Slow going in the garden... Initial system building is a lot of work?

Aug 22, 2021

All right, welcome to today's episode, look, I've just been down in the garden, putting in about two hours of fairly difficult work.

So it's the middle of winter here.

And it's pretty nice.

But I want to get on top of the situation.

Because once spring comes, this place goes bananas.

So it's August right now, if you're on the podcast, you can't see, but it is a pretty nice day.

Let me let me see if I can flip the camera.

How do you flip the camera? There it is there.

Okay, cool.

All right, so this is my house.

And as you can see middle of winter, it's, but right down in that far corner, is a area that you can see has been cut away.

Now that's about two hours of work just to cut away that one area there.

And the reason that is so much work, is because nothing has been done for about 18 months now.

18 months in the barn Shire means that the grass is like two meters tall.

But to get in there and pull out that grass, I want the grass gone, because the purpose of that particular area is to grow passion fruit, not grow grass, on a great passion fruit on the fence so that as I walk along, we've got passion fruit everywhere.

Well, we got a visitor got a visitor, who's this? What's your name? You got a name? Nobody, your name is nobody, hey, we've got nobody visiting.

What have you got to say today, buddy? Nobody, nobody? Well, that's nobody she's come to visit.

And what I want you to take from this situation, let's go back to the to the thing down here and zoom in a bit.

So what you can see two hours of work there, just to recover.

That's that area.

And that happened because I didn't look after it.

And this is very similar to business.

This is very similar to business.

Because typically, you're going to end up in this situation, when you begin your business unless you consciously put a lot of effort into thinking about the problems that come later on when your business is successful.

Or you've read emails, and you've actually been able to implement them.

The challenge is that it's very hard to know what these problems that Michael Gerber speaks of until you go through them yourself.

Like, oh, my goodness, wow, this is what He was talking about.

And then by then, by then your business already has a bunch of Dysfunctional Systems just like the grass growing through my passion fruits.

And so the amount of effort to go in and actually fix that at the beginning, it's a lot.

Like it's a lot of work two hours, hard Yakka, it's kind of like not that nice at work.

But now, I freed up my passion fruit, I can go in with the brush cutter and hammer away that base, get rid of all the grass, and then I now have a system that will work if I work it.

So remember, it still needs work, I got to go and make sure that this never happens again, that when the grass has been cutter away, that one of the tasks, sometimes weekly might be to go along and hammer the grass around the fences.

If I don't, then I will be back with this same problem.

Once again, 18 months time, I got to deal with this whole amount of work.

And I'm like, man, it's a lot of work.

It's a lot of work now.

But going forward, it's way less work.

And that is excuse me get like high particles, I think I know there's like where the where the grass grew so much underneath, there's a whole bunch of dead grass that I've inhaled, some stuff should have been wearing a mask down there.

But anyway, going forward, the idea is to continue to brush cut the entire fence line.

So this doesn't happen.

The main reason that I couldn't go so aggressively with the brush cutter is I didn't know where the roots were.

And it certainly would not be the first time that someone's come along with the brush cutter and taken out of passionfruit vine.

So I had to do it by hand.

But the principle that I want to take you to take from this is that initially, it's a lot of work to build a system.

But going forward from there, it's way easier.

So you can either let's say that it's 10 units of work to build the system.

And then so you put in 10 and then after that it's one unit of work one unit of work one unit work, or you can continue to put in six units of work forever six plus six plus six plus six plus six instead of one.

So every time you go and invest in a system and you It takes more work.

Yes, it takes 10 minutes work to build it.

But then you get a one unit of work to run it, you are making a massive difference in your world.

It also seriously prevents major fires from happening.

And you can start to focus on things that haven't even happened yet.

This plays a big part in your protection game, your legal game, your accounting game, staying ahead of taxes, your tax game.

All of these are somewhat dependent on how well you run the systems in the rest of your business.

Alright, that's all I got for you today.

I'm going to go and jump back in and tidy up with the brush cutter and then finish up for today in the garden.

Thanks for tuning in.

I hope you got a lot of value from today's session.

I certainly enjoyed making it for you and we are continuing on this journey tomorrow into how systems create results.

See you then.





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