What is marketing? But I'm already a customer?

Sep 24, 2021

Welcome to tonight's episode, my name is Tom Rolley of System IO. I want to share with you a interesting experience I came home today and in my time at work something had arrived.

And that is that is this package is our packages FedEx package.

Now, in Australia, FedEx is not particularly big, I don't even know whether you can use them.

We don't, it's not something I've ever used.

So getting a FedEx package is pretty cool.

And the interesting thing is that this this FedEx package had had came with this in it, I'm going to do a little unboxing here.

So we got this little yellow thing.

Inside was two things.

One was this.

This is this was basically a sales rep letter written to me.

But it's written by a company that I'm already a customer of, like, I'm literally already a customer.

And they continue to write me sales letters, which is a really interesting phenomenon.

Like, Ma'am, why would they be writing a sales letter that sales letters are for when people aren't a customer, you know, like, their foot prospects and it's like, hey, then then, you know, do this and buy my stuff and all that.

But, you know, the interesting thing about these guys is they're relentless.

I love it.

I love getting sales copies.

It's like nobody will write better sales copy for your business, than you so this, what is this, this is a 10 page.

PDF, it's printed out.

And it's written to get me to become a better copywriter for my business, even though I'm already a customer.

They're like, No, no, no, no, no, no, it doesn't just stop when you become a customer.

You also need to have marketed for the customer to do the work that they bought and know whether this has ever happened to you whether you've ever bought a course so you bought a product or a book and maybe you even read it and then nothing happened.

You see the marketing must continue to the customer just as much as it does to this prospect.

And the bar is set high like literally in that so they didn't just send me a FedEx package with a sales letter.

They also said Okay, so let's have a look in here a copy of copywriting secrets.

Now, this interestingly enough is not my first copy of this book, I should already have another copy of this book is my second copy of copywriting secrets but Garrett has from Wake up, or just in case you didn't know is wake up or who’s like you know what, we actually don't just care about making a sale to you as a customer, we actually want you to get the results that you bought.

So we're not only going to send you a copy of the book, but we're going to send you a sales letter to get me to read the book and to participate in the experience of creating great copy for my business so that I get the results that I paid warrior to get.

Alright, Dan, you guys are setting the bar high.

But it is awesome to have bought into this program because it demonstrates what elite fulfillment looks like Garrett's really good at a business like just in case you didn't know if you want to go check out Wake Up Warrior.

I recommend that you do you can go through an affiliate link if you want to play warrior or you can go directly there wakeupwarrior.com But their demonstration of marketing and sales and advertising and fulfillment is second to none.

Like I do not know how much they are paying because every time I go on Facebook I have a retargeting ad sitting there from Wake Up Warrior.

Like every time that the other ones below it will cycle to two to two but the retargeting ad concern continues to be there.

Now you might say well why is that well for whatever isn't I got multiple email addresses you probably have multiple email addresses, and whatever the one that I bought with Wake Up Warrior wasn't my Facebook one.

So it's like, okay, you're still getting market too as if you're not a customer but that's cool.

That's cool.

I don't know why Facebook, Facebook maybe take a little hint out a deadline funnel-like deadline funnel can pull this off.

They're like, we don't care whether you come in from a different device or you come in from a different email address or whatever.

Whatever way you look around the deadline funnel.

You will not get past deadline funnels blockade is like you need to act like when you see a deadline funnel time and you know that you will rework I have to make that decision in time, otherwise, the offer will go away.

It is phenomenal.

Like I really like that, like seeing that little that time a target thing.

It's like, Should I leave that logo on? I'm like, You know what, yeah, I've seen the same with intercom as well, like, I was looking at the intercom.

And I'm like, what, let's look at some reviews.

And one of the interesting things was that they associated any business using intercom with quality.

I was like, wow, look at that, look at the power of that brand, where it's like, every business using intercom is cheese, whatever costs, they like, I'll pay the price.

Because this is good.

This is really good software.

And I like it.

And infuse, as across all of the brands that choose to use, intercom, all of the brands that choose to use deadline funnel.

And for Wake Up Warrior, they're like, You know what we want you to win, we want you to win so much, that we are going to continue to deliver value, even more than what you thought you were getting, like in the original offer was compelling.

I bought.

