Why is it so easy to underestimate the work required to get a sales page up?

Nov 22, 2021

Why is it so easy to underestimate the amount of work that it takes to get a sales page up?

Have you actually got your sales pages up and you're like, Man, this is taking way longer than I was expecting?

So what I'm bringing a little awareness to you that maybe you relate to this. I'm now three weeks into getting a sales page up.

And the difficulty that I face is that there is still no sales page up.

I do this sucks.

This is unbelievable.

Three weeks, no sales page.

And you might be thinking, Well, what have you been doing? Surely, you get the software, whether that's funnel scripts, automatic scripts, or even just a template that you drop in the blanks, you fill that in, and you're ready to go.

And this is perhaps easy enough to do.

But there's a trap.

There's a trap for young players that I chose not to go into that, instead of spending my time just taking the sales page and filling it in and guessing or doing my best in the moment to grab the blanks, I instead went a step back into working out well, what should go in those blanks? How do I work out what the optimal choices are? Is it just random? What the gurus or the marketing experts are putting in? Or did they do some work? Before they showed up to the template or the software? This is an interesting conversation.

And this is where I have been spending my time, even though it's taken me a lot longer.

Why did I do it because I want to make sure that I'm selling to the right people, that I understand them that I know what offer I'm presenting you see, the software is awesome that templates are awesome?

But if your office sucks, it's no good.

If you don't understand your customers, then it's no good.

If you don't even know who your customers are, it is no good.

And so while you may buy this software, and you may buy the templates, you're missing, what to put in.

And what to put in has a name.

And that name is marketing.

What I thought marketing was a whole bunch of other stuff like its omnichannel presence, its chatbots its Facebook campaigns, its fancy ad software, its AI.

Surely AI is marketing, unfortunately, is a little boring.

It's a little mundane.

You see marketing is the identification of who your customer is.

It's the identification of what problems they are suffering from and is the identification of the offer that you will present to them to solve those problems and take them through to a better place.

You see, this really is the game of business that you can take your customers from a place of suffering and pain and have difficulty and make their life better.

And they will pay you.

If you can get there, get them there faster, better, quicker, more effectively, then they can do it themselves.

This essentially is the game of business.

But to just show up with the software, you bought the software congratulations, you bought the templates, guess what this is a step ahead of many, many just showing up with a product they like are great, I got my product.

And people will just come you see unfortunately they will not come like the Field of Dreams.

They will not come if you just build it there is simply too much noise, too much content.

That unless you know exactly who you are speaking to.

And that customer recognizes themselves in your marketing, in your messaging, in your ads in your sales funnels in your products themselves.

Then you will simply be overlooked and your dreams of money of a lifestyle that works supercars and houses and all that stuff.

But after a while, Even that pastors and you are left with one simple thing and that is service.

Are you here to make a difference? Are you here to make the world a better place? Because if you are, then you should be investing in marketing.

And when you got your marketing, then congratulations, you can show up to your Click Funnels or your lead pages, or your spinal software, whatever variant that is.

And guess what, you've now got the answers for that horrible, blank.

That frustrating blank.

The ability to fill in the blanks comes from your marketing.

That's all I got for you today.

My question to you is how well can you do marketing? How well do you know who you serve? How well do you know their painful problems? And how well do you have your offer dialed in to be highly attractive, highly magnetic to your customers that have them effortlessly and seamlessly hand over their credit card details so that they can make the journey from where they are to where they want to be and they are choosing you to do it.

That's all I got for you.

I hope you're having an awesome day.

Look forward to seeing tomorrow's episode as we continue this journey into the power of systems creates results.

See you then.





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