Strange responses to exiting the comfort zone. Logic is no match for emotion.

Aug 20, 2021

So it's late at night, and I should have done this hours ago part.

The interesting thing about business is that many of us know about sedating about hiding about running away when things aren't going well.

And things are overwhelming.

Things aren't working.

It's easy to turn to drink to cannabis, to porn, to gambling to whatever, whatever your particular thing is on my mind.

I know.

This is ridiculous for some of you with proper inverted commas, addictions, but video games are horrendous, they will take over my life, they will completely destroy me.

I have been watching my kids who are all impressively addicted, I suppose to the games.

And I just, I know that I cannot play.

It will destroy everything.

But I also went to alcohol last night, Wednesday night, had three glasses of red with my wife, look, it was great.

It was great, but didn't sleep that well.

And woke up in the morning with fairly severe tinnitus.

Like, man, that's right.

That's right.

That's what happens when I get impaired sleep from booze.

And you might think that thing's not working.

But what's interesting for me is that this is a reason because I took an action step, I'm like, I need another team player, I want to build my team.

Now the player and got the ad out got a response that I got 51 applications and like sweet, this is going really well.

But out of that came the recognition of the responsibility and the requirement for me to pay the bills for this team member.

And in that, I also hit a bunch of PTSD from when I went wrong last time, where I hired and I hired no hide, didn't really know what I was doing at all in business hired for the wrong jobs for the wrong, right people in the right jobs if my business was killing it, but at the time, it was not.

And I rapidly found out that I had no idea what I was doing when it came to managing people.

And so this expansion is bringing back those memories.

And so yesterday, it was alcohol today, it was new sedation.

And you might be familiar with this one that's sedating in, in busywork, and just avoiding the work of the hire.

And like, oh, man, this is not going well, this is a rough thing.

And in that, the daily video got pushed back until now I've found myself in the car because my family's going to sleep.

I mean, these are system problems to a degree but you got to realize that someone's got to do the work of the system, just having a whole bunch of systems isn't going to solve your problem.

But most likely, that's not where you are, you've got a bunch of people that you have to pay.

And they have no instructions, they have no systems and so you're paying them a whole bunch of money.

But the interesting thing is this business game is impressive add how it forces me to look at myself forces me to look where I am.

I'm emotionally struggling not just when it's not working, but also when it is working.

And so there's no escape from myself or my behaviors that make no sense as my emotional brain overrides any logical decision making.

And in the end, I'm just left with the commitment for what I'm going to do it's like I said I would hire this next team member, and the emotions that are coming up it's like all right, I've just got to be okay with those and watch myself my desire to sedate and just go you know what this needs to happen it's a rough game, like it's you know, this, you know, this game, this is it is a difficult game, particularly if you add in a partner or a wife or a husband and kids, you put all three of those together business plus a partner plus kids, baby, any one of those three is is significantly challenging all three together as like, oh man, you gotta be crazy.

And it does take a little crazy, but it also is it is in My experience worth it like to go through this growth experience to face these emotions to look at my body saying don't do it last time this went badly last time this cost us a bunch of money last time this fucked up this time it's going to be the same and having to go back and go, You know what? I'm not who I was four years ago.

I'm not who I was three years ago, I'm not who I was two years, one year, three months ago, the rate of expansion the business drives up in me.

There's nothing else like it.

Alright, that's all I got for tonight.

I hope you got something that perhaps in speaking to this, that you recognize your choices, your behaviors, if you want to come and play with men and women like you, then I need to give you an affiliate link.

This is an affiliate link I get paid if you choose to go ahead.

It's called play warrior.

Let's play warrior.

That is the power game.

Alliance just went off.

Let me repeat that.

If you need to kick your lights back on, then there is a game there that is a science and an art and it works.

Go check it out.

The initial entry point is the Wake Up Warrior challenge 30 days or 42 days actually 42 days of intensive experience to look at the emotional game, the logical game, the power game, the production game, so that you can enter into the profit game.

If you want to be part of that.

Hit play oreo.

io I look forward to seeing you in tomorrow's episode.

I'm going to go grab some sleep, and I look forward to seeing you on an awesome day tomorrow.

See you then.





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