And it's like, Hey, pay attention to why I bought because they put a lot of effort into their marketing, if there is one skill, one skill that could be taken and learned and mastered, then it is marketing.

And for years I struggled with this, I didn't actually know this at all.

Only January this year, maybe it was February, January, February 2021.

I'm going through them have no my systems breakthroughs.

And in that, I saw that the order that I had already approached these three things of advertising, sales, and marketing needed to change, I believe at the time number one was advertising number two was sales.

Number three was marketing.

And I saw finally what marketing truly was marketing was the problem that I am solving for you.

Marketing is the offered marketing is the messaging.

Marketing is the pain that my customer is in my prospect is in and that they are willing to say yes, I will give you money if you can take me to a better place.

This is marketing.

And then that marketing comes through into the sales process, it comes into the opt-in page, it comes into the next page where you get all the stuff where they're like, hey, check out my stuff.

And then it comes into the sales letter.

And it comes into the checkout page.

And it comes into the thank you page, and it comes into the ads that are driving you to that entire funnel in the first place.

And then it also continues into the fulfillment as well.

Marketing underlies all of these basic principles of business and I didn't see it.

As I said, I literally thought that marketing was search engine optimization.

And like, yeah, that's what marketing is because advertising is about paying.

Advertising is about putting money behind ads.

And I was like, Yeah, that's what advertising is.

So search engine optimization must be marketing.

But then I had a breakthrough.

And I realized that you got to pay for search engine optimization, it's highly unlikely that you will end up on the top page of Google if you do not pay for search engine optimization.

So it's like maybe that is advertising, I moved Search Engine Optimization across to advertising.

And I realized that my emails that go out are also advertising.

And then I was left with that gap.

What is marketing? What is marketing? If it’s not searching engine optimization, then what goes in this category of marketing? And I began to see that the work that the marketers that I have bought from for years began with this identification of the customer, the identification of the problem, the avatar, what's the solution? What is their pain? How are they thinking, what are they experiencing on the surface? What are they experiencing deep inside where they don't tell anybody? What do they want? What do they desire? And to get clear on this, and I never realized that this was marketing, but it was He is I thought it was just like some superficial stuff that they made you do before you got to the real thing.

But as I go along in my journey, I begin to see the power of actually hanging out here.

And building systems for marketing systems to identify my avatar systems to create my offer systems to create the problem and the pain and the suffering that my prospect is in.

And the solution, or the promised land or the pleasurable outcome that they get if they are to buy and that journey that bridge that gap.

This is marketing, and like, how cool.

I was talking to my brother-in-law this morning.

And it was interesting, because my niece she is like, unique, she's interesting.

I'm like, yeah, it is because I'm a doctor.

And I'm in systems.

And He was like, You know what He said, The problem with doctors, nobody can tell them what to do.

And I was like, yeah, the only people they will listen to our doctors are the doctors because we didn't get any systems training.

in med school.

Shit, they left out whole chunks of stuff that we needed to do.

They taught us a lot about pathology and a lot about treatments for sure.

But in terms of business, zero in terms of nutrition, zero, in terms of relationships, zero psychology, zero, as like, Man, you guys left out a lot of stuff.

And the problem is that Western medicine is so big, four years, five years, six years of intensive training, to get us there in barely scratching the surface.

Like I learned more in my first four to six weeks of work than I did in four years of med school.

As a man, where was this stuff, I didn't know that I would need to know how to which dressings to go in a wound.

And that still was nothing compared to the actual requirements for leaving as a doctor.

Running practice for those of us called to run a practice as a doctor, we are extremely untrained.

And know that the lack of systems causes problems.

As a profession.

Medicine has many systems problems, many systems problems.

And it's just lucky that the natural talent of the profession is so high that we can get away with it.

But sometimes we don't.

And so more and more, I'm beginning to see that my mission, my calling is to come to the doctors and say, Hey, guys, you got to get your systems on point.

It's about time that you'd learned how to do things in a systematic way.

And they might come to me and say, Hey, Tom, we don't want to do systems, because that's not what medicine is about medicines about the patient and the individuality of that relationship between them and me.

And you want to take that away with your damn systems.

And I'm like, You know what, you're probably missing what a system is, systems, the structure, it's the integrity that holds the entire game together.

And within that integrity, you can do whatever you want, you can Shu vast amounts of creativity.

But if your structures are off, then it doesn't matter how creative you are, because the whole thing's going to fall over.

