, is it giving you the result that you want? Does this system continue to give you what you want? If this is resonating for you, if you're like man, I am in this position where my business is good enough to have these problems like realize you don't get these problems day one.

These are problems of businesses that are looking to scale looking to grow, go from one to three to 10 to go from 567 people through to bigger teams.

Then your next step is to head over to go through the training that I put there for you.

Come we will continue to cover this as you start to get your mind open to that single idea that systems create results in business and in life.

They so much for joining in today's review.

I hope you got a lot for But if you have a insight from that your number one insight write that in the comments and look forward to seeing on tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems to create results. See you then.





Even if you have NO IDEA HOW TO RUN SYSTEMS right now!
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