Do you really want to know how much work there is in a prefect webinar?

Feb 09, 2022

Do you really want to know how much work there is in a perfect webinar?

This is an interesting question.

Because in the planning of a webinar, or perhaps a product launch or any other significant investment into a sales experience for your prospects, you have a choice.

You can either just look at the most superficial glance and how much work there is, and say, All right, yeah, webinar, of course, a webinar, I'm going to need some slides.

But this is not really how much work there is, you see, you start breaking down what a perfect webinar is.

And you start to see that there are all many more additional components.

Now, if you're not sure what a perfect webinar is at all, well, this was created by Russell Brunson out of Click Funnels, and you can get it directly in a book called expert secrets.

So look that up, you haven't got expert secrets, it's part of three books that He has written that really are phenomenal in terms of digital marketing.

But the concept that I want to look at is you look at expert secrets.

So you look at a webinar like well, how hard can it be? How hard can it be, I just got to make a webinar.

And that's it.

But when you go through and analyze the work, what you're going to discover is that there are significantly more pieces involved.

You see, when you launch that webinar, well, you're going to need a couple more things, you're going to need an opt-in page with a form that captures their details, you're going to need a thank you page, perhaps you're going to run an offer after the opt-in so we need a page for that.

And thank you for that, perhaps you're going to open people's minds up to the concepts that you're going to deal with in the webinar.

And so you might say, well, I need a pre-webinar, video, perhaps two or three.

But each of those videos needs slides needs to be recorded needs a page and needs an email to let the people know that they exist.

Then there is the actual reminder sequence for the webinar itself.

And this could be emailed, but this could also involve SMS.

So you need to have the content written for that.

And then after the email, you've got a decision do you allow for a replay or not.

And if you do, well, you need another page for the replay and more email sequences for that.

And then for those who did see the webinar, and perhaps they're on the edge they're trying to decide, and so you choose to do an objection, video, or perhaps too, and so they need the videos, they need the pages and they need emails, and then you've got the final day, the actual close.

And for that, most likely, you're just going to need maybe three, four emails as well as one perhaps to SMS.

And you thought it was just one set of slides you like man? Why is this taking so long to do? Why is it taking two months, three months, four months, six months for someone to get a webinar live? Because they failed, or they did not want to look at the true amount of work.

Now it's a lot of work.

What I just covered, there is a lot of work.

And each of those pieces, ideally, if you want to maximize your productivity is to actually build them first in terms of some kind of Google document that can be edited and improved easily.

And then that needs to be taken across to the software and installed and tested.

But what I am I learning at this point is the ability to have all of those pieces done, at least in a reasonable form, and then take those to an expert take those to a copywriter.

Take those to someone who's not in my own head and look at a nega do, this is great or dirt.

This is not great.

This is not going to work.

This is not clear.

Before I go ahead and start producing videos start producing and uploading into the software.

No, let's get that stuff dealt with before all of the final production.

Why? Because it is so much easier to have it reviewed and edited in a Google doc form than it is to look at a final produced video and go this is not going to work.

Then you have to go all the way back to the Google document and then progress through.

So the question is do you want to know my suggestion is my hint is that you actually do want to You know why? Because it's going to set out all of the work that has to be done in order to achieve this.

And if it's too much, then you can choose to scale back and say, You know what, we're just going to have one indoctrination video, we're going to have one objection video, when we're not going to run too many things on this, we're not going to have a self-liquidating offer after the opt-in.

And then once it's up and running, and we're getting some results, then we'll start building it.

So it depends on your team size, it depends on your organizational skills.

But when you plan this stuff correctly, you get two advantages.

One, you can actually get a look at all of the work.

Number two, you get to build out that work and know when you're done, there are no surprises, and number three, get to get get to do the editing before you go ahead into actual production.

This is very similar, in actual fact, to what we'll cover yesterday was software development.

So perhaps there's a theme developing here in terms of creating content, then going through editing content, then producing the content and uploading the content, very similar between the software experience and this perfect webinar planning.

That's all I got for you today.

I hope you got some value out of that.

If you want to go check out the perfect webinar.

Go get Russell Bronson's book expert secrets.

I look forward to seeing you on the next episode as we continue this journey into the power systems that create results.

See you then.





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