It's a lot like building a skyscraper.

What's the most important part, the foundations deep in the ground, and then they build the structure up all of the iron, the concrete that makes the structure and then around the creativity, whatever, the glass and the designs and the niceties on the outside.

But if you don't have the structure, being strong and stable, of high integrity, then that building will fall down.

And so people go to engineering school for years, to learn about how to build these buildings integrity.

And they're not focused on the glass panels.

They're focused on integrity, the structure, and this is systems are the structure that runs your business, run your marketing, do you realize that there are systems that you can build about marketing? How do you create your avatar? How do you create your offer? How do you create your product? These are all systems and guess what they've been documented? How do you create your copy? You take the book and you must be able to turn it into a system.

If you can do that, guess what? Life becomes a whole lot easier.

Like, oh, we need a new sales letter.

Let's use the system that makes sales lead us.

And they write it down like you can buy this book.

And it literally, let's have a look.

Let's have a look at page 144.

And divide.

If you've got this book, go to 144.

Once you write an amazing sales letter fast, would you like that if you'd like that you like, yeah, man, I'd like to write an amazing sales letter fast, then you need to learn the 13 parts of a sales letter.

Great, boom, I got a system.

I got a system, I got a system to create 13 parts.

And then I got another step to put it together and put it on a web page and drive traffic to this thing.

And if I've got an organized way of having my systems for my business available, then guess what boom.

And I need to remember where it is, in this book, I just call up the system for making a sales letter.

You see, that's the real power of System IO.

At some point, in this game, I went after a particular problem, the system to create systems, I call it the Holy Grail.

We've got the magic board, which is what you use to run your systems.

And then the Holy Grail, which is the system that creates systems, you need a system for sales letters, you need a system for anything in your business, you need a system to take something that you read in a book and convert it into something that your team can use that you can use.

Guess what you need the Holy Grail.

It was hard to create like you want to have a little experience of mind-bending.

Go after it by all means.

It took me I think it was about, I don't know, two days of intensive work, just like grappling with the relationship between the systems and processes and the gets met up really quickly.

You're like, well hang on, what the heck? Do I need a system for systems? And what about the processes for systems? Do I need a system for processes do I need processes for processes What the heck is going on here.

And then it will unleash itself reveal itself the beauty and the simplicity of the system that creates systems.

And suddenly, everything is possible.

And to go from one to three 510 in revenue up to 50, up to 100 up to a billion this becomes possible, you will not make the jump from 10 to 50.

Without systems.

It is not possible.

The degree of chaos that comes with the business doing 50 million can only be managed by a business running systems He cannot be managed by a business without hustling, the hustling will run out.

And for those of you perhaps beginning in business you like go for it go for the hustle, learn, there's so much to be learned in that initial game.

But for those of you who've maybe been around a little bit longer than perhaps Perhaps perhaps you will know that this is true and that the benefits of building with systems from the beginning are significant as reading Ben Horowitz his book, The hard thing about hard things.

It's a great book.

It's a great book like it's a really cool book if you're watching this and you're interested in systems then you should get that book and He spoke that it is easier to put new people into old processes than it is to put old people into new processes and I believe this to be 100% True.

Literally no doubt in my mind that it is true that He speaks the truth when He says that so you may as well start from the beginning.

And get your systems game get your process Game On.

point if you want help with this.

If you would like to skip a lot of pain and suffering.

Then head over to systemio.dev.

You see systems underpin everything they underpin Your marketing, your sales, your advertising, and your fulfillment.

Do you really believe that the fulfillment system, the Wake up already used was not a system? You bet your bottom dollar it was a system deployed out to all of the members of shield that didn't happen by random.

That happened by a system.

And the reason that Wake Up Warrior is successful is because of its systems.

Yes, Garrett is no doubt a master marketer.

But at some level, at some point, He discovered that He needed to bring online his systems.

And when that happened, life got easier.

It's no doubt in my mind that life got easier.

Suddenly, instead of having to manage people, He was managing processes.

It was a lesson that He gave me in December last year, and out of that arose, the holy grail the system and create systems if you want this head over to systemio.dev, and thanks for tuning in tonight.

I hope you got a lot of value out of tonight's episode.

As we continue to explore the power systems create results.

Look forward to seeing it tomorrow.

See you then.